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Group phenomena, combining supernatural beings, deprived of a material body, but interacting with the real world. As a rule, may seem endowed with free will and various supernatural powers.
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Phenomenon in mass culture
The common name of all (usually anthropomorphic) demons of Japanese folklore.
In Japanese, the word "yokai" has a very broad meaning and can mean almost all supernatural beings of Japanese mythology, or even borrowed from European.
In modern usage, an approximate synonym for the word "yokai" isAyakashi (yap. 妖 Ayakashi, dosl. "Supernatural creature"). Previously, this was the name of the spirit that appears after a shipwreck, but now it means supernatural phenomena in general.
Abura-akago is translated from Japanese (油赤子) - "butter baby".
A Japanese spirit taking the form of a small fireball or a child who drinks oil from lanterns. This yokai lives mainly in the Japanese province of Omi.
It is believed that abura-akago first appear in the form of mysterious fiery spheres floating aimlessly through the night sky from house to house and, having flown into one of them, turn into babies. In this guise, they lap up oil from oil lamps and paper lanterns known as "andon".
In Finnish folklore, ajatar is a spirit, also known as the "Devil of the Woods". The word "ajatar" probably comes from the verb ajattara, derived from ajaa, which can be translated from Finnish as "to chase", "to pursue".
This is an evil female spirit that manifests itself in the form of a snake or dragon. Ajatar is also called the Mother of Demons. She spreads diseases and pestilence, anyone who looks at her gets sick, and she also sucks the breasts of snakes.
In the mythologies of Tajiks, Uzbeks, Karakalpaks, Kirghiz, Turkmens, and partly Kazakhs, Ajina or Ajinna (Uzbek Ajina / Ajina; Turkm. Ajina; taj. Aҷinna / aججنه) - an evil spirit.
Azuki-arai (あずきあらい - the spelling of the name Adzuki-arai in Japanese and Latin) or Fasolemoyka (小豆洗い - the original Japanese spelling of the name Adzuki-arai and its literal translation).
In Japanese folklore, a demon washing red beans in the river and thereby creating a characteristic rustling knock (the sound comes from the void and can be heard even at a dried-up reservoir).
The spirit can also be entertained also by singing the phrase: "azuki togou ka, hito totte kuou ka? Seki-seki!". ("Am I going to grind Adzuki, or take and devour a person's flesh? Seki-seki!")
Ajatar (also spelled Aiätär, Ajattara or Aijotar) - an evil female spirit from Finnish folklore. She lives in the forest located in the mountains Pohjola (Pohjola). She is described as having "hair to toe and whose Breasts hang down to her knees."
She spreads disease and pestilence. Closely associated with serpents and often depicted in contemporary art in the form of a dragon or half-human, half snake.
The word may be derived from the Finnish word ajaa ("chase" or "news"). Here it may be translated as "woman-chaser".
Akashita (赤舌, Aka-shita) literally translates from Japanese as "red tongue".
In Japanese folklore, a demon taking the form of a dark cloud with clawed paws and a terrible, hairy muzzle. He has a long red tongue in a wide mouth. Akashita brings bad luck and harm with it. He attacks those who stole water from neighbors (first he drinks all the water from their field, and then grabs them with his long red tongue).
Akashita appears in the summer months, when rains are vital for a good harvest.
Creatures from Portuguese legends. They are described as very tall women who become lost souls, carrying their children on their backs.
Almajonas (Almajonas is the original Portuguese spelling of the name) or Almazonas, Armajonas. There is a version that the word "Almajonas" is related to the name of the Amazons.
Amanojaku (あまのじゃく - the original spelling of the name Amanojaku syllabic alphabet-kana, 天 — - the original spelling of the name Amanojaku hieroglyphs-kanji) - "literally heavenly evil spirit".
In Japanese mythology, a small but extremely malicious demon capable of reading people's minds and predicting the future. Pushes people to do bad things. It is usually depicted as a kind of small devil-they (large evil fanged and horned humanoid demons with red, blue or black skin).
Ame-onna (yap. 雨女, rain woman) - in Japanese mythology, the rain spirit in the form of a wet woman licking off drops of moisture. Steals babies and sucks the soul out of them.
Originally, she was an ancient deity from the folk beliefs of Japan and China, where the rains were sent by good gods and goddesses who live on clouds in the morning and descend at night, forever traveling between heaven and earth, but, according to beliefs, some of them corrupted and gradually turned into evil youkai.
In Japanese folklore, a spirit in the form of a little boy with an umbrella on his head, causing rain.
Amefuri kozō ( あめふりここ - Japanese spelling of the name Amefuri-kozo syllabic alphabet kana, 雨降小僧 - the original Japanese spelling of the name) — literally "rain novice".
According to beliefs, he can be caught playing when he splashes in puddles on rainy evenings. Outwardly, he looks like a child, wears a hat made of a broken old umbrella on his head, and holds a paper flashlight in his hands.
Ao-andon — the name of Ao-andon in Latin
あおあんんん — the original spelling of Ao-andon syllabic alphabet-kana
- the original spelling of Ao-andon in kanji characters
In Japanese mythology, a spirit that appears after telling the hundredth scary story. It is formed from the general fusion of the feeling of fear of a large group of people.
This fear is presented as a demonic woman with long black hair, blue skin, blackened teeth, claws and horns. She is dressed in a white or blue kimono and glows with an eerie blue light.
Indian nymphs, celestial dancers and temptresses of hermits.
Spirits of clouds or water. They look like beautiful women with unfading beauty, dressed in rich clothes and wearing jewelry.
In Vedic mythology, they were the wives and lovers of the Gandharvas. During the transition to Hindu mythology, they acquired the functions of celestial dancers and courtesans.
Also, according to legend, the Apsaras appease the heroes who fell in battle in the paradise of Indra (similar to the Scandinavian Valhalla or Paradise in Islam).
Ahlis (Greek: Ἀχλύς) is an ancient Greek goddess symbolizing the fog of death. According to some ancient cosmogonies, Ahlis was the eternal night before Chaos. Her name from ancient Greek can be translated as "fog" or "darkness".
She is the personification of suffering and sadness. Her image was depicted on the shield Hercules: pale, emaciated, oozing mucus from her nostrils, with bared teeth, swollen knees, long fingernails, bloody cheeks and shoulders thickly covered with dirt.
In the folklore of the North Indian region, Kuamon is a spirit in the form of a little girl or a skeleton of a child, descending from the mountains and bringing disease and death.
In the folklore of the Eskimos Ghost in the guise of a skeleton dancing a jig. When he appears and begins to dance, the ground shakes, and the rivers turned over the boat. This Ghost not only dancing, but also banging the drum that it serves as its own blade.
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Baba Yaga
A character of Slavic mythology. It is called: rus. Baba-yaga, Yaga, yaga-baba, egi-baba, yagaya, Yagishna, Yagabova, Egiboba; belor. Baba Yaga, Baba Yuga, Yaginya; bolg. Baba Yaga; Ukrainian Baba-Yazia, Yazia, Yazi-baba, Gadra; Polish. jędza, babojędza; czech. jezinka, Ježibaba "witch", "forest woman"; v.-Serb. baba jega; slovene. jaga baba, ježi baba.
Historian Petrukhin V.Ya. brings the Proto-Slavic yaga (*yga) closer to the designation of snakes, reptiles, which, in his opinion, indicates the chthonic origins of the image.
Baka (Haitian folklore)
In the Haitian voodoo cult, these are skeletal spirits. They are described as skinless people. They can take a variety of forms from animals and humans to unknown creatures.
They attack people and maim them (sometimes leaving them alive), drink blood. Baka can send damage and diseases to both people and animals.
Baka is the Latin spelling of the name of the Haitian spirit of Baka, a colloquial derivative of the English "back—up" - "to return".
Baca (Dominican folklore)
In Dominican folklore, there are creatures called Baka.
Baka (Vasa) is one of the names of the devil.
This devilish creature is called when they want to get wealth, fame and any other tangible benefits. It also protects the newly acquired goods and the interests of the owner from the hands of outsiders. The legends say that "a flower that a person asks for from baki will wither in someone else's garden," i.e. everything that the new owner receives will be taken away from someone else, no matter whether it is about land and house, or power and fame.
In Japanese folklore, a kind of kitsune, magical or demonic werewolf foxes.
Obake (yap. お化け) and bakemono (yap. 化け物) — a common name for monsters, ghosts, or spirits in Japanese folklore. Literally means "what is changing".
Usually these words are translated as "ghost", but mostly they refer to living or supernatural beings who have temporarily changed their form, and thus differ from the spirits of the dead. However, sometimes the term "obake" can also be used for a ghost — yurei (yap. 幽霊).
In Japanese folklore, supernatural beings devour dreams and nightmares. It is described as a chimera with the trunk of an elephant, the eyes of a rhinoceros, the tail of a bull and the paws of a tiger, protecting from evil and pestilence.
It comes from Chinese folklore and has been familiar to the Japanese since the Muromachi era (XIV-XV centuries).
According to popular belief, after waking up from heavy dreams, it was necessary to pronounce the spell three times: "Baku kurae!" — that is, "Baku, eat it!".
In Celtic (primarily Irish) folklore, a long-haired ghost woman in a long cloak, whose appearance or cry (moans) foreshadows death. It is believed that she is crying for someone who will soon die.
Usually they wander stealthily among the trees, or fly. They emit piercing screams, in which the cries of wild geese, the sobs of a child and the howl of a wolf seem to merge, foreshadowing the death of one of the members of the genus.
A tree demon from Filipino folklore, a huge obese woman strangling the sleepers to death.
The bathybat takes the form of a huge, old, fat woman who lives in trees.
As a rule, they come into contact with people when the tree on which they live is cut down and turned into a support beam in the house. This causes them to move into the holes in this beam. The bathybat does not allow people to sleep next to her beam.
White woman
In Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Slavic and other folklore traditions - a female ghost in white clothes. It is often considered a harbinger of death or its personification. Sometimes, on the contrary, its appearance warns of danger and prevents trouble.
Sometimes her appearance is tied to a specific legend (often associated with the loss or betrayal of a woman by her husband, lover or fiance).
In Spanish mythology, a ghostly horse roaming the streets of a city.
Belludo (El Belludo), according to the urban legend of Granada (a city in southern Spain within the autonomous community of Andalusia) — A ghost horse roaming the old streets of the city in the vanguard of a pack of demonic dogs.
Thomas Janvier pointed out the parallels of this legend with the Mexican one Vaca de Lumbre, as well as the existence of a similar legend among the Basques, where we are talking about a ghostly, flaming cow.
In Belarusian mythology, the field spirit (the personification of a lucky chance, A. N. Afanasyev compared Belun with Belobog (a West Slavic deity)) in the guise of a white-bearded old man surrounded by radiance.
He helped travelers find their way, pointed out treasures, guarded the harvest. It was believed that he, being in heaven, collects clouds with his staff and pierces them to shed rain.
In Polish mythology, the guardian spirit in the guise of a little man living in the elder bushes. Weakens if this plant is destroyed. Has the ability to heal and protect yourself and others from evil spells. Can take human form. Vulnerable to fire and iron.
Bienbienes characters from legends Sierra del Baoruco.
They were described as wild, unpredictable creatures who spoke like ordinary people, but with a kind of frightening grunting or grunting. They didn't wear clothes to cover their naked, short, skinny, deformed and ugly bodies. But they easily climbed trees, rocks and ravines.
The creatures lived in tribes, at night they moved unorganized from one place to another to look for food on peasant land plots. Being very careful, they left false traces so that their hiding places would not be discovered.
Wandering Fire
These are small lights of unknown nature, observed at night in swamps, fields and cemeteries.
Boggan (Scottish : bòcan, English: bauchan, buckawn, bogan, Bòcan, Bogans, Boggans, Buckawn) is a type of domestic hobgoblin in Scottish folklore. He is often mischievous and sometimes dangerous, but also helps when the need arises.
Pogants — a variant of the translation of the name of Boggans into Russian (animated film "Epic" 2013).
He is a werewolf and can turn into a goat.
The ghost of a child who died before baptism, from Polish mythology. He is usually friendly and, with proper treatment, becomes an invisible au pair (which is similar to the British brownie).
Creatures from the folklore of Great Britain. These are werewolf spirits that turn into black dogs. To make fun of a person, they can turn into a haystack, and into an untethered cow, and into a pot of gold.
They have cold and wet fingers, as well as glowing yellow eyes in the dark. They do not tolerate criminals and punish thieves, murderers and deceivers.
Usually bogies live alone, but sometimes they gather in company.
In the folklore of the British Isles, a spirit with disheveled hair and dark brown skin. It usually lives in mountains and forests, but can also live at home. They can help with the housework.
Website cites the following varieties of brownies:
In the legends of Devonshire and Wales (UK) for many centuries there have been tales of a creature called Bubach (Bwbach). It looks like a child, head to toe covered with hair, sometimes the hair a greenish color.
This creature lives hidden in the yard or in the house among the people, helping on the farm, and in return leave him a bowl of milk, cream or oatmeal. Bwbach does not like people who violate a long established tradition, and somehow convinced abstainers, averse even to the beer.
In the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic, this evil spirit, a demon, an evil spirit with black face.
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According to Japanese folklore, Buruburu called spirits of cowardice. They follow people and make them shudder with fear. Buruburu are born when a person commits a cowardly act, for example leaves the battlefield. They possess the man, grabbing him by the collar and touching the back of the neck. It forces you to become hair on end and causes a shiver throughout the body.
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Mythical creatures from Polish folklore. These are demons that live near roads and roadside inns in the woods and fields, leading travelers off-road. They caused people temporary disorientation in space, forcing them to fornicate and look for a way.
According to popular belief of the Komi peoples, almost all of the evil spirits (Jiji, OML, olysya, VRSA, Pusan IKE, souga) could abduct and change them, and, as during fetal development and after birth.
In the mythology of the Komi peoples, a midnighter, an evil spirit, especially dangerous to people at midnight.
In Russian folklore, an evil spirit that visits women, turning into a handsome guy or a missing husband.
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An evil spirit in Chuvash mythology.
The Vubar appears at night and, taking the form of pets, a fiery snake or a person, falls on sleeping people, causing suffocation and nightmares. At the same time, vubar crushes men in the guise of a girl, and women in the guise of a man. Usually he does not come to everyone, but to those to whom he has already come once.
Old witches turn into these creatures, which thereby improve their health. A sleeping person cannot move and say anything at the same time.
In Romanian mythology, a female spirit roaming the hilltops at night. You can be both kind (white) and evil (black). They can take on a different appearance: women, shadows, or black cats. They can protect the village from storms, hail, and hurricanes. There is a kind of these creatures that protect treasures and can indicate the place where the treasure is buried.
In Romanian mythology, women's perfume, causing dust storms and strong winds. They live in the woods, in the air, in lakes, and use the winds to travel. Sometimes they say that they cause the winds when you dance. It is believed that they can attack children. The only means of protection against them in this case, it is mysterious grass winds.
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In the Mansi mythology, an evil forest spirit similar to a twisted stump with long roots.
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Gaib irenner
In the Turkic-Tatar mythology 366 (according to other sources — 40) invisible saints — spirits living in caves (sometimes houses), patrons of epic batyrs, according to later ideas — people in general.
Usually they were represented in the image of white-bearded elders, each of whom had his own name. They should have prayed and made sacrifices. Over time, gayb irenner began to be associated with Muslim mythology, attributing to them some of the qualities of angels.
In the folklore of Yorkshire, a large ghostly creature capable of taking the form of a dog, horse or goat, a meeting with which promises death. Sometimes his glowing eyes are mentioned.
In the Turkic-Tatar mythology, the saints, the patronesses of Muslim women, correlate with Gaisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, and Fatyma, his daughter from his first wife Hadichi; in some sources they appear as a single person.
It was believed that their hands had healing properties. This belief is reflected in the magical conspiracy: "Minem kulym tygel, Gaisha-Batman kuly" ("It is not created by my hand, but by the hand of Gaisha-Batman").
In the oral folk art of many Muslim countries, Gaisha-Batman, Gaisha-Fatyma appear as propagators of Islam.
In Sumerian mythology, demons that appeared on earth in the form of radiance moving close to the ground. They were engaged in capturing the souls of the dead.
In Belarusian beliefs, spirits that live in the mountains and are subject to Perun. They turn into birds of prey and with quick flaps of their wings generate storms and hurricanes. The name comes from "prance" – to play, to jump.
Sometimes they are represented as small children with fierce faces. But their stupid running around causes the same destructive consequences as a rapid flight.
Talking mongoose Jeff
A mysterious creature that lived on the farm Dorlis Cashion near the village of Dalby on the Isle of man.
The story about the talking animal, who called themselves the Indian mongoose Jeff, in the mid 1930-ies were actively discussed on pages of the British press. He felt a thump, a clatter, sahami and spoke in a thin voice (the voice of the creature sounded two octaves higher than a human, but sometimes fell below the level of the usual range). He also threw objects. It was described as small, like a rat creature with a long bushy tail.
According to Turkish beliefs, Gulayabani is a giant bearded ghoul – a kind of evil spirit of the desert.
The favorite activities of these ghostly creatures were the attacks and murders of travelers, as well as grave robbing. Although they most often inhabit desert areas, Gulayabani seem to prefer slightly less hot areas.
In the mythologies of Turks, Azerbaijanis, Kirghiz, Tajiks, an evil spirit living in the steppe or in a cemetery and scaring night travelers.
Gulyabani (Azerbaijani. Qulyabani — "werewolf", from Arabic. hum — "monster-demon", from Persian. yaban — "desert") — werewolf, the lowest evil spirit in the representation of Azerbaijanis (gul-yabans, guli-yabans, biaban-guli), Turks, Kirghiz (gulbiaban), Tajiks (gul, gul-evoni).
In Caribbean folklore, it is the spirit of a dead man, capable of taking the form of animals (in particular a three-legged horse) or people (for example, "Susan-with-long-tits" (Long-Bubby Susan), which she throws over her shoulder). He moves backwards. If he has not taken someone's form, then he looks like a haze or a ghost, or even a white translucent skeleton.
No one can take a picture or record dappy on video.
The Doubleheader
A human being capable of combining two souls, one of which is demonic, and the second is human. Sometimes it was about combining two hearts in one person. The number "two" carried shades of supernatural, dangerous, demonic or "unclean" meaning.
A double-minded person could be a person of any gender, both male and female; they included sorcerers, bosorkans, pestilence, witches, vitryans, volkolaks, vampires, etc.
Doppelganger, Mimic or Doppelganger - in many cultures, a copy of a person, foreshadowing an imminent death. Sometimes it does not cast shadows and is not reflected in the mirror.
Sometimes it is believed that this is a werewolf capable of reproducing with high accuracy the appearance and behavior of the one he copies. Or his spirit, which came out of the body or came from another world.
In Turkic folklore, hung with bells, a demon with a black face and burning eyes, which strangles people.
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A giant ghostly creature from folklore Yorkshire, leaping out of the darkness at travelers. His approach can be heard by the ringing of chains.
The name "Jack" in the name of the creature (Jack-in-Iron), as in other similar cases (Jack-o-lantern, Jack-in-Green), does not indicate a proper name. Such names in the names usually indicate, rather, the uncertainty of the creature, and mean "some kind", referring only to the fact that the creature is male.
The Genie
Spirits in Arabic mythology, which later became part of the teachings of Islam, in which they usually act as evil spirits.
The jinn (Arabic: الجني/جن), according to the creed of Islam, were created from pure smokeless flame, they are not perceived by any of the five basic human senses, live in parallel with people, but appeared before them and are also susceptible to faith/disbelief in Allah.
There are four kinds of djinn:
A house spirit from Japanese folklore. By nature and appearance, he is a child of 5-6 years old. He can turn over pillows or cause sounds similar to music heard from rooms that no one uses, etc. Sometimes he leaves small footprints in the ashes.
A malicious spirit from the mythology of the Komi peoples. It was believed that he abducted unattended children, there is no information about their future fate. The spirit has an anthropomorphic appearance, although it differs significantly from ordinary people: it is tall, but flat as a board, its mouth and eyes are large and very narrow, and any other facial features are not different.
Evil spirits from Chinese and Japanese folklore. They able to possess human bodies and infect their owners with diseases and infirmities.
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Evil spirit in Jewish folk belief, which is installed in the person, causes mental illness, says by the mouth of his victim, but does not merge with the victim.
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Share (other-rus. ustrcha; serbohorv. cut) — in Slavic mythology, the personification of a happy fate, good luck.
It was believed that she was a gift from the gods, a power given by them to a person to overcome life's difficulties. The establishment of the share occurred at the time of birth and it accompanied a person to death, largely affecting his life and personality.
She was represented as a beautiful spinning girl who spins the golden thread of human destiny. She helps people in agricultural matters, in daring amusements.
Guardian spirits
This section includes all the guardian spirits of natural places and resources, to commercial buildings created by man.
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Spanish characters (Spanish Duende) and Portuguese (port. Duende) folklore.
Duende are supernatural beings who, according to legend, cannot be driven away either by prayers or holy water. The only way to get rid of them is to change your place of residence, taking only the necessary things with you.
Duende's height is "about two feet" (60 centimeters). They can become invisible, as well as change their appearance. Duende prefers green, red or gray outfits from clothes, and they always wear hats or caps.
In Korean mythology, the evil spirit of a Japanese, in the guise of a red pepper, appearing at dusk and trying to seduce Korean girls.
The period of the greatest spread of superstitions associated with ebosan begins at the end of the XIX century and continues until the end of the 1940s and mostly coincides with the Japanese annexation of Korea.
In Belarusian folklore, the spirit of fire, which constantly walks underground, emitting flames from itself. It can cause a fire in a forest, field or swamp.
There is a version that it was invented by a folklorist By Pavel Shpilevsky.
A creature from the folklore of the north-west of Belarus. This is a forest demoness (possibly a subspecies of a mermaid) in the guise of a beautiful girl with long hair, who fascinated young men and led them into the thicket.
She "takes away the life force from men with tenderness and caresses." She is also a werewolf (turns into a swan).
In Belarusian folklore, an invisible woman without a tongue, eyes and ears. The evil ones look like humpback cats or dogs shod in high boots. They wear hats with earflaps. They are constantly engaged in sabotage and, when they get out from under the stove, they try to quickly make a mess.
The personification of Frost as a natural element is celebrated in East Slavic mythology. He was depicted as a bald grandfather of small stature, with a long gray beard. He walks, according to legend, barefoot, without a hat, in a white jacket. In his hand is an iron mace.
A creature from the mythology of the Jivaro (aka Shuara, a group of Native American peoples in Ecuador and Peru, the indigenous inhabitants of Montani). This is a terrible demon who catches people, puts them in his huge bag to eat later.
In Russian folklore, a spirit that makes fun of people (hides things, plays with cattle, makes noise).
In the mythology of the Basque people, there is a night spirit that robs in mines and sinkholes, in the form of a ghostly person, animal or bird, spewing fire. As a rule, visually witnesses observe only the fire appearing suddenly, and not the creature itself.
In Japanese mythology, the soul of a still living person who has temporarily left his body and moves independently. It looks the same as its owner, from which it came out. Sometimes it appears as a translucent ghostly figure, and sometimes it is impossible to distinguish it from a living person. It appears during strong experiences or injuries, and its owner usually does not know about its existence.
In the medieval European tradition, a demon is a male tempter. Incubus, from Latin incubare — "to lie on" or "to lie on top".
The idea of an incubate combines two ideas: the first of them is about gravity, immobilizing and suffocating a person at night; the second and probably secondary is about nocturnal sexual intercourse with some non—human being (demon).
A creature from Egyptian mythology in the form of a woman with the head of a jackal. The goddess of embalming and mummification.
In Japanese mythology, a spirit in the form of a dog used by magicians in Western Japan. Inugami (я, from the Japanese words "inu" — dog and "kami" - deity, spirit).
To outside observers, he looks like an ordinary dog. However, its true form is a dried-up, mummified dog's head, dressed in ceremonial finery. This head is kept in the secret sanctuary of the owner of the house, hidden from prying eyes.
They usually helped the magician, but they could also attack him. They could inhabit a person.
There is an insidious sea spirit in Japanese folklore. If you look at her from the front, you can see a woman, although the lower part of her body is blurry, and if from behind, then a rock. She likes to appear before the ship or boat goes out to sea, approach the sailors and ask them to lend her a scoop. If someone fulfills her request, she immediately starts pouring water into the ship or boat until the ship slowly sank to the bottom.
Kaj, kajk, or kaji (arm. Քաջք, cargo. ქაიი) — the spirit of wind, storms and war in Armenian and Georgian mythologies.
Spirits of winds and wars, who are able to change their appearance and become invisible. Their music and dancing enchant people and a person can lose the passage of time. They really like to mess up.
An unclean spirit in Belarusian and Polish folklore, responsible for diseases and seizures (the personification of epilepsy). This is one of the oldest and oldest spirits.
The Finnish goddess of death and decay, her name can be translated as "the stench of corpses." She usually wanders through graves and cemeteries. She gave her name to the Finnish word kalmisto, which means cemetery. Some sources claim that it moves in a cloud of fragrance, similar to a puff of smoke.
Kalma accompanies and protects Surma, a dog-like creature whose name literally means "death" (the term "surma" is usually used to refer to a murdered person, not death from natural causes).
An evil spirit that invades people and causes them to fall into a murderous rage. At the same time, people may or may not turn into animals.
Murderers and people seeking revenge sometimes evoked this spirit with the help of drugs and magical rituals. The usual method of killing a target is stealth and a poisoned arrow. So it's like a berserk ninja werewolf. Further legends speak of a certain tree whose sap, if rubbed into the skin, drives you crazy and turns into an animal, usually a tiger or a snake. Throwing this juice at people seems to have the same effect.
A tree demon from the folklore of the Philippine Islands, a bearded humanoid creature 2-3 meters tall. Invisible to man, but can make him wander. His presence betrays laughter out of nowhere, an abundance of dragonflies or smoke.
Karabasan is a terrible ghost that haunts his victims in their dreams.
When the demon finds a suitable prey, it sneaks into her room and waits for the person to fall asleep. Then he immobilizes the unfortunate man and tries to strangle him.
Karabasan's visit is very similar to the symptoms of sleep paralysis. The sleeper cannot move or call for help, although he is conscious.
Karakonjul (bolg. karakonjul, maked. Karakol, Serbian. karakonџula, Greek: καλλικάντζαρος) — a supernatural being, the beliefs of which are known to Turks and Greeks, as well as to Serbs, Macedonians and Bulgarians who were in contact with them.
According to the first version, the word is a Turkish loan and comes from Tur. karakoncol — "black werewolf/ghoul". The Turkish word "Karakonjul" in the Chuvash language sounds like "Hura kunçul", which translates to "Black life" - "kunçul" literally means "days of the year", i.e. "Dark days of the year".
In Iranian mythology a female demon which attracts man, deprives him of love for his wife or bride, and gives birth to his children.
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A Japanese cat-like demon stealing the dead. He looks like a humanoid cat with a burning tail, which comes during the death of a person. She, without letting him complete the ceremony of leaving for another world, with the help of a storm or typhoon, he takes sinful people to hell. The creature has an ice bag from hell instead of a bladder. With its help, kasia can cause rain, while protecting herself with a wall of fire.
An ordinary cat can turn into a kasya after living too long or having outlived its owner.
A night spirit from Chilean folklore, described as a very tall man, with stiff and straight hair covering his head, "a giant muscular body and sharp claws" and with such a putrid smell that he can wake dogs.
He is said to have "walked underground" during the day, going out at night to wander the beaches, attacking people from behind to rip out their eyes and kill them.
For fear of attracting kavcho, the Alakalufs refrained from making bonfires at night in the open air.
In Finnish and Karelian folklore, there is an evil spirit, a kind of analogue of the Slavic trait.
Beautiful perfumed girls from Gypsy folklore. Singing, kiss or even look can affect the traveler, so he forgot himself, and remained a prisoner. Can birth human child. If such a spirit will lose the child, tearing their hair, which are deposited everywhere the white threads. Can also help people.
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Similar to Russian frights of the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic. This malicious spirit, who dwells in the house and annoy its inhabitants. It was thought that a new home was settled carpenters, offended by anything master. To do this, they nakapili on a sliver of a few drops of blood from the little finger on his left hand and hid it in the frame. To avoid this punishment, the settlers were carefully collected what was left of the house was built in pieces and burned in a furnace.
Kinka (金 火, lit. "golden fire"). This fire appeared in the fantasy collection Sanshu Kidan. It is said to appear in Hachiman, Jishikaido and Komatsu as a ghostly atmospheric ghost light.
Kiri Itiba
According to Japanese folklore, youkai of Niigata Prefecture, in the guise of a little boy haunting people at night. Afraid of the cry of the cock. If it is cut in half, then both halves will regenerate into full-fledged being.
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A character of Tatar folklore and written literary monuments. Literally – a severed head.
All actions of Kisekbash, as well as his very existence, are of a supernatural nature: the head separated from the body answers questions, teaches, prophesies, kills his enemies, etc.
Klabauterman (German: Klabautermann, according to one version, the name comes from n.-German. klabastern — "beat, make noise") in the beliefs of Baltic sailors — the ship's spirit in the form of a small, gnome-sized sailor with a pipe.
Helps sailors by warning them of danger, indicating the course, etc.
In the folklore of the peoples of Western Europe, spirits inhabiting the bow figures of sailing ships.
Kletnick (or Bel. Kletzing) is a spirit living in a crate-the pantry, assistant brownie from Slavic mythology
This is a creature that lives in the granary-a storage room. In the afternoon he slept, and at night he shifts from place to place things, noise. If he's angry with the master of the house, it can make a mess: bags of flour will tear the grain scattered in the winter on a frosty night the door opens, in summer, in the rain, the roof prohodit. Can build of leprosy, with or without cause.
The Clicker
A road spirit in the form of a skinny giant in a ragged hoodie with long hair, with a whip and a golden horn in his hands. The whooper rides on the road on a big snake and causes a whirlwind. A person should avoid meeting with a whirlwind formed by a Whooper, otherwise he, waving his whip, will send misfortune upon a person.
In Flemish (Belgian) folklore, evil forest spirits are werewolves, usually taking the form of a raven, a black dog or a wolf (sometimes with wings), a demonic horse, a cat, a huge toad, and even a tree. You can tell about his approach by two small blue lights that swing and dance. They are considered the eyes of a ghost.
A Scottish house spirit that steals things from people and makes noise, screams and other sounds, although it rarely shows itself to a person.
Kok sex
Malicious spirit from the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic. He lost his leg caught in a hunting trap. Hurting people by covering the rust of iron products.
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The Demon Cat
A ghost cat that lives in government buildings Washington (DC).
The history of the demon cat dates back to the mid-1800s, when cats were brought into the basement tunnels of the building The United States Capitol to kill rats and mice.
Legend has it that the Demon Cat is one of those cats that never left, even after his death. Presumably, his home is a crypt in the basement of the Capitol building, which was originally intended for the burial of the president George Washington.
A creature from Karelo-Finnish mythology. Kouvo is a demon, a devil, a devil, an evil forest beech.
According to Belarusian beliefs, a restless spirit manifesting itself in the noise of cemetery (the name comes from the Belarusian "kryzh", that is, "cross") trees, capable of appearing in the guise of a gray-haired raven with human eyes. He lives within the boundaries of the cemetery.
In Japanese and Chinese folklore, a type of kitsune, the "air Fox". Can use any magic, but only to help weak or for the benefit of people.
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There is an evil spirit in Mansi mythology.
The army of the Kulaks is subject to the lord of the afterlife, Kul-otyr (beliefs about them are close to Christian ideas about the devil). Enemies of humans, Coolies are dangerous to them not so much with their supernatural power as with their malicious tricks. They inhabit forests and springs, are endowed with the appearance of a dog or a creature with a dog's head.
In Komi mythology (Komi-Permyaks), the creator of evil, the enemy of En.
An evil spirit harming horses in the form of a half-man-half-horse in Belarusian folklore. Belarusians imagine him with a human body covered with horse hair, and the same arms and legs; with a horse's head and the same hooves on his hands and feet, and believe that he sometimes walks like a horse on all fours, and sometimes, imitating a man, on his hind legs.
Kupala grandfather
A kind forest spirit from Belarusian folklore, collecting "paparazzi-kvetka" (paparotnik flower) on Kupala night.
Kutisake-onna (yap. 口裂け女, lit. "a woman with a torn/slashed mouth") — a famous Japanese urban legend about a beautiful woman who was mutilated and killed by her jealous husband, and then returned to the world of the living as a vengeful evil spirit.
Malicious spirit from the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic. According to legend, he was stripped of the language of a hunter, who drank his first wine, because he annoyed him. For injury began to take revenge on people by sending them colds. Activities were attributed to diseases of the nose and throat, runny nose, sneezing, headache.
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The name comes from Gaelic words meaning lover, mistress or concubine and a term for a burial mound or burial ground. According to another variant, liaian shi can be translated as fairy lover or fairy mistress.
Dirg-do can be translated as "sucking red blood".
Creatures from folklore Ireland and the Isle of Man, which are found mainly in wells and springs.
Hiisi (Fin. Hiisi) — in Karelo-Finnish mythology — the spirit of the forest, represented as a ghost or giant. Huge stone boulders, stone heaps (the so-called Hiisi gardens) were dedicated to Him. Hiisi is also known as Hiis (Estonian), Lembo, LempoZloy spirit from Finnish folklore.
He is able to control a person and lead him to failures or force him to commit indecent acts.
An evil spirit, usually female, in Jewish demonology. She takes possession of men against their will in order to give birth to children from them.
It was believed that she causes damage to babies, kidnaps (drinks the blood of newborns and sucks the brain out of bones) and replaces them. The spoilage of women in labor and infertility of women were also attributed to her.
Lov or Lol is a soul in Komi mythology. The soul is located in the human head and is responsible for maintaining the vital principle in the body (responsible for breathing).
Unlike the ort, it leaves the body of its owner at the moment of death. It can be seen at this moment: it appears in the form of a butterfly or (mouse, bird, little man) and transforms into a cloud or steam.
In Belarusian folklore, there is a swamp spirit living in a vine. He looks like a very small old man, with a long beard and a single glowing eye. It is believed that the lights appearing in the swamp are the eye of the lozovik.
In Belarusian mythology, the treacherous forest or swamp spirit is exclusively female.
This evil spirit in the form of a terrible woman with loose hair. The creatures lived in swamps, attached themselves to men, could steal a child from a mother, and instead throw their clumsy. It was believed that in this case it was necessary to bring rods and start beating the child of Loima. Then Loima will come back for her child, return the human and say: "I swaddled yours like that, and you beat mine."
The name echoes the names of similar Lithuanian perfumes — "laume" and "lime".
Loima has
In the Belarusian mythology, forest or marsh Ghost female. She looked like the extraordinary beauty of the girl. She pestered the young men who find themselves alone in the woods, and inflame the passion in a man disappeared in the forest.
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In Gypsy folklore, forest spirit. It is usually described as hairy and toothy, with long pendulous ears.
You can meet this description:
"All their body entirely covered with dense coarse hair, huge ears hanging to his shoulders, and their hands were so long that, standing on their thin as poles, legs, localize, not bending over, reach hands to the ground. The faces of localiza extremely ugly. Huge mouth to the ears with protruding sharp teeth, fiercely sparkling eyes bulging, a large flat nose give localitem repulsive, savage appearance."
In Khanty mythology, the name of spirits.
They are usually invisible to humans (however, they are seen by animals, as well as — through the medium of their zoomorphic assistants — shamans), but they can appear in the form of ghosts, objects and animals of unusual appearance.
There are Holes local and inhabiting everywhere, good and evil, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic, etc.
So, in the myths of the eastern Khanty are represented:
In the mythology of the Komi peoples, he personified the eddy currents of air that cause the rotation of water in reservoirs, snowdrift in the field in winter, and during haymaking, spreading already harvested hay throughout the meadow.
It was believed that he was afraid of tobacco and it was enough to pronounce the name of the plant aloud so that he would stop playing pranks in the meadow.
Forest spirit-the woman in the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic. It was represented in the form of a hunched old woman in dirty clothes with a crutch in hand who lured children into his cabin in the forest and forcibly kept there.
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Medjed refers to two separate entities from ancient Egyptian mythology associated with God Osiris: One is a god mentioned in the Book of the Dead, and the other is a fish considered sacred.
Although little is known about the deity, his ghostly image in the Greenfield papyrus brought him popularity in modern Japanese culture, and he appeared as a character in video games and anime.
The Medjed is depicted as completely covered with a certain conical shape, on which only his eyes are visible, and his legs come out of it.
In Japanese mythology, a terrible spirit in the guise of a wandering monk with a long neck, attacking travelers. It is able to instantly grow to a huge height, then it has sharp claws and fur, like an animal.
Tricolor Japanese cat, potentially demonic appearance, it is believed that they become demonic cats.
Tricolor, as a rule, cats. Cats with such coloring are extremely rare. That's why cats (not cats!) the rarest color "mike" or "kimono" is considered a good luck charm and is of great value. But tricolor cats — mikeneko — are most likely to be (or become) bakeneko.
In Russian folklore, the home of the spirit, leave on the floor, wet footprints.
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In the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic, the common name of the evil spirit, the evil forces. It's the devil, devil, devil, all undead, ghosts and strange phenomena and occurrences.
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The night spirit from Slavic mythology, which comes to a person during sleep and presses bruises to changes in their fate (if these bruises hurt — for the worse, if they are insensitive — everything will go well). It can appear in the form of a ghost or shadow.
The restless spirits of the
In the views of almost any mythology, there are the souls of people who for whatever reason are unable to leave this world. Typically, these consider the souls of people who died suddenly, very young, gone from this world tragically (often the death is violent, associated with wars, epidemics). Sometimes they are called "publicans" - i.e., the soul, which mytestou due to the fact that someone or something is holding (unfinished business, grief of loved ones, etc.).
Norggens (Norgg, Norgge, Nörggele, Nörggelen) are hot—tempered helper spirits in Tyrolean folklore.
In a bad mood, they become hot-tempered and harm people. They are two to three feet tall (0.6-0.9 m), they have bloodshot eyes, long beards and strong muscles. They dress like peasants, decorate their clothes with threads of moss, and put cocked hats on their heads.
Most often, norggens appear at night between the first quarter of the moon and the full moon. They settle, as a rule, in forest and mountain caves, sometimes they climb into people's houses.
In Slavic mythology, these are demons of nightmares, female night spirits, hostile towards people. Moths attack children preparing to go to bed, causing them anxiety and causing insomnia.
In eastern Serbia, moths were represented as ugly women in black. According to Croatian beliefs, nocturnals are long—haired women with claws on their fingers. In Poland, they could look like birds or bats. In western Belarus (Slonimsky povet) they believed that the beginning could take the form of a black furry worm.
Nurarihen, or Nuurihen ( 滑瓢 ぬらりひょん、、ん, literally "elusive") — ayakashi (the supreme demon-yokai) from Japanese folklore, the leader of the hyakki yako ("procession of a hundred spirits"), sometimes even depicted as the leader of other Youkai.
In Japanese mythology, a mysterious and powerful spirit that looks like a good-natured old man with a big head. Known as the "Supreme Commander over All Monsters".
According to legend, the Komi peoples Nirton this noseless spirit, sending childhood diseases. Nose he cut off with a sickle, a woman, when he, taking the form of a beautiful guy crept to her Breasts, but something caught his inhuman nature. Since then avenges women that brews a potion and with it sends to the children diseases: boils, rubella etc.
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In Japanese folklore, a local ghost from the town of Honjo in Tokyo's Sumida district, living in a canal and chasing fishermen who come too close to his dwelling.
A Turkish monster that locks children in a bag.
Oku has no definite shape, which makes it even more intimidating. It is not entirely clear whether this term refers to a single creature or to a whole group of shapeless monsters.
Most often, the role of the Ocu is reduced to a scarecrow used by parents to discipline their children. When a young man is caught behaving inappropriately, Oku intervenes.
Due to the lack of a specific image, the ghost is most often depicted in a black coat and with a large canvas bag. He keeps children captive here.
In Japanese mythology, a spirit living high up in the central tower of Himeji Castle.
He assumes the image of a majestic old woman in a twelve-layer kimono. This is a very powerful creature capable of controlling people. She can read a person's heart and find out about their true desires, and then manipulate it as she pleases. She controls many bestial spirits who serve as her messengers.
They say that anyone who sees her face will instantly die.
A local spirit that met in the villages of Totsuka and Yoshino, in the Japanese prefecture of Nara.
Osiroi-baba appears in winter in the form of a hunched old woman with a torn hat on her head and a stick in her hands. A lot of white powder is sloppily applied to her face, which looks very scary.
In Belgian mythology, an evil spirit who lived in East Flanders.
It is a creature with long claws and fiery breath, attacking sinners at night. He clung to the man and rode him until he approached the intersection, which he could not cross. He has the appearance of a huge horse with burning eyes.
In Japanese mythology, a mountain spirit that looks like an ugly old woman of a very evil appearance, covered from head to toe with long black hair. Friendly to people who treat her respectfully.
At nightfall, she occasionally visits one of the villagers or enters a mountain hut, asking for food and shelter.
If the owners are kind and invite her into the house, then owney will spin a huge number of threads to be enough for the whole family, and then disappears without a trace.
The goddess of death from Belarusian folklore.
She is at enmity with people, and therefore rejoices at their deaths. He appears in the form of a terrible, monstrous woman in the homes of the dying and takes their souls, which he gives to his girlfriend, Baba Yaga. Together with Baba Yaga, Palyandra rides on a stupa. The name of Palyandra is used in curses.
Discovered (or invented) Drevlyansky.
Demon, the personification of pestilence in Belarusian folklore. He presented himself in the form of an animal (cat, dog, cow-yalovka), a man (an old woman ("braids are flattened, creatures are dark, would be a zyamlya, only a few blishchats"), a thin young woman, a creepy one-eyed grandfather with a shaggy beard, a beggar, a girl who already sucks her breasts, and so on).
The legends of the Komi people, this spirit was lost an ear, when he finds the hay in the hips, fanned the seeds. The farmer loading hay on a raft to take him from the hay home, threw a pitchfork hips away and trampled underfoot. After that, the spirit was left without an ear, but began to hurt the hay with even greater zeal.
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A feast
A spirit, a demon from Finnish and Karelian mythology. Probably a later loan word associated with the word "spirit".
Piru is mentioned by Agricola as a possessed deity, on the other hand, there is no certainty that he was a deity. Piru is known in folk poetry as a bad, usually very small creature, a kind of demon, and a demon was mentioned by his name in the Christian religion. The word "feast" must be a diminutive form of Perkele, or it is borrowed from the name of the Slavic god of thunderstorm Perun. In both cases, the etymology points to the god of thunderstorms.
- Lämoin emag — personification of fire in the Northern Vepsian tradition, literally "Mistress of fire"Lämoin ižand — personification of fire in the Northern Vepsian tradition, literally "Master of fire"Požaremagaine — female personification of fire in the Northern Vepsian tradition, literally "Hostess of fire"Požarižandaine — male personification of fire in the Northern Vepsian tradition, literally "Master of fire" In the Northern Vepsian tradition spirit fire.
Slavic god of air, weather and bad weather. In Polish sources it is referred to as Pochwist and Pogwizd.
Covered Lady
The Covered Lady (La Dama Tapada) is the main heroine of the legend of Ecuadorian folk beliefs.
It is said that this creature of unknown origin appeared after midnight to drunken men who often visited not very crowded alleys.
She was often seen in the northern sector of the city, near the old church of Santo Domingo, midnighters could not pass through this place after midnight.
In Slavic mythology, the spirit of a hot noon overtakes those who, contrary to popular custom, work in the field at noon. They were presented as a girl in a white dress, with long hair, or as a shaggy old woman. It is considered the embodiment of sunstroke. It is capable of burning crops.
Slavic spirits of midnight, personification of illness and insomnia. These are malicious creatures generated by midday and midnight time. Sometimes a midnighter is associated with a dead man who "walks at midnight."
In the beliefs of the Nizhny Novgorod province of the evil spirit living in the fields, on the ground.
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The demons are newcomers from Belarusian folklore. They serve as errands for other devils, but often incorrectly carry out their orders, for which they suffer punishment.
They are mentioned by N. Y. Nikiforovskog.
Annun 's Dogs
In the mythology of the British Celts, these are ghostly white dogs with red ears. They were harbingers of death. It was to them that the barking was attributed, coming from nowhere.
A creature from Russian demonology. It is widespread in the area of the Severnaya Dvina River (flowing in the Vologda and mostly in the Arkhangelsk region) and the Nizhny Novgorod region.
It lives in the cellar of the house (according to some researchers, such structures can be a gateway to another world), attacks and eats people. It makes puffing sounds, for which it got its name.
Paris (pari, peri), a spirit, a character in mythology, folklore and written literature of the peoples of the Near and Middle East, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Volga region.
It goes back to the most ancient layers of the mythology of Iran, where it embodies exclusively negative qualities. Over time, the image of paris was reinterpreted and acquired positive properties.
A fiery spirit from Slavic mythology. According to Czech beliefs, it can be born from an egg that a person incubates on a stove for nine days and nights.
He usually looks like a bird or a dragon with a sparkling body, hair made of flame and radiance escaping from his mouth. He can turn into fire. He usually runs errands for his master.
In German folklore, evil female field spirits who walk naked, showing their black breasts, from which poisonous milk oozes.
The spouses of the Bilvises (in German folklore, evil tree spirits).
In Latvian and Lithuanian folklore, a spirit living in a mill and appearing in the form of a black cat. He helps the millers by bringing grain.
In Japanese mythology, the angry spirits of tree leaves that appear where the support post is installed upside down (not as the tree grew). They creak and groan, imitating the sound's sagging beams, and sometimes even say the whole phrase, e.g., "my Neck hurts!", can cause Democratie, breaking things in the house and even cause a fire.
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In Japanese folklore, small (about 30 to 120 centimeters) mountain humanoid spirits with a single leg turned back.
Sometimes they attack people. If this happens, then you should shout: "Hidei-gami!", then sansei will run away in horror.
But if you shout "Sansei!" at the sight of the spirit, then a terrible misfortune will befall a person, for example, he will get sick or his house will burn down.
In Japanese folklore, this is the name of a special kind of spirits that look like plates covered with ghostly fire (usually nine) flying over the well of Himeji Castle ("White Heron Castle" at the foot of Mount Hime (Hyogo Prefecture, Harima region)).
In Egyptian mythology, the goddess of war, the scorching sun and fierce revenge.
She was depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness. Since the time of the Middle Kingdom, a solar disk with uraeus and a snake appeared above her head, spewing flames at everyone whom the goddess wants to punish. He usually clutches the ankh symbol of life and a papyrus scepter (wAs) in his hands. Sometimes there are images of her with the horns of a cow or aries. Also, instead of the head, the eye of Ra was depicted, and the hands were raised like a Mine.
The spirit dwelling in the Prefecture of Kagoshima, on the island Kikaijima. When a person goes at night on the road, suddenly the eyes can obscure a wide branch of creatures like the tree that cannot be circumvented.
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Sin sex
One-eyed evil spirit from the mythology of the peoples of the Komi Republic. He was deprived of his eyes by some blacksmith. Offended people annoy them, hanging everywhere the web.
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The spirit is a yokai from Japanese folklore, having an eye in place of the anus. Its name literally translates as "butt-eye".
The haiku poet and artist Yosa Buson (1716-1784) depicted sirime in many of his paintings dedicated to youkai, but this creature also appeared in drawings by other artists.
A house spirit in Italian mythology in the guise of little men in fancy clothes and red hats. He likes to harass children and play pranks, but they can point out where the treasure is buried or suggest winning numbers in the lottery.
In the folklore of the Scandinavian peoples of the forest spirits. They can enchant, make you mad, maim and even kill. I can spend hours to drive through the woods, forced to climb through the fallen trees, etc., Capable of enter into an intimate relationship with people. Women can even give birth to a child after such communication.
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The embodiment of fertility from East Slavic mythology.
In some places, peasants imagined a Knotweed in the form of a white curly-haired man who walks around the field (sometimes together with God and Paradise). He was considered the spirit of prosperity and wealth.
P. V. Shane considered Sporysh a pagan god on the basis of the sparyshev (district) Belarusian songs recorded by him, but other researchers (D. Kravchenko) do not agree with this interpretation and consider Sporysh a product of "cabinet mythology".
In medieval European tradition, a female demon who enters into intimate relationships with people. Succubus, from Latin succubare — "to lie under".
For early demonologists, succubi were a kind of dream demons, real beings of the non-human world. In the middle Ages, their reality was not questioned, only the interpretation changed. Now they were either messengers of the devil, or he himself in female form. Later, when it will be noticed that the phenomenon of such mysterious lovers often occurs in a special "borderline" state of consciousness-between sleep and wakefulness.
The Hustlers
In English folklore, house spirits who like to rattle and knock. They turn into animals and run around the house in the guise of squirrels or cats. They bang on walls, knock on stairs, slam doors, throw bricks and stones at passing people, mess around, jump and shout at night, pull off bed coverings from sleepy ones, extinguish candles from servants, overturn the milk trough at the cowshed and, pouring milk, laugh with evil laughter and much more.
Little mischievous spirits from Okayama Prefecture, Japan. On rainy nights, they appear where people walk and rub against their shins, get under their feet and poke their noses under their knees, making walking difficult in every possible way. Most often they are described as similar to dogs or cats.
Sasuke Cochin
As stated in the legends of Niigata Prefecture, rainy nights the light appears and flies around the place where the bodies were washed from graves.
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A creature from Zulu mythology. He appears to be an evil spirit, similar to a gnome (according to various beliefs, he can also resemble a zombie, poltergeist or gremlin), which can become invisible.
Tikoloshe are called by evil zamans to create problems for others: to scare children, cause illness or even death of the victim.
According to the shamans of the Mutwa Creed, the creatures are able to take on various forms from the appearance of a gremlin, to a humanoid creature similar to a bear.
Torgeyrov bull
A ghost in Icelandic folklore. He looks like a bull with a hanging skin, created by a sorcerer from hooves and bones.
There is a creature with this name in the mythology of the Eskimos and in the mythology of the Indians of North America.
It is also called Tornarsuk, Torngarsoak, Torngasoak, Tungrangayak, Torngarsuk, Torngarsuk, Innuit, Eskimo, Labrador, Arctic, Tornak, Tornatic, Torngarsok, Torngasok, Tungrangahuak.
His Latin names: Innuit. Eskimo. Labrador. Artic. Tornatik. Torngarsoak. Torngasoak. Tungrangayak. Torngarsuk.
Tranyalis is a tiny anthropomorphic creature similar to brownies and kaukas in Lithuanian folklore, helping in the household.
Furry mischievous spirit of the house of the Cantabrian folklore. It was believed that he showed his presence by throwing flour, drinking milk or splashing, flapping and creaking of doors or Windows, hiding shoes, as well as sounds of unknown origin, laughter or crying. As a rule, presented in the guise of a mischievous imp, totally covered in black fur, with green eyes, crooked protruding teeth, with barely visible horns and a tail.
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In Japanese mythology, this is the undead spirit of an old woman who died of shame when caught stealing. It appears mainly during the rain on the river bank in the form of a burning old woman's head or a large fireball.
A demon from ancient Mesopotamian mythology. The word is usually ambiguous and is sometimes used to refer to demons in general rather than a specific type of demon.
No visual images of udyug have yet been identified, but descriptions attribute to him features often inherent in other ancient Mesopotamian demons: a dark shadow, the absence of light surrounding him, poison and a deafening voice.
The Udugi (Sumerian), later known in Akkadian as Utukku, were an ambiguous class of demons from ancient Mesopotamian mythology.
In external general features, he resembles all kinds of ancient Mesopotamian demons: a dark shadow, the absence of light surrounding it, poison and a deafening voice.
In a bilingual incantation written in Sumerian and Akkadian, the god Asalluhi describes the "evil udug" to his father Enki:
A ghost from Icelandic folklore in the guise of a person or an animal, haunting a certain person or all people from his family. He could be harmless, but more often he caused various troubles, sometimes even tried to ruin.
Khantu Kopek
A creature of Malay beliefs. It belongs to a type of ethereal beings, perhaps from the group of djinn/devils, who like to bother people. It is said that the ghost takes the form of an old woman who likes to hide small children who like to play near the house in the evening and at night, hiding them under her breasts.
Javanese believe that these ghosts often disguise themselves as beautiful women with large breasts to attract the attention of boys.
It is believed that to get rid of it, you need to pinch the ghost's chest or throw sand after reading al-Kursi's verse.
Hee-but Tama
In Japanese folklore, the so called group of evil spirits in the form of fireballs, flying through the air.
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Hideigami (Japanese: 日 日, deity of drought) - a mythical variety of yokai in Japanese folklore that has the power to cause drought. Borrowed from China, where this creature is called batsu.
This spirit looks like a ridiculous hairy humanoid exclusively female, while quite small (from sixty to ninety centimeters) in height, has eyes on the top of his head, and moves quickly ("like the wind").
It is described as a beast with one arm, one leg, and one eye
A creature from Belarusian mythology who laughs at the moment when a misfortune happens to a person.
Hobgoblin (hobgoblin) is a type of brownie (larger) from English folklore. The creature is a big fan of jokes, which are not always harmless.
Good-natured house fairies, similar in their habits to brownies. They rarely leave the house, preferring to bask by the fire.
True, they are very touchy, and if they are offended, then the owners get the first number - the milk turns sour, the clothes tear as if by themselves, the cleanly swept floor immediately turns dirty again.
A creature from Karelo-Finnish mythology. A Horkka is an indeterminate creature, a distributor of diseases.
In German folklore, house spirits, close relatives of the Heinzels.
They are similar to each other in appearance and habits, but hyutchen is distinguished by red caps, from which they got their nickname - in translation, this word means approximately "people in hats".
They are also house spirits who, like brownies, do housework for a modest fee. They are from one to three feet tall (0.3-0.9 m), capable of turning into children and small animals.
In Chinese mythology, a spirit that had a human body and two heads that served as nests where bees could lay honey.
In Belarusian and Polish mythology, the spirit is in the form of a snake. Three kinds of Cmocs: General (Cmoc), Brownie (domovik) and Forest (lesovik). Cmoc is not hostile to man.
In Japanese folklore, these are tree spirits in the form of bluish-white fireballs appearing among the branches in the forest. Their fire is completely harmless to both trees and humans.
Shadow Man
They are described as "shadow-like figures", most often in the form of a person, but not only (in our practice, there were, for example, jellyfish-like creatures, as well as a creature similar to a horse). As a rule, they are seen on the periphery of vision. Usually they don't do anything wrong, but the observer has a clear sense of someone else's presence.
Black Shaq
The ghostly black dog from the English (stories about him are part of folklore Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex) legends.
The creature is huge (the size of a very large dog or even a moose), having shaggy black fur, huge red eyes "the size of a saucer" and sharp bared teeth. It is a harbinger of death or, more rarely, a killer.
These are Belarusian mythological characters, symbols of idleness, callousness and importunity. They are known as creatures leading a completely stupid and useless lifestyle. There is no benefit from these creatures: they can wander aimlessly along roads, fields, forests for days without doing anything useful.
Small and high scum in Belarusian folklore.
A character of the Carpathian-Balkan demonology, known in Albania. Beliefs about him are known in Slovakia, southern Poland, Slovenia, Croatia.
According to the ideas of the Poles, Natalia, shtriga is an evil sorceress who is able to take milk from other people's cows and sheep, attack sleeping children and drink their blood, send diseases to people and cattle. Along with this, the word shtriga often denoted the spirit of a deceased person, a vampire, a night ghost or the soul of a deceased witch.
In Altai mythology, evil spirits of the underworld. They send diseases, steal a person's soul. They appear in the form of a black vortex or in the image of a beautiful girl.
A kind of utukku in Sumerian mythology.
They are the ghosts of people who have not been properly buried. They were considered vindictive towards living people and allegedly could take over people's bodies if they did not observe certain taboos: for example, the ban on eating ox meat. It was believed that they caused diseases and could encourage people to commit crimes, but sometimes they could be calmed down by holding commemorations or sacrificial libations.
El Cuco
El Cuco (or Cucuy, Coca, Cook, Coco) is a mystical ghost monster that is mentioned in scary stories for children in many Latin American and Portuguese–speaking countries. In its cultural significance, it is similar to the American Boogeyman and Babai from Slavic folklore.
El Cuco has a gender, although it is impossible to distinguish him by the appearance of the monster. At the same time, the folklore names of creatures of different sexes are different: Kuko is a male monster, and Kuka is a female, .
El Familiare
The legend is known in the sugar factories of the northeast of Argentina. According to popular belief, it is a spirit that devours people when it wanders through the cane fields. There are several entries that refer to his appearance: some of them describe him as a large snake, others as a dog, while many others give him humanoid features or translucent shadow features.
He has big red glowing eyes and fiery hair color. He feeds on human flesh. Only those who were his victims know about him.
A creature from the mythology of the Jivaro (aka Shuara, a group of Native American peoples in Ecuador and Peru, the indigenous inhabitants of Montani). The spirit is the lord of land animals. Able to revive animals and birds from their remains. Its main manifestation is the Sun, but it can also manifest itself in the form of any of the daytime animals.
In Japanese mythology, the ghostly spirit of the mountains. This nickname translates as "Snow Woman".
It appears on winter nights during a snowfall, in a blizzard or when the full moon is shining and lies in wait for travelers, whom it mercilessly kills. She is a tall, incredibly beautiful woman, with long black (occasionally white) hair, dark purple eyes and smooth snow-white skin cold as ice.
In Japanese mythology, one-eyed mountain spirits. They are short creatures resembling boys of about ten years old, with a short torso and long legs. Their whole body is covered with very thin, light hair, and long brown hair grows on their heads. They have one eye in the middle of their forehead.
They imitate sounds very skillfully, imitating the noise of falling stones, wind, dynamite or a drilling rig. In addition, they can learn human languages and even sing human songs.
Field Silesian demon mythology, appearing in the boggy fields in the form of a partridge, pheasant or hare. If you do manage to catch, it becomes the home of the spirit, helping with the housework.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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