С Новым 2024 годом!
Дорогие участники группы, консультанты и просто читатели сайта, поздравляю вас с Новым годом!
В этом году мы нашли много новых друзей и начали масштабную работу по обновлению сайта, чтобы заниматься исследованием необъясненного было еще удобней. Пускай в новом году нас всех ждут яркие и радостные впечатления, новые удивительные знакомства и масштабные перспективы! Пусть у каждого будет то, что вдохновляет его жить и радоваться жизни!
The Fern Flower project is 25 years old!
Dear friends, colleagues and just visitors of the site!
Today marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of our project. During this time, he has come a long way from a set of entries in a common notebook to a large-scale Internet resource. I sincerely thank everyone involved in its development for your enthusiasm and ideas that help us move forward. I wish you happiness and adventures on the way to comprehend this amazing world!
Project Coordinator
July N.
Happy New Year 2023!
Dear members of the group, consultants, readers of the site and all those who are not indifferent, I congratulate you on the New Year! I wish you all new impressions and a unique experience on the way of studying the unexplained, so that this hobby reveals your potential and gives you positive emotions! Happiness and success in the new year!
Happy foundation day of the project!
On this day, August 26, 1998, exactly 24 years ago, the first step on this long path was taken. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who took part in the formation and development of the project during these years. I wish all the members of the group, consultants and readers of the site unexpected ideas and inexhaustible energy to comprehend this amazing and ambiguous world.
Map of mystical places of the world
A map of mystical places of the world has appeared on the site, based on information from urban legends of different peoples. So far, it shows well-known mystical places, often mentioned in the media and travel blogs. We understand that there are many more such places, and we really hope that our readers will help us supplement the map, as well as correct the information provided on the site.
Happy New Year!
Dear members of the group, consultants, readers of the site and all those who are not indifferent, I congratulate you on the New Year! May this year bring a lot of happiness and pleasant events. I wish you all the best, kind, amazing and unforgettable!
Module "Did you find an error?"
The module "Did you find an error?" was added to the site, which allows you to quickly inform the site administration about errors, typos and inaccuracies in the text.
To do this, select the text and press CTRL + ENTER, then enter an explanatory message in the window that appears and click "Send".
Use the module and help the site become better!
Image Gallery
On the website appearedA gallery of images sorted by the year of the incident of the fact to which they relate. We plan to add filters later.
If you notice an error in the description of the image, then help the project to become better and write about it in feedback or in a comment to the fact with this image.
We express our gratitude to our regular reader VNE. For more than 5 years, he has been actively involved in the development of the project: he presented several rare books to our library, shared his collection of newspaper and magazine clippings, regularly helps to search for information to replenish the Archive, as well as confirmation or refutation of versions when investigating facts.
We sincerely thank VNE for its significant contribution to the development of the project and hope for further fruitful cooperation!
The project is 23 years old!
I congratulate all the participants of the project, consultants and readers of the site on the Day of the foundation of the project! Thank you to everyone who took part in its formation and development. I wish you all good luck and success in exploring and learning about this amazing world.