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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Sun, 11/11/2018
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The common name of all (usually anthropomorphic) demons of Japanese folklore.

In Japanese, the word "yokai" has a very broad meaning and can mean almost all supernatural beings of Japanese mythology, or even borrowed from European. 

In modern usage, an approximate synonym for the word "yokai" isAyakashi (yap. 妖 Ayakashi, dosl. "Supernatural creature"). Previously, this was the name of the spirit that appears after a shipwreck, but now it means supernatural phenomena in general.

The concept of "yokai" came to Japan from China to denote a certain energy that permeates all living and inanimate, forcing them to exhibit amazing, inexplicable, mysterious properties. These properties , in turn , were also called yokai . Youkai was omnipresent and dangerous, as any element such as a tsunami, typhoon or lightning can be dangerous. However, over time, the concept has significantly narrowed and began to be used to name supernatural beings.

Types of youkai:

  • They (cannibal demons).
  • Mystical animals
  • Tsukumogami (animated objects)
  • Youkai, once human

There is a classification of youkai by habitat. They can be divided into 5 large groups:

  • Living in the mountains — these include the flying demons tengu and the witch Yamauba;
  • Living on the roadsides — for example, the one-eyed Hitotsume—kozo, the faceless nopperapon and the giant monster - mikosi nyudo;
  • Living in the house — brownie — dzashiki-varasi and the keeper of the barn — kura-bokko;
  • Living in reservoirs — this type includes both sea youkai — ghost ship - funayurei and iso—onna appearing on the seashore in female form - and river ones — water kappa; youkai of non—flowing waters — nusi. Amabie usually lives in seas or rivers, but can also appear in flood fields.
  • Among the moving, constantly changing their location, a horse without a head — kubikire-mind stands out especially.
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