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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy

The Genie

Added Fri, 02/11/2018
Область распространения
Saudi Arabia
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Spirits in Arabic mythology, which later became part of the teachings of Islam, in which they usually act as evil spirits.

The jinn (Arabic: الجني/جن), according to the creed of Islam, were created from pure smokeless flame, they are not perceived by any of the five basic human senses, live in parallel with people, but appeared before them and are also susceptible to faith/disbelief in Allah.

There are four kinds of djinn:

  • Ifrits who command fire,
  • A ghoul is a female creature that lives in deserts and cemeteries and feeds on fresh dead,
  • Marids are djinn of air or water, rational and intelligent creatures
  • The Force is the weakest of the djinn, unable to change shape.

People at all times have wanted to subdue the genie and use their ability to work miracles to fulfill their desires. Like other impure beings, the jinn often fulfilled these desires, but misrepresenting them. Djinn can take absolutely any form. They usually live in vessels with oil.

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