- ?-mi’-kuk long limbs tentacles water creature
- A-Mi-Cook long limbs tentacles water creature
- Abumi-guti long limbs tentacles water creature
- Abumi-kuti long limbs tentacles water creature
- Abumiguchi long limbs tentacles water creature
- Acheri anthropomorphic creature the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death
- Akeri anthropomorphic creature the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death
- Ancheri anthropomorphic creature the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death
- Adzuki-arai sounds without visible sources
- Adzuki-age sounds without visible sources
- Adzuki-gosyagosya sounds without visible sources
- Adzuki-sarasara sounds without visible sources
- Adzuki-sogi sounds without visible sources
- Adzuki-togi sounds without visible sources
- Adzuki-yaroo sounds without visible sources
- Agach-Kishi anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Agach kishi anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Agropelter anthropomorphic creature hairy creature superpowered creature
- Aguane anthropomorphic creature water creature
- Ahlis disproportionate body
- Achlis disproportionate body
- Aigamuchab anthropomorphic creature
- Aigamuxa anthropomorphic creature
- Aigamuxab anthropomorphic creature
- Aigamuxas anthropomorphic creature
- Aigamucha anthropomorphic creature
- Aitvaras choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Altvixas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Atvaras choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Aitvar choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Ajina anthropomorphic creature high being large creature turns into an animal
- Ajinna anthropomorphic creature high being large creature turns into an animal
- Akashita a separate part of the body hairy creature
- Akadzita a separate part of the body hairy creature
- Aku-aku changes form excessive thinness helps superpowered creature
- Akuaku changes form excessive thinness helps superpowered creature
- Albasta anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Albasts anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Alvasti anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Almasts anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Alpastă anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Albys anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Alvasty anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Albass anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Albasly anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Albasly katyn anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Al-ana anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Al-qara anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Al-kuzy anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Ama-biko animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Ama-biko-nyudo animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Amabie animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Amahiko animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Arie animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Amabie animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Amahiko animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Arie animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Amalanhig anthropomorphic creature living dead the bare bones of the skeleton
- Amaranhig anthropomorphic creature living dead the bare bones of the skeleton
- Amanojaku circumstance perception predicts the future the little creature
- Ama no zaku circumstance perception predicts the future the little creature
- Ama no jyaku circumstance perception predicts the future the little creature
- Amanjaku circumstance perception predicts the future the little creature
- Amanojaku circumstance perception predicts the future the little creature
- Amayuryuk anthropomorphic creature large creature
- Amautalik anthropomorphic creature large creature
- Amt animal body parts
- Am-am animal body parts
- Am-mit animal body parts
- Am-mut animal body parts
- Amam animal body parts
- Amamat animal body parts
- Amemite animal body parts
- Ammat animal body parts
- Angel Hair an unknown substance destroyed by touching flying object white gelatinous mass
- Angiac anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood restless spirit turns into an animal
- Angeuk anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood restless spirit turns into an animal
- Angyak anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood restless spirit turns into an animal
- Anki-Kiele hairy creature water creature
- Anky-kele hairy creature water creature
- Annun 's Dogs hairy creature sounds without visible sources the harbinger of death translucent
- Annun 's Pack hairy creature sounds without visible sources the harbinger of death translucent
- Anschikh Titva Pyalt animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Ansih Titva Pyalt animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- An Old Man as Long as a Hare animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Anzud animal body parts
- Anzu animal body parts
- Ao-bodzu anthropomorphic creature choking victim large creature superpowered creature the unusual shape of the eyes
- Aobodzu anthropomorphic creature choking victim large creature superpowered creature the unusual shape of the eyes
- Ao-sagi-bi a small light at the earth's surface unusual sounds water creature
- Aosagi-bi a small light at the earth's surface unusual sounds water creature
- Aosaginoi a small light at the earth's surface unusual sounds water creature
- Aosagibi a small light at the earth's surface unusual sounds water creature
- Apop scales
- Apep scales
- Apophis scales
- Apsaras anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim
- Apsaras anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim
- Artabatites anthropomorphic creature
- Artibatira anthropomorphic creature
- Artabatite anthropomorphic creature
- Artabatitay anthropomorphic creature
- Arulatag anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body glowing eyes hairy creature high being hurting people large creature unusual eye color
- Arzuri a small light at the earth's surface unusual sounds water creature
- Arsuri a small light at the earth's surface unusual sounds water creature
- Asanbosam anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood unusual eye color
- Asasabonsam anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood unusual eye color
- Askefroy anthropomorphic creature
- Ash's wife anthropomorphic creature
- Ash Nymph anthropomorphic creature
- Aswang afraid of the light changes form hurting people turns into a human turns into an animal unusual sounds
- Aswanga afraid of the light changes form hurting people turns into a human turns into an animal unusual sounds
- Asuvan afraid of the light changes form hurting people turns into a human turns into an animal unusual sounds
- Atsan anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Adana anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Avank high being water creature
- Addank high being water creature
- Afank high being water creature
- A cat that can change its appearance turns into a human
- A woman from Shi anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Antsybal anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Ancibol anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Antip bolotny anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Anty bolotny anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Agta anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Animal death hooves the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death turns into an animal
- Alva a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature flattened plants memory lapses the distortion of time the glowing areas of the body the little creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim the transition to another world
- Anchutka bespyatny animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Aulva anthropomorphic creature pass the device or knowledge the transition to another world
- Afrit anthropomorphic creature burn marks flying creature generating a fire creature large creature restless spirit superpowered creature the glowing areas of the body the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim thermal effects on the body
- Ayakashi tentacles water creature
- Anput animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Ama anthropomorphic creature hurting people translucent water creature
- Angry Jenny anthropomorphic creature hurting people water creature
- A woman with her mouth cut open anthropomorphic creature fastest thing
- Apple Maiden anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim
- A fire raid fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Astromove anthropomorphic creature
- Astomias anthropomorphic creature
- Astonia anthropomorphic creature
- Albasta anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hairy creature hanging Breasts high being hurting people water creature
- Amamehage anthropomorphic creature
- Amahage anthropomorphic creature
- Appossia anthropomorphic creature
- Arzhaven anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body water creature
- Anka Bird flying creature spontaneous combustion wings
- A woman with a long neck a separate part of the body anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature restless spirit stretches limbs
- Akrabuamelu animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Aluxob anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander memory lapses sounds without visible sources the distortion of time the harbinger of death the little creature the transition to another world
- Ashtapada animal body parts large creature
- Alien anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body high being induces pregnancy out of the landed object pass the device or knowledge the distortion of time the little creature the surgical precision of the wound the transition to another world the unusual shape of the eyes
- Atlantic Humpback Snake water creature
- Akaana animal body parts flying creature wings
- Asterius animal body parts anthropomorphic creature superpowered creature
- Androsfinx animal body parts anthropomorphic creature pass the device or knowledge specifies the location of the treasure
- African Gremlin anthropomorphic creature breaks technique flying objects hairy creature hurting people spontaneously moving objects tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- Arctic anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Apsat disproportionate body the little creature
- Aching bone restless spirit sounds without visible sources
- Al-Wak Tree a separate part of the body unusual sounds
- Angie anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being superpowered creature
- Avdoshka anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being superpowered creature
- Almasts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being superpowered creature
- Ayakashi anthropomorphic creature
- Bregostene anthropomorphic creature water creature
- Blades anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Baba Yaga anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body excessive thinness helps you find your way hurting people pass the device or knowledge the bare bones of the skeleton the transition to another world
- Babadook anthropomorphic creature fire with no apparent source flying objects hurting people spontaneously moving objects the manipulation of objects at a distance unusual eye color
- Baijie animal body parts pass the device or knowledge predicts the future
- Boze animal body parts pass the device or knowledge predicts the future
- Baka-dzori animated object makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Bakezori animated object makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Bake-kujira hurting people large creature restless spirit the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death water creature
- Baka-kujira hurting people large creature restless spirit the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death water creature
- Bakeneko turns into a human
- Bakeneko turns into a human
- Baka-neko turns into a human
- Baku animal body parts
- Balamuten sexual relations with the victim the manipulation of the actions of the victim the transition to another world water creature
- Balamutnik sexual relations with the victim the manipulation of the actions of the victim the transition to another world water creature
- Balamutsen sexual relations with the victim the manipulation of the actions of the victim the transition to another world water creature
- Banshee anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Banshees anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Bunchy anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Benshi anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Boshenta anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Byte anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Bau anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Ben-Niye anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Barbegazi anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hairy creature
- Barbegazy anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hairy creature
- Barb-gracie anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hairy creature
- Basilisk afraid of sunlight animal body parts
- Basilisk afraid of sunlight animal body parts
- Bathybat anthropomorphic creature choking victim large creature
- Bangungot anthropomorphic creature choking victim large creature
- Bedn-vara fish tail helps helps you find your way scales specifies the location of the treasure water creature
- Ben varra fish tail helps helps you find your way scales specifies the location of the treasure water creature
- Ben-Varri fish tail helps helps you find your way scales specifies the location of the treasure water creature
- Belun anthropomorphic creature helps helps to find the lost thing helps you find your way the glowing areas of the body
- Byalun anthropomorphic creature helps helps to find the lost thing helps you find your way the glowing areas of the body
- Bichura anthropomorphic creature breaks technique flying objects helps hurting people sounds without visible sources the little creature
- Bisura anthropomorphic creature breaks technique flying objects helps hurting people sounds without visible sources the little creature
- Biera animated object hairy creature hurting people
- Big Muddy anthropomorphic creature hairy creature large creature unusual sounds
- Big Mudd anthropomorphic creature hairy creature large creature unusual sounds
- Biiniao flying creature wings
- Bii-nao flying creature wings
- Biiniao flying creature wings
- Biy-nao flying creature wings
- Birds that joined their wings flying creature wings
- Bilviz anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander
- Bulvehi anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander
- Black Annis anthropomorphic creature
- Black Agnes anthropomorphic creature
- Black Ennis anthropomorphic creature
- Bochy animal body parts water creature
- Bogey glowing eyes turns into an animal
- Bogles glowing eyes turns into an animal
- Bolotnik anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Bolotny anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Bolotny dedko anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Bolotyanik anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Border Guard a small light at the earth's surface changes form fire with no apparent source restless spirit the glowing areas of the body turns into a human
- Bosorka anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood hurting people it feeds on life energy the harbinger of death turns into an animal turns into fog
- Bosorkan anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood hurting people it feeds on life energy the harbinger of death turns into an animal turns into fog
- Bosorka anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood hurting people it feeds on life energy the harbinger of death turns into an animal turns into fog
- Botukan Sovil helps
- Boxes . anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body the little creature
- Brooks anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature restless spirit translucent turns into an animal
- Brox anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature restless spirit translucent turns into an animal
- Brosha anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature restless spirit translucent turns into an animal
- Bruja anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature restless spirit translucent turns into an animal
- Brownie anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Bro anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Brucolac drinking the blood living dead sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Burdalak drinking the blood living dead sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Bubak hurting people makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Bebok hurting people makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Bobo hurting people makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Bobok hurting people makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Budak hurting people makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Buggane animal body parts anthropomorphic creature high being hooves turns into a human turns into an animal
- Buggane animal body parts anthropomorphic creature high being hooves turns into a human turns into an animal
- Buka (Slavic folklore) afraid of sunlight changes form disproportionate body hairy creature sounds without visible sources
- Boogeyman afraid of sunlight changes form disproportionate body hairy creature sounds without visible sources
- Bukavac animal body parts water creature
- Bukalo animal body parts water creature
- Bukovac animal body parts water creature
- Bunyip fish tail hairy creature scales translucent unusual sounds water creature
- Baniyip fish tail hairy creature scales translucent unusual sounds water creature
- Buniyup fish tail hairy creature scales translucent unusual sounds water creature
- Busier drinking the blood restless spirit
- Buseu drinking the blood restless spirit
- Buvaya the harbinger of death water creature
- Buaya the harbinger of death water creature
- Byu animal body parts water creature
- Bahar the Cat hairy creature hurting people large creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Breaking boats flying creature wings
- Black Silence hooves the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death turns into an animal
- Boto sexual relations with the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim turns into a human
- Burari-bi a small light at the earth's surface restless spirit the glowing areas of the body wings
- Belch glowing eyes large creature scales water creature
- Buildings anthropomorphic creature changes form goes through walls predicts the future restless spirit translucent
- Bloodsucker anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood hurting people living dead restless spirit unusual eye color
- Biaban-gul anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature high being large creature unusual sounds
- Bone Woman anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy restless spirit sexual relations with the victim
- Barcoyche restless spirit water body
- Bunagaya anthropomorphic creature choking victim helps the little creature
- Blades anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hairy creature hanging Breasts high being hurting people water creature
- Big underwater lynx animal body parts scales water creature
- Bird-Fear flying creature spontaneous combustion wings
- Bichen anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim turns into an animal
- Barabashka breaks technique fluid with no apparent source flying objects sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Bu-lao scales the little creature
- Bka anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Bukka anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Birds flying creature unusual sounds wings
- Basket - bearer animal body parts
- Bouda turns into an animal
- Bultungin turns into an animal
- Betail drinking the blood it feeds on life energy living dead restless spirit
- Betailas drinking the blood it feeds on life energy living dead restless spirit
- Bigfoot anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being superpowered creature
- Con Annon hairy creature sounds without visible sources the harbinger of death translucent
- Cadborosaurus fastest thing water creature
- Caddy fastest thing water creature
- Cajc changes form sounds without visible sources the distortion of time
- Callah Vare anthropomorphic creature turns into a human
- Camaueto unusual sounds water creature
- Camajueto unusual sounds water creature
- Camelopard animal body parts superpowered creature
- Cameleopard animal body parts superpowered creature
- Camelopard animal body parts superpowered creature
- Camelopardus animal body parts superpowered creature
- Camelopardalis animal body parts superpowered creature
- Capre anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Cat Bayun hairy creature hurting people large creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Catoblepas the harbinger of death
- Centaur animal body parts
- Centaurus animal body parts
- Chargavy restless spirit the harbinger of death
- Charybdis water creature
- Charybdis water creature
- Chud anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body high being
- Chud white - eyed anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body high being
- Church Makeup anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature restless spirit turns into an animal
- Churelin anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body drinking the blood restless spirit sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Churel anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body drinking the blood restless spirit sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Churin anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body drinking the blood restless spirit sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Cluricon flying objects sounds without visible sources
- Cmoc scales
- Cockatrice animal body parts
- Cockatrix animal body parts
- Congomato flying creature wings
- Cow Death hooves the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death turns into an animal
- Cook anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people restless spirit the manipulation of the actions of the victim the unusual shape of the eyes
- Coca anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people restless spirit the manipulation of the actions of the victim the unusual shape of the eyes
- Coco anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people restless spirit the manipulation of the actions of the victim the unusual shape of the eyes
- Chirada animal body parts
- Cool animal body parts
- Carla anthropomorphic creature hurting people pass the device or knowledge the little creature
- Centikor animal body parts
- Cerberus animal body parts large creature
- Chiang-shi fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Capcuen animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people
- Creeping water flying creature wings
- Cynocephalus animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hooves
- Chinese Fox a small light at the earth's surface helps hurting people turns into a human
- Cleure a small light at the earth's surface changes form large creature
- Chukly-mukly anthropomorphic creature
- Chukyl-mukyl anthropomorphic creature
- Colo Colo animal body parts sounds without visible sources unusual eye color
- Crying woman anthropomorphic creature restless spirit unusual sounds
- Corocotta animal body parts
- Carmeno anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Chemosit anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Chimiset anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Cloud Master anthropomorphic creature burn marks disproportionate body hurting people out of the landed object the little creature
- Channel-drop-it-and-get-out-of-here restless spirit
- Chanek anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander memory lapses sounds without visible sources the distortion of time the harbinger of death the little creature the transition to another world
- Chulbuses changes form hurting people
- Chulguses changes form hurting people
- Chulme changes form hurting people
- Chulmys changes form hurting people
- Crixus anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Caudate animal body parts flying creature wings
- Coastal varsels restless spirit sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Cyprus Lochness water creature
- Cornish Flyer anthropomorphic creature flying creature glowing eyes large creature wings
- Cornish Oulman anthropomorphic creature flying creature glowing eyes large creature wings
- Cryosphinx animal body parts anthropomorphic creature pass the device or knowledge specifies the location of the treasure
- Crookshanks generating a fire creature large creature scales wings
- Chukla hurting people turns into an animal water creature
- Candles of the deceased a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source flying object helps you find your way restless spirit specifies the location of the treasure
- Crocodile-pig animal body parts generating a fire creature
- Cytiron anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature
- Damavikas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Domovikas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Death Eater animal body parts
- Devourer animal body parts
- District afraid of sunlight animal body parts
- Dedko bolotny anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Divya people anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body high being
- Dahu hooves
- Dahut hooves
- Dairi hooves
- Darow hooves
- Daru hooves
- Dahuot hooves
- Davalpa anthropomorphic creature stretches limbs
- Degder animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fastest thing high being superpowered creature unusual eye color
- Dev animal body parts anthropomorphic creature high being
- Div animal body parts anthropomorphic creature high being
- Dingball sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Dingmol sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Dobie helps helps to find the lost thing restless spirit specifies the location of the treasure
- Dobby helps helps to find the lost thing restless spirit specifies the location of the treasure
- Dobrokhodiy hairy creature helps high being the little creature turns into an animal
- Dabrahojy hairy creature helps high being the little creature turns into an animal
- Dabrakhody hairy creature helps high being the little creature turns into an animal
- Dabrakhot hairy creature helps high being the little creature turns into an animal
- Dabrahochy hairy creature helps high being the little creature turns into an animal
- Do - gooder hairy creature helps high being the little creature turns into an animal
- Dodomeki anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body restless spirit
- Dogman animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fastest thing hairy creature high being large creature unusual sounds
- Dogman animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fastest thing hairy creature high being large creature unusual sounds
- Domovichka anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim
- Domovinka anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim
- Dotam sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Dootem sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Dotet bat sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Dotet sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Dootadam sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Dootam bam sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Dootham bam sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Dotodam sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Double anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death
- Doppelganger anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death
- Dragon flying creature generating a fire creature scales the glowing areas of the body wings
- Dragoon flying creature generating a fire creature scales the glowing areas of the body wings
- Draug anthropomorphic creature living dead
- Draugr anthropomorphic creature living dead
- Drekavac anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood restless spirit the harbinger of death turns into an animal
- Drekavak anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood restless spirit the harbinger of death turns into an animal
- Drek anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood restless spirit the harbinger of death turns into an animal
- Drekalo anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood restless spirit the harbinger of death turns into an animal
- Dsonokva anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts high being specifies the location of the treasure unusual sounds
- Dzonokva anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts high being specifies the location of the treasure unusual sounds
- Dunya-mara water creature
- Dinny-Mara water creature
- Duinny Murray water creature
- Duppy anthropomorphic creature the bare bones of the skeleton translucent turns into a human turns into an animal
- Dyutpa water creature
- Dzashiki-varasi anthropomorphic creature fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source helps sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Dzorigami animated object
- Direach of Glen Itiva disproportionate body high being the unusual shape of the eyes
- Dwarf anthropomorphic creature hurting people pass the device or knowledge the little creature
- Darashi restless spirit the harbinger of death
- Daru restless spirit the harbinger of death
- Dzesenbi a small light at the earth's surface restless spirit
- Dirg-do anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim
- Diablillo anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Dwarfs of Menehune afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature out of the landed object pass the device or knowledge the little creature
- Divya 's wives anthropomorphic creature high being hurting people
- Dzivozheny anthropomorphic creature high being hurting people
- Divite wives anthropomorphic creature high being hurting people
- Divas anthropomorphic creature high being hurting people
- Dwarf creature flying creature wings
- Defense fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Dzedka a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Dracus anthropomorphic creature choking victim hurting people restless spirit turns into an animal
- Demon?Tarask fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Dead people anthropomorphic creature hurting people living dead restless spirit
- Dragon with a candle animal body parts generating a fire creature
- Eater of the Dead animal body parts
- Egi-baba anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body excessive thinness helps you find your way hurting people pass the device or knowledge the bare bones of the skeleton the transition to another world
- Egiboba anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body excessive thinness helps you find your way hurting people pass the device or knowledge the bare bones of the skeleton the transition to another world
- Ekek anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood wings
- Ec ec anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood wings
- El Cuco anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people restless spirit the manipulation of the actions of the victim the unusual shape of the eyes
- Ellillons anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Etlertlons anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Elves a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature flattened plants memory lapses the distortion of time the glowing areas of the body the little creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim the transition to another world
- Empusa anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim the glowing areas of the body
- Empusa anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim the glowing areas of the body
- Encantado sexual relations with the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim turns into a human
- Eratnik anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fastest thing living dead superpowered creature
- Exekyu flying creature large creature wings
- Exekyu flying creature large creature wings
- Efrit anthropomorphic creature burn marks flying creature generating a fire creature large creature restless spirit superpowered creature the glowing areas of the body the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim thermal effects on the body
- Eternal Thurso water body
- Etai animated object choking victim
- Enchanted Ship restless spirit water body
- Explain fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- En-kizhi helps
- En anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim turns into an animal
- Enperi anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim turns into an animal
- Elf a small light at the earth's surface afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flattened plants flying creature geometrically regular or complex patterns large creature memory lapses the glowing areas of the body the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Ears-they animal body parts water creature
- Fasolemoyka sounds without visible sources
- Forest woman anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body excessive thinness helps you find your way hurting people pass the device or knowledge the bare bones of the skeleton the transition to another world
- Futo animal body parts water creature
- Fatou animal body parts water creature
- Fast anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Fahan disproportionate body high being the unusual shape of the eyes
- Fahin disproportionate body high being the unusual shape of the eyes
- Fairy anthropomorphic creature flying creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Faeries anthropomorphic creature flying creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Fedal water creature
- Figel water creature
- Ferriers anthropomorphic creature fire with no apparent source the little creature
- Feriers anthropomorphic creature fire with no apparent source the little creature
- Ferishers anthropomorphic creature fire with no apparent source the little creature
- Field Worker animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fireball hairy creature high being hurting people long limbs makes you wander turns into a human turns into an animal
- Field animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fireball hairy creature high being hurting people long limbs makes you wander turns into a human turns into an animal
- Finfolk anthropomorphic creature fastest thing helps to find the lost thing turns into an animal water creature
- Finman anthropomorphic creature fastest thing helps to find the lost thing turns into an animal water creature
- Finnfolk anthropomorphic creature fastest thing helps to find the lost thing turns into an animal water creature
- Fishing changes form translucent turns into fog
- Folletti anthropomorphic creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim
- Folletto anthropomorphic creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim
- Fullett anthropomorphic creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim
- Fucker sexual relations with the victim
- Fucker sexual relations with the victim
- Fulgya restless spirit
- Filgya restless spirit
- Filja restless spirit
- Filjya restless spirit
- Furaribi a small light at the earth's surface restless spirit the glowing areas of the body wings
- Furari-bi a small light at the earth's surface restless spirit the glowing areas of the body wings
- Fatou a separate part of the body
- Flying Head a separate part of the body
- Foot changes form fire with no apparent source flying creature generating a fire creature helps
- Field Mother anthropomorphic creature helps turns into an animal
- Field mistress anthropomorphic creature helps turns into an animal
- Fallaron anthropomorphic creature fish tail
- Foie afraid of sunlight animal body parts anthropomorphic creature induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Fuat afraid of sunlight animal body parts anthropomorphic creature induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Firebird flying creature spontaneous combustion wings
- Forest devil anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Father Pogostny anthropomorphic creature helps to find the lost thing restless spirit sounds without visible sources tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- Famously one - eyed anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Fufu anthropomorphic creature fastest thing hairy creature high being large creature
- Fatu-Liwa flying creature unusual sounds wings
- Flying Saucer changes form fireball flying object memory lapses quick object technical device the distortion of time
- Father Xian animal body parts water creature
- Gausinelis choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Grandfather anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Golbeshnik anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Gnetka anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Gurkalo anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Ghoul drinking the blood living dead sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Gatoblep the harbinger of death
- Gatoblepa the harbinger of death
- Gorgon the harbinger of death
- Grant hooves
- Gagoze anthropomorphic creature restless spirit
- Gagose anthropomorphic creature restless spirit
- Gaitrash restless spirit
- Gitrash restless spirit
- Galipot anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim turns into an animal wings
- Galu anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim turns into an animal wings
- Galla a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source
- Gala a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source
- Gallu a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source
- Gargulets glowing eyes large creature scales water creature
- Garuda animal body parts
- Gaganeshvara animal body parts
- Gashadokuro anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood high being living dead the bare bones of the skeleton unusual sounds
- Gasia-dokuro the bare bones of the skeleton
- Gaikotsu the bare bones of the skeleton
- Gayun anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature large creature makes you wander
- Gayevy dzed anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature large creature makes you wander
- Grove grandfather anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature large creature makes you wander
- Ghost anthropomorphic creature changes form goes through walls predicts the future restless spirit translucent
- Ghosts anthropomorphic creature changes form goes through walls predicts the future restless spirit translucent
- Ghost anthropomorphic creature changes form goes through walls predicts the future restless spirit translucent
- Ghoul bloodless victim drinking the blood hurting people living dead turns into an animal
- Ghoul anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood hurting people living dead restless spirit unusual eye color
- Ghoul anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood hurting people living dead restless spirit unusual eye color
- Glashan breaks technique hurting people the little creature
- Glashtin breaks technique hurting people the little creature
- Glastin breaks technique hurting people the little creature
- Glusun glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- Gloson glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- Glosoen glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- Glumso glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- Gloso glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- Gravso glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- Gluffsuggan glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- Gnome anthropomorphic creature hurting people pass the device or knowledge the little creature
- Gotoku-neko generating a fire creature
- Gotokoneko generating a fire creature
- Gotokuneko generating a fire creature
- Grindilow water creature
- Grundilow water creature
- Green - toothed Jenny water creature
- Grula anthropomorphic creature
- Grila anthropomorphic creature
- Gui anthropomorphic creature no shadow restless spirit turns into a human turns into an animal
- Gul-yabani anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature high being large creature unusual sounds
- Gulbiaban anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature high being large creature unusual sounds
- Gulyabani anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature high being large creature unusual sounds
- Guli-yabans anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature high being large creature unusual sounds
- Grabber changes form fastest thing
- Goat - footed animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Google disproportionate body
- Greek breaks technique flying objects hurting people sounds without visible sources
- Green - toothed Jenny anthropomorphic creature hurting people water creature
- Great Gibbons anthropomorphic creature induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim
- Gangshi fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Glaishtn animal body parts sounds without visible sources stretches limbs turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Goblinay predicts the future sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure
- Gargettius animal body parts
- Grumble animal body parts fastest thing
- Gamberu spontaneous combustion stretches limbs
- Girtabli animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Girtablulu animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Good Shubin anthropomorphic creature glowing eyes hairy creature helps you find your way hooves hurting people makes you wander sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure superpowered creature unusual eye color
- Geretva hurting people large creature scales specifies the location of the treasure wings
- Grief anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Gloucester Sea Snake water creature
- Goatman animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people unusual eye color
- Glatissant animal body parts unusual sounds
- Ghost Planes changes form fireball flying object memory lapses quick object technical device the distortion of time
- Ghost Rockets changes form fireball flying object memory lapses quick object technical device the distortion of time
- Gyuki animal body parts water creature
- Gonakadet water creature
- Gvelveshapi water creature
- Gveleshapi water creature
- Gil-Burnt-Tail a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source flying object helps you find your way restless spirit specifies the location of the treasure
- Givokva anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness hairy creature hurting people living dead sounds without visible sources superpowered creature the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Hutas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Hal anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Halanas anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Half - man a small light at the earth's surface unusual sounds water creature
- Housing offices anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Hakutaku animal body parts pass the device or knowledge predicts the future
- Hone-kujira hurting people large creature restless spirit the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death water creature
- Howler anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- Hippocentaur animal body parts
- Horror-from-the-church-yard anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature restless spirit turns into an animal
- Herestuns anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fastest thing living dead superpowered creature
- Heretics anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fastest thing living dead superpowered creature
- Halone animal body parts
- Hungry Skeleton anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood high being living dead the bare bones of the skeleton unusual sounds
- Hair anthropomorphic creature choking victim hairy creature hurting people
- Hakaturi changes form
- Hal animal body parts
- Hanako-san anthropomorphic creature restless spirit
- Hanako Toilet anthropomorphic creature restless spirit
- Hannya anthropomorphic creature
- Honnari hannya anthropomorphic creature
- Hapun changes form fastest thing
- Heck animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Hell hound animal body parts large creature
- Hellhound fastest thing glowing eyes hairy creature high being the harbinger of death translucent unusual eye color
- Hellhound fastest thing glowing eyes hairy creature high being the harbinger of death translucent unusual eye color
- Hidarugami restless spirit the harbinger of death
- Hidarutami restless spirit the harbinger of death
- Hitoban a separate part of the body
- Hitodama a small light at the earth's surface makes you wander restless spirit
- Hito-lady a small light at the earth's surface makes you wander restless spirit
- Hone-onna anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy restless spirit sexual relations with the victim
- Hone-Onna anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy restless spirit sexual relations with the victim
- Howe flying creature scales
- Hugag disproportionate body
- Huldra animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps sexual relations with the victim
- Huldra animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps sexual relations with the victim
- Huldufoulk anthropomorphic creature pass the device or knowledge the transition to another world
- Hidden Residents anthropomorphic creature pass the device or knowledge the transition to another world
- Hut changes form fire with no apparent source flying creature generating a fire creature helps
- Huli-jing a small light at the earth's surface helps hurting people turns into a human
- Huli-ching a small light at the earth's surface helps hurting people turns into a human
- Huvava animal body parts large creature
- Humbaba animal body parts large creature
- Howler anthropomorphic creature restless spirit unusual sounds
- Hiisi hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Hiis hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Hidden People anthropomorphic creature flying creature helps to find the lost thing induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure the transition to another world
- Hob anthropomorphic creature helps makes you wander
- Harisiri anthropomorphic creature hurting people the harbinger of death
- Humber spontaneous combustion stretches limbs
- Hiccups hurting people predicts the future
- Humph anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Horde of the Restless anthropomorphic creature restless spirit translucent unusual sounds
- Hieracosphinx animal body parts anthropomorphic creature pass the device or knowledge specifies the location of the treasure
- Healy anthropomorphic creature breaks technique flying objects hairy creature hurting people spontaneously moving objects tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- Hat-from-scraps anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Hurgins the little creature turns into an animal
- Hyenolaki turns into an animal
- Im-Dugud animal body parts
- Imdugud animal body parts
- Internik a small light at the earth's surface changes form fire with no apparent source restless spirit the glowing areas of the body turns into a human
- Izbyanaya bolshak anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Ishkus anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts high being specifies the location of the treasure unusual sounds
- Iara anthropomorphic creature fish tail sexual relations with the victim water creature
- Ichetik anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit water creature
- Ichotic anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit water creature
- Ielchu changes form fire with no apparent source
- Idichu changes form fire with no apparent source
- Irichu changes form fire with no apparent source
- Ifrit anthropomorphic creature burn marks flying creature generating a fire creature large creature restless spirit superpowered creature the glowing areas of the body the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim thermal effects on the body
- Igrets breaks technique flying objects hurting people sounds without visible sources
- Ikire flying creature wings
- Ikisudama flying creature wings
- Iku-Turso water body
- Iku-Turilas water body
- Ikuchi tentacles water creature
- Ikuji tentacles water creature
- Imbunche hairy creature living dead
- Invunche hairy creature living dead
- Incubus anthropomorphic creature hooves induces pregnancy it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Incubus anthropomorphic creature hooves induces pregnancy it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Incubon anthropomorphic creature hooves induces pregnancy it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Incubonius anthropomorphic creature hooves induces pregnancy it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Input animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Inugami a separate part of the body hairy creature helps hurting people
- Irigami a separate part of the body hairy creature helps hurting people
- Inu-gami a separate part of the body hairy creature helps hurting people
- Ingame a separate part of the body hairy creature helps hurting people
- Ingami a separate part of the body hairy creature helps hurting people
- Inukami a separate part of the body hairy creature helps hurting people
- Iron man anthropomorphic creature high being
- Isunna anthropomorphic creature hurting people translucent water creature
- Isunna anthropomorphic creature hurting people translucent water creature
- Iso-onago anthropomorphic creature hurting people translucent water creature
- Itati changes form hairy creature hurting people the glowing areas of the body the harbinger of death the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Igong anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Igon anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Iglice a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fireball flying object helps out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- In-a afraid of sunlight animal body parts anthropomorphic creature induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Inӧrsa anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Ishiapod anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Infected Keytr anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being unusual eye color
- Innuit anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Isitualangtsengce animal body parts
- Itaqua anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness hairy creature hurting people living dead sounds without visible sources superpowered creature the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Jagger animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fastest thing high being superpowered creature unusual eye color
- Jeruch disproportionate body high being the unusual shape of the eyes
- Jall animal body parts
- Jester animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Jack-in-shackles high being large creature sounds without visible sources translucent
- Jack-in-Chains high being large creature sounds without visible sources translucent
- Jack-springs-on-heels anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature glowing eyes high being jumps high wings
- Jack the Jumper anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature glowing eyes high being jumps high wings
- Jenny Green Teeth anthropomorphic creature hurting people water creature
- Jenny Grintis anthropomorphic creature hurting people water creature
- Jeongchon a separate part of the body disproportionate body flying creature
- Jiago anthropomorphic creature induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim
- Jueyuan anthropomorphic creature induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim
- Jiangshi fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Jiang-shi fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Jang-shi fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Jiaochong anthropomorphic creature
- Jiji anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness high being hurting people
- Ji-Ji anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness high being hurting people
- Jorogumo anthropomorphic creature hurting people sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Josenebi a small light at the earth's surface restless spirit
- Jraars anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature
- Jyatai animated object choking victim
- Ji maklya anthropomorphic creature
- Juma animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being long limbs superpowered creature
- Juan Cabritu anthropomorphic creature burn marks disproportionate body hurting people out of the landed object the little creature
- Jericho Pipes sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Juha changes form scales sexual relations with the victim
- Koklikas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Kutas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Kun Annun hairy creature sounds without visible sources the harbinger of death translucent
- Kun Annuin hairy creature sounds without visible sources the harbinger of death translucent
- Kutabe animal body parts pass the device or knowledge predicts the future
- Kochechny anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Koropok-guru anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body the little creature
- Koropokkuru anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body the little creature
- Kaj changes form sounds without visible sources the distortion of time
- Kaji changes form sounds without visible sources the distortion of time
- Kalliach Ver anthropomorphic creature turns into a human
- Katofleb the harbinger of death
- Konebyk the harbinger of death
- Klarihun flying objects sounds without visible sources
- Klurakan flying objects sounds without visible sources
- Kurolisk animal body parts
- Kon-ayak anthropomorphic creature stretches limbs
- Kolotopozad sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Kali-aht anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts high being specifies the location of the treasure unusual sounds
- Ker-balyk water creature
- Ker-gyutpa water creature
- Klochtuns anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fastest thing living dead superpowered creature
- Kamayusha animal body parts
- Karura animal body parts
- Kashyapi animal body parts
- Khpngarid animal body parts
- Kirkeso glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- Kulpiyan anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit water creature
- Kionshi fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Kiong-si fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Ken-si? fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Kyong thi fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Kangxi fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Kensi fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Khantu pochon fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Kabutermannekin anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Kabouter anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Kaleuche restless spirit water body
- Kallikantsary anthropomorphic creature hurting people the little creature
- Kallikantzaros anthropomorphic creature hurting people the little creature
- Kama Itachi fastest thing flying creature hurting people treats
- Kapkeun animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people
- Kappa flying creature wings
- Kazama anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hooves long limbs
- Kokjamu anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hooves long limbs
- Kojama anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hooves long limbs
- Kakzamu anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hooves long limbs
- Kolgami anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hooves long limbs
- Kalgomi anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hooves long limbs
- Kalgama anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hooves long limbs
- Keask anthropomorphic creature fish tail turns into a human water creature
- Kiesg anthropomorphic creature fish tail turns into a human water creature
- Kelpie animal body parts sounds without visible sources stretches limbs turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Kelpies animal body parts sounds without visible sources stretches limbs turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Kelpie animal body parts sounds without visible sources stretches limbs turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Kenmun anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature glowing eyes hairy creature helps superpowered creature turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Kijinuma anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature glowing eyes hairy creature helps superpowered creature turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Kidoumaru restless spirit
- Kido restless spirit
- Kijimuna anthropomorphic creature choking victim helps the little creature
- Kijimuna anthropomorphic creature choking victim helps the little creature
- Kikimora anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Kikimorka anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Kikimra anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Kukimora anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Killmulis anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body helps hurting people the harbinger of death
- Kilmullis anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body helps hurting people the harbinger of death
- Kilmulis anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body helps hurting people the harbinger of death
- Kinocephalus animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hooves
- Kinocephalus animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hooves
- Kitsune a small light at the earth's surface helps hurting people turns into a human
- Kitsune a small light at the earth's surface helps hurting people turns into a human
- Kumiho a small light at the earth's surface helps hurting people turns into a human
- Kludde a small light at the earth's surface changes form large creature
- Koblinau predicts the future sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure
- Koblernai predicts the future sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure
- Koblinai predicts the future sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure
- Kobold anthropomorphic creature helps hooves hurting people sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Kobolt anthropomorphic creature helps hooves hurting people sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Kodama a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature changes form the little creature
- Ko-dama a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature changes form the little creature
- Koklya-moklya anthropomorphic creature
- Khokhla-mohr anthropomorphic creature
- Khokhla-makhrya anthropomorphic creature
- Kolokolo animal body parts sounds without visible sources unusual eye color
- Kuchivilo animal body parts water creature
- Kuchivilu animal body parts water creature
- Kulema fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Kulema fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Kumbaba animal body parts large creature
- Kurodzuka anthropomorphic creature
- Kushtaka anthropomorphic creature hairy creature superpowered creature turns into an animal
- Kushdakha anthropomorphic creature hairy creature superpowered creature turns into an animal
- Kutisake-onna anthropomorphic creature fastest thing
- Kutisake-onna anthropomorphic creature fastest thing
- Kuchisake-onna anthropomorphic creature fastest thing
- Kushisake Onna anthropomorphic creature fastest thing
- Kevrokokrot animal body parts
- Kerite anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Kodumodumo anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Koschei Kostyanoi anthropomorphic creature helps to find the lost thing restless spirit sounds without visible sources tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- Khantu Pontianak. anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim changes form drinking the blood hurting people restless spirit sexual relations with the victim
- Krasnoshaps restless spirit
- Kolovershi animal body parts helps
- Korgorushi animal body parts helps
- Kangutta Perch spontaneous combustion stretches limbs
- Kaku anthropomorphic creature circumstance perception sexual relations with the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Kuronbo anthropomorphic creature circumstance perception sexual relations with the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Kunjararati animal body parts large creature
- Kuleshata anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature hooves restless spirit the little creature water creature
- Kuleshi anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature hooves restless spirit the little creature water creature
- Kladenets a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Kopsha a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Knackers anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Knockers anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Kestrels anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Knocker anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Kotihaltia anthropomorphic creature breaks technique helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people no shadow the little creature
- Kansan nyan-nyan predicts the future
- Ken-sangu predicts the future
- Kul Vasa hurting people turns into an animal water creature
- Kankach animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps
- Kori ismaris turns into an animal
- Kasyan anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body unusual sounds
- Katakano anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim choking victim drinking the blood hairy creature hurting people it feeds on life energy living dead spontaneously moving objects the harbinger of death the manipulation of objects at a distance
- Lobasta anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Lobosta anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Leshiy bolotny anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Lingyu animal body parts water creature
- Long time the harbinger of death
- Looking down the harbinger of death
- Lindworm flying creature generating a fire creature scales the glowing areas of the body wings
- Lol changes form translucent turns into fog
- Lu-garu anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim turns into an animal wings
- Long - armed Nelly water creature
- La Llorona anthropomorphic creature restless spirit unusual sounds
- Lace Gin anthropomorphic creature restless spirit
- Lace Jean anthropomorphic creature restless spirit
- Lambton Worm hurting people water creature
- Lambton Worm hurting people water creature
- Lamin animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps
- Laminiacs animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps
- Lami animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps
- Laminyaku animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps
- Lannan-shi anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim
- Lanon Shi anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim
- Lianshi anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim
- Lynan-Sidhe anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim
- Lianan Shi anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim
- Leader a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fireball flying object helps out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Ludwerts a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fireball flying object helps out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Luderts a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fireball flying object helps out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Lucifer a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fireball flying object helps out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Lempo hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Lembo hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Leprechaun anthropomorphic creature hurting people specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Leprechaun anthropomorphic creature hurting people specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Letavets fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Letavitz fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Lyatavets fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Leucrota animal body parts
- Leucocrota animal body parts
- Leucrocota animal body parts
- Leumans anthropomorphic creature
- Lincetti choking victim hairy creature the little creature
- Linchetti choking victim hairy creature the little creature
- Linketto choking victim hairy creature the little creature
- Linchetto choking victim hairy creature the little creature
- Lizard Man anthropomorphic creature hurting people scales water creature
- Lizardman anthropomorphic creature hurting people scales water creature
- Lobasta anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hairy creature hanging Breasts high being hurting people water creature
- Lobosta anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hairy creature hanging Breasts high being hurting people water creature
- Lonesome afraid of the light anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Lobishon afraid of the light anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Louison afraid of the light anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Lobizon afraid of the light anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Lou scales water creature
- Luu scales water creature
- Lozovik a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature changes form glowing eyes the little creature
- Lazavik a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature changes form glowing eyes the little creature
- Luferlang animal body parts hooves
- Lufferlang animal body parts hooves
- Lyadashtsik hairy creature the unusual shape of the eyes wings
- Lake Demon water creature
- Litvinskiy tsmok drinking the blood scales water creature
- Litvinsko-Ostrovetsky tsmok drinking the blood scales water creature
- Lunishorika fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Lunsherika-oboronika fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Lishinka hurting people predicts the future
- Leshakyas fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Leatherworker anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people sounds without visible sources superpowered creature turns into an animal
- Layun a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Letish anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being unusual eye color
- Leviathan 's son fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Lamhigin-i-dur animal body parts hurting people sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Llamygin-y-dor animal body parts hurting people sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Llamhigyn-y-dur animal body parts hurting people sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Lamhaijin Wai Dover animal body parts hurting people sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Leipuritonttu anthropomorphic creature breaks technique helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people no shadow the little creature
- Labrador anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Loose women a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source flying object helps you find your way restless spirit specifies the location of the treasure
- Lights of Marfa and Saratoga a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source flying object helps you find your way restless spirit specifies the location of the treasure
- Lycanthrope turns into an animal
- Liquid anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature the glowing areas of the body
- Mesha-adam anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Martha anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Martu anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Martuv anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Martuk anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Maranhig anthropomorphic creature living dead the bare bones of the skeleton
- Madonna's Gift an unknown substance destroyed by touching flying object white gelatinous mass
- Mr. Babadook anthropomorphic creature fire with no apparent source flying objects hurting people spontaneously moving objects the manipulation of objects at a distance unusual eye color
- Milk hare animated object hairy creature hurting people
- Man-man flying creature wings
- Measuring tape a small light at the earth's surface changes form fire with no apparent source restless spirit the glowing areas of the body turns into a human
- Modoveyko anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Money hurting people makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Molotozad sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Mimic anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death
- Mowry anthropomorphic creature living dead
- Moguy anthropomorphic creature no shadow restless spirit turns into a human turns into an animal
- Mogwai anthropomorphic creature no shadow restless spirit turns into a human turns into an animal
- Meri-Tursas water body
- Mahua anthropomorphic creature induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim
- Mizutora flying creature wings
- Mara anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Mit-mitke a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fireball flying object helps out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Maniac fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Maahis anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Maaluses anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Maanalises anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Maanveki anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Mamivata anthropomorphic creature fish tail induces pregnancy scales sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Mami Cotton Wool anthropomorphic creature fish tail induces pregnancy scales sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Mamura anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Maneiro anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Maridillo anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Menge anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Manala the transition to another world
- Mana the transition to another world
- Mananangal a separate part of the body anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people wings
- Manananggal a separate part of the body anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people wings
- Manitou helps water creature
- Manito helps water creature
- Manticore animal body parts
- Mantikhora animal body parts
- Manya anthropomorphic creature fireball flying creature flying object it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim tanypodinae creature the harbinger of death
- Man anthropomorphic creature fireball flying creature flying object it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim tanypodinae creature the harbinger of death
- Maniac anthropomorphic creature fireball flying creature flying object it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim tanypodinae creature the harbinger of death
- Mapinguari animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being long limbs superpowered creature
- Mapinguarium animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being long limbs superpowered creature
- Margyug anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature
- Margigr anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature
- Masan restless spirit
- Masani restless spirit
- Maupun water creature
- Mavpun water creature
- Maypun water creature
- Mavka anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy makes you wander the bare bones of the skeleton the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Mavye anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy makes you wander the bare bones of the skeleton the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Movier anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy makes you wander the bare bones of the skeleton the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Mew anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy makes you wander the bare bones of the skeleton the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Mayastre flying creature helps wings
- Mayastra flying creature helps wings
- Melonheads anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hurting people
- Melunheads anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hurting people
- Melyuzina anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales water creature
- Melusine anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales water creature
- Melisande anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales water creature
- Melyuzin anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales water creature
- Menehune afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature out of the landed object pass the device or knowledge the little creature
- Menehuns afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature out of the landed object pass the device or knowledge the little creature
- Michibichi animal body parts scales water creature
- Midday anthropomorphic creature burn marks generating a fire creature
- Midday anthropomorphic creature burn marks generating a fire creature
- Mikosi-nyudo anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being
- Mikoshi-newdo anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being
- Miyalobo anthropomorphic creature fish tail superpowered creature water creature
- Miljalobo anthropomorphic creature fish tail superpowered creature water creature
- Monachiello anthropomorphic creature helps hurting people sounds without visible sources the harbinger of death the little creature
- Monakielli anthropomorphic creature helps hurting people sounds without visible sources the harbinger of death the little creature
- Monk Bunian anthropomorphic creature flying creature helps to find the lost thing induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure the transition to another world
- Mossiness anthropomorphic creature the little creature turns into an animal
- Mokhovoy anthropomorphic creature the little creature turns into an animal
- Muliartech anthropomorphic creature scales sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Mulyarstuh anthropomorphic creature scales sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Mullo anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people living dead restless spirit sexual relations with the victim superpowered creature
- Muli anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people living dead restless spirit sexual relations with the victim superpowered creature
- Mulo anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people living dead restless spirit sexual relations with the victim superpowered creature
- Mules anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people living dead restless spirit sexual relations with the victim superpowered creature
- Marsok changes form hairy creature
- Monkey-tiger-snake animal body parts
- Mortgage animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves
- Mizuha anthropomorphic creature unusual eye color water creature
- Moryo anthropomorphic creature unusual eye color water creature
- Misfortune anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Monopod anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Monoculus anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Monocoles anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Moroi afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood hurting people living dead the harbinger of death
- Mizutora anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood scales water creature
- Mill hurting people
- Mofman flying creature glowing eyes missing head wings
- Mavki anthropomorphic creature hurting people living dead restless spirit
- Morska panna fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Mistress of the latrine predicts the future
- Mysterious airships changes form fireball flying object memory lapses quick object technical device the distortion of time
- Muling anthropomorphic creature restless spirit sounds without visible sources
- Madatais anthropomorphic creature makes you wander tanypodinae creature
- Mizuchi sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Min-Min a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source flying object helps you find your way restless spirit specifies the location of the treasure
- Mi 'kmaq anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness hairy creature hurting people living dead sounds without visible sources superpowered creature the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Nantina anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body glowing eyes hairy creature high being hurting people large creature unusual eye color
- Nagloper anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood unusual eye color
- Nesun animated object hairy creature hurting people
- Netecha anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Nermpai anthropomorphic creature stretches limbs
- Naga flying creature generating a fire creature scales the glowing areas of the body wings
- Nagantaka animal body parts
- Nano anthropomorphic creature hurting people pass the device or knowledge the little creature
- Nain anthropomorphic creature hurting people pass the device or knowledge the little creature
- Namanari hannya anthropomorphic creature
- Nure-onna anthropomorphic creature hurting people translucent water creature
- Nohoiterim animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hooves
- Navier anthropomorphic creature it feeds on life energy makes you wander the bare bones of the skeleton the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Night Panther animal body parts scales water creature
- Namahage anthropomorphic creature
- Namomihage anthropomorphic creature
- Namnoy anthropomorphic creature choking victim predicts the future tanypodinae creature translucent
- Navnoy anthropomorphic creature choking victim predicts the future tanypodinae creature translucent
- Nandi bear anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Ngoloko anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Nasnas anthropomorphic creature
- Nisnam anthropomorphic creature
- Newlyweds anthropomorphic creature high being hurting people
- Night Crawlers fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Night mverzi anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness flying creature high being long limbs quick object superpowered creature wings
- Night Ghosts anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness flying creature high being long limbs quick object superpowered creature wings
- Night Fairies anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness flying creature high being long limbs quick object superpowered creature wings
- Ninki-nanka generating a fire creature turns into a human turns into an animal
- Ninkinanka generating a fire creature turns into a human turns into an animal
- Nisse anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Nobusuma drinking the blood flying creature unusual sounds
- Nohoy-Erte animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Nokhoy-Yerdeni animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Nohoy-Erten animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Nozuchi hairy creature turns into a human
- Nozuti hairy creature turns into a human
- Nozuchi hairy creature turns into a human
- Nubero anthropomorphic creature burn marks disproportionate body hurting people out of the landed object the little creature
- Nubeiro anthropomorphic creature burn marks disproportionate body hurting people out of the landed object the little creature
- Nuberu anthropomorphic creature burn marks disproportionate body hurting people out of the landed object the little creature
- Nukelavi animal body parts the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death water creature
- Nakilevi animal body parts the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death water creature
- Nakkilavy animal body parts the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death water creature
- Naklavi animal body parts the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death water creature
- Nukalavi animal body parts the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death water creature
- Nurarihen anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body
- Nuurihen anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body
- Nure-onna animal body parts anthropomorphic creature changes form drinking the blood large creature scales water creature
- Nur-onna animal body parts anthropomorphic creature changes form drinking the blood large creature scales water creature
- Nyogl fastest thing hurting people water creature
- Noggle fastest thing hurting people water creature
- Naitaka water creature
- Nha-a-tick water creature
- Nyakak anthropomorphic creature hurting people the harbinger of death
- Not long anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Nedolya anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Never meet anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Nesrecha anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Nackers anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Nessie water creature
- Navi anthropomorphic creature hurting people living dead restless spirit
- Nav anthropomorphic creature hurting people living dead restless spirit
- Nyavki anthropomorphic creature hurting people living dead restless spirit
- Nisse anthropomorphic creature breaks technique helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people no shadow the little creature
- Nii anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body unusual sounds
- oishӧrica hurting people
- Ocheretyanik anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Omutny anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Owner anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Oppressive anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Oynopol anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim the glowing areas of the body
- Onoskelis anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim the glowing areas of the body
- Oxoku flying creature large creature wings
- O-dokuro the bare bones of the skeleton
- Onibi a small light at the earth's surface makes you wander restless spirit
- Overgrowth fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Oak anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- O-kaburo anthropomorphic creature
- O-kamuro anthropomorphic creature
- Oborabi a small light at the earth's surface restless spirit
- Obora a small light at the earth's surface restless spirit
- Ogopogo water creature
- Ohankanu anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being large creature superpowered creature
- Ohankano anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being large creature superpowered creature
- Ohankana anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being large creature superpowered creature
- Oitake-bori restless spirit
- Okiku anthropomorphic creature restless spirit the harbinger of death
- O-kiku anthropomorphic creature restless spirit the harbinger of death
- Okiku-musi restless spirit
- Okiku-mushi restless spirit
- Okikumushi restless spirit
- Omutnik water creature
- Omutnoy water creature
- Opiven anthropomorphic creature hooves
- Oreckenner helps
- Orf animal body parts
- Ort animal body parts
- Ortr animal body parts
- Orphus animal body parts
- Orthros animal body parts
- Orfr animal body parts
- Orthus animal body parts
- Orzhavenik anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body water creature
- Ostrovetsky tsmok drinking the blood scales water creature
- Ornithes Stymphalides flying creature wings
- Oulman anthropomorphic creature flying creature glowing eyes large creature wings
- O-gumo large creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim turns into a human
- Pantegane anthropomorphic creature water creature
- Pisuhand choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Pukis choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Puuk choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Porizhus choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Pilbis anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander
- Pilvichty anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander
- Pilvitsy anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander
- Podpechnik anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Press anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Pokotn anthropomorphic creature stretches limbs
- Plancus sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Peri anthropomorphic creature flying creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Pixie anthropomorphic creature flying creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Puzhaki anthropomorphic creature changes form goes through walls predicts the future restless spirit translucent
- Pussy anthropomorphic creature fish tail turns into a human water creature
- Pesyegolovets animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hooves
- Psoglavets animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hooves
- Psutsen hairy creature the unusual shape of the eyes wings
- Pauto anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- People of Light anthropomorphic creature flying creature helps to find the lost thing induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure the transition to another world
- Pitchfork anthropomorphic creature high being hurting people
- Pack anthropomorphic creature helps makes you wander
- Pec anthropomorphic creature helps makes you wander
- Pakwaji breaks technique changes form fire with no apparent source the glowing areas of the body the little creature thermal effects on the body
- Pukwuji breaks technique changes form fire with no apparent source the glowing areas of the body the little creature thermal effects on the body
- Palyasya anthropomorphic creature helps turns into an animal
- Palyakha anthropomorphic creature helps turns into an animal
- Polyakha anthropomorphic creature helps turns into an animal
- Parandre changes form hairy creature
- Parandrus changes form hairy creature
- Pea woman choking victim
- Pea mom choking victim
- Peg Pauler water creature
- Pharaohs anthropomorphic creature fish tail
- Pharaoh anthropomorphic creature fish tail
- Pho-a afraid of sunlight animal body parts anthropomorphic creature induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Phoenix flying creature spontaneous combustion wings
- Piasa flying creature wings
- Piau-li hairy creature water creature
- Pelly hairy creature water creature
- Pile anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Pipu mort anthropomorphic creature helps hurting people
- Pishtako anthropomorphic creature hurting people the harbinger of death
- Pitsen anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim turns into an animal
- Picin anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim turns into an animal
- Pichan anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim turns into an animal
- Pixie a small light at the earth's surface afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flattened plants flying creature geometrically regular or complex patterns large creature memory lapses the glowing areas of the body the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Pigsy a small light at the earth's surface afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flattened plants flying creature geometrically regular or complex patterns large creature memory lapses the glowing areas of the body the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Puksi a small light at the earth's surface afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flattened plants flying creature geometrically regular or complex patterns large creature memory lapses the glowing areas of the body the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Puggy a small light at the earth's surface afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flattened plants flying creature geometrically regular or complex patterns large creature memory lapses the glowing areas of the body the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Pussy a small light at the earth's surface afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flattened plants flying creature geometrically regular or complex patterns large creature memory lapses the glowing areas of the body the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Pogostnik anthropomorphic creature helps to find the lost thing restless spirit sounds without visible sources tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- Polkan animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Palkan animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Pokan animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Polkanovits animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Poltergeist breaks technique fluid with no apparent source flying objects sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Pontianak anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim changes form drinking the blood hurting people restless spirit sexual relations with the victim
- Puntianak anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim changes form drinking the blood hurting people restless spirit sexual relations with the victim
- Pozharizhandine anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness generating a fire creature
- Pozharemagine anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness generating a fire creature
- Pulao scales the little creature
- Pu-liao scales the little creature
- Pӧlӧznicha fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Polud fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Polud ike fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Pale Crawler anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Podorozhny shagamo animal body parts hooves hurting people
- Prosechny shagamo animal body parts hooves hurting people
- Prosechny sniff animal body parts hooves hurting people
- Polterducks anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Postitonttu anthropomorphic creature breaks technique helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people no shadow the little creature
- Puutarkhatonttu anthropomorphic creature breaks technique helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people no shadow the little creature
- Popsicle anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Pyarevaratsen turns into an animal
- Regulus afraid of sunlight animal body parts
- Rolling Calf anthropomorphic creature the bare bones of the skeleton translucent turns into a human turns into an animal
- Rugarou anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim turns into an animal wings
- Rypach glowing eyes large creature scales water creature
- Rye anthropomorphic creature burn marks generating a fire creature
- Rinuweiru anthropomorphic creature burn marks disproportionate body hurting people out of the landed object the little creature
- Robin's A Nice Guy anthropomorphic creature helps makes you wander
- Rake anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Rarog fireball flying creature helps the glowing areas of the body
- Rarashek fireball flying creature helps the glowing areas of the body
- Rarig fireball flying creature helps the glowing areas of the body
- Raroh fireball flying creature helps the glowing areas of the body
- Red Hat restless spirit
- Red Tie restless spirit
- Red Hood restless spirit
- Roadside sniff animal body parts hooves hurting people
- Rokurokubi a separate part of the body anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature restless spirit stretches limbs
- Rokurokubi a separate part of the body anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature restless spirit stretches limbs
- Rokuro-kubi a separate part of the body anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature restless spirit stretches limbs
- Roperit animal body parts fastest thing
- Roperite animal body parts fastest thing
- Rotifers animal body parts helps
- Rubber spontaneous combustion stretches limbs
- Rukh flying creature superpowered creature wings
- Rukh-bird flying creature superpowered creature wings
- Rungis helps
- Rudzu Rungitis helps
- Rubezaali anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Spirukas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Scalsininkas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Shkutas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Sporijus choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Sary kyz anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Sarah chach anthropomorphic creature hanging Breasts
- Shadow Eater animal body parts
- Shai animal body parts
- Silicon wool an unknown substance destroyed by touching flying object white gelatinous mass
- Storm-wind animal body parts
- Sasabonsam anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood unusual eye color
- Sleep anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Snow Gnome anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hairy creature
- Swamp Goblin anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Swamp Devil anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- Slime anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Susedko anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Storage restless spirit the harbinger of death
- Smok scales
- Scoffin animal body parts
- Snake flying creature generating a fire creature scales the glowing areas of the body wings
- Schooltown flying creature generating a fire creature scales the glowing areas of the body wings
- Susan with long tits anthropomorphic creature the bare bones of the skeleton translucent turns into a human turns into an animal
- Sids a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature flattened plants memory lapses the distortion of time the glowing areas of the body the little creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim the transition to another world
- Shi a small light at the earth's surface anthropomorphic creature flattened plants memory lapses the distortion of time the glowing areas of the body the little creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim the transition to another world
- Sayuri-bi a small light at the earth's surface restless spirit the glowing areas of the body wings
- Sangano anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim turns into an animal wings
- Sanku anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim drinking the blood flying creature hurting people the manipulation of the actions of the victim turns into an animal wings
- Sitanana animal body parts
- Suparna animal body parts
- Skekla anthropomorphic creature
- Shongmau animal body parts
- Sora flying creature wings
- Sayrei flying creature wings
- Sam anthropomorphic creature choking victim helps the little creature
- Susedka anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Shishimora anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Shishiga anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Sunamukha animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hooves
- Silver Fox a small light at the earth's surface helps hurting people turns into a human
- Snitch predicts the future sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure
- Shevredz hairy creature the unusual shape of the eyes wings
- Self - made anthropomorphic creature high being hurting people
- Samovils anthropomorphic creature high being hurting people
- Simurg flying creature spontaneous combustion wings
- Sail flying creature wings
- Squeaks a small light at the earth's surface afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flattened plants flying creature geometrically regular or complex patterns large creature memory lapses the glowing areas of the body the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Sansei anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Sledge anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Sarakazoe fireball flying object
- Sarakazoe fireball flying object
- Sarutorahabi animal body parts
- Satori anthropomorphic creature circumstance perception sexual relations with the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Satyr animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves
- Sylvan animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves
- Seylenoi animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves
- Scitalis animal body parts hooves scales the manipulation of the actions of the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Scitalis animal body parts hooves scales the manipulation of the actions of the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Scytale animal body parts hooves scales the manipulation of the actions of the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Scorpio People animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Scylla animal body parts fish tail superpowered creature water creature
- Skill animal body parts fish tail superpowered creature water creature
- Sea anthropomorphic creature unusual eye color water creature
- Shanek anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander memory lapses sounds without visible sources the distortion of time the harbinger of death the little creature the transition to another world
- Sharabha animal body parts large creature
- Sarabha animal body parts large creature
- Sheva hurting people predicts the future
- Shignomanushi anthropomorphic creature helps specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Shtoysvols anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim the little creature
- Stoizorreishty anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim the little creature
- Shtriga anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood hurting people
- Striga anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood hurting people
- Shubin anthropomorphic creature glowing eyes hairy creature helps you find your way hooves hurting people makes you wander sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure superpowered creature unusual eye color
- Shuffling hurting people large creature scales specifies the location of the treasure wings
- Sarkani hurting people large creature scales specifies the location of the treasure wings
- Shulikuns anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature hooves restless spirit the little creature water creature
- Shilikuns anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature hooves restless spirit the little creature water creature
- Shilikhany anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature hooves restless spirit the little creature water creature
- Shilyhany anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature hooves restless spirit the little creature water creature
- Slickers anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature hooves restless spirit the little creature water creature
- Shulyukuns anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature hooves restless spirit the little creature water creature
- Shulmuses changes form hurting people
- Shimnuses changes form hurting people
- Shulmas changes form hurting people
- Shulmy changes form hurting people
- Shumnas changes form hurting people
- School buses changes form hurting people
- Shulbys changes form hurting people
- Shuvgey fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Shukway fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Sivnyr fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Shuvgun fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Sihirtya anthropomorphic creature superpowered creature the little creature unusual eye color
- Sirtya anthropomorphic creature superpowered creature the little creature unusual eye color
- Silks sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Selk sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Selkie sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Selchi sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Shelki sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Sinister anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Siyokoy animal body parts scales sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Siekoy animal body parts scales sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Skiapod anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Sciopod anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Skiopod anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Sciapod anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- Skinwalker anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people sounds without visible sources superpowered creature turns into an animal
- Skin Walker anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people sounds without visible sources superpowered creature turns into an animal
- Skriker sounds without visible sources translucent
- Screaker sounds without visible sources translucent
- Stomper sounds without visible sources translucent
- Slenderman anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness high being long limbs stretches limbs superpowered creature
- Slender anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness high being long limbs stretches limbs superpowered creature
- Skinny man anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness high being long limbs stretches limbs superpowered creature
- Sluagh anthropomorphic creature restless spirit translucent unusual sounds
- Sloa anthropomorphic creature restless spirit translucent unusual sounds
- Sluah anthropomorphic creature restless spirit translucent unusual sounds
- Sluag anthropomorphic creature restless spirit translucent unusual sounds
- Snoligoster animal body parts hairy creature water creature
- Snolligoster animal body parts hairy creature water creature
- Soon animal body parts flying creature wings
- Stickman anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness high being long limbs
- Stick anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness high being long limbs
- Storeroom a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Storekeeper a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Storeroom a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Storeroom demon a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Skarbnik a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Strandvascare restless spirit sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Strandwarcels restless spirit sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Strigoi afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood hurting people living dead the harbinger of death
- Stryga anthropomorphic creature flying creature turns into an animal wings
- Strziga anthropomorphic creature flying creature turns into an animal wings
- Striga anthropomorphic creature flying creature turns into an animal wings
- Shtriga anthropomorphic creature flying creature turns into an animal wings
- Strigon anthropomorphic creature flying creature turns into an animal wings
- Stukans anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Skarboniki anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Snitches anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Stuhachi anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Sheenos anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- Stupid Xiaoyang Giants anthropomorphic creature fastest thing hairy creature high being large creature
- Stymphalian birds flying creature wings
- Stimphalides flying creature wings
- Suiko anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood scales water creature
- Sunekosuri the little creature
- Sunekajiri the little creature
- Sunekkorobashi the little creature
- Sunekkorogasi the little creature
- Svexwe the unusual shape of the eyes water creature
- Svehwe the unusual shape of the eyes water creature
- Svitezyanka anthropomorphic creature hurting people water creature
- Svityazanki anthropomorphic creature hurting people water creature
- Swamp Monster anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being unusual eye color
- Swanhamr turns into an animal
- Swanhamr turns into an animal
- Swan Man turns into an animal
- Swan Skin turns into an animal
- Sylphs the little creature turns into a human
- Sylphids the little creature turns into a human
- Son of Leviathan fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Sounds of the Apocalypse sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- Sea Siren fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Stursheuduret animal body parts large creature scales water creature
- Shell Raincoat sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Seashell sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Shellicott sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Stormy petrel flying creature unusual sounds wings
- Snakkur hurting people it feeds on life energy stretches limbs
- Saunatonttu anthropomorphic creature breaks technique helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people no shadow the little creature
- Skessy afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim
- San-gu predicts the future
- Samovila afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flying creature hooves predicts the future restless spirit the harbinger of death treats wings
- Sholudiviy Bunyak anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body unusual sounds
- Swamp lights a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source flying object helps you find your way restless spirit specifies the location of the treasure
- Snake-spear fastest thing scales wings
- Satorikai anthropomorphic creature hairy creature it feeds on life energy the harbinger of death
- Sasquatch anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being superpowered creature
- Shikanken anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Snow Woman anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Sequin animal body parts generating a fire creature
- Sea Centaur anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature
- Sea Knight anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature
- The Earthman anthropomorphic creature hairy creature superpowered creature
- Tulihand choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Tampico animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Tampico animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- The Devourer of Hearts animal body parts
- The Devourer of Amenti animal body parts
- The Hounds of Annun hairy creature sounds without visible sources the harbinger of death translucent
- Tick-tick afraid of the light changes form hurting people turns into a human turns into an animal unusual sounds
- Test anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- The monster Cat turns into a human
- The Nightmare Eater animal body parts
- The Dream Eater animal body parts
- The woman from Barrows anthropomorphic creature the harbinger of death translucent unusual sounds
- The Ice Dwarf anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hairy creature
- The Witching Hare animated object hairy creature hurting people
- The Witchy cat animated object hairy creature hurting people
- The Witchcraft Tangle animated object hairy creature hurting people
- The Swamp Jester anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- The fool of the swamp anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- The King of the Swamp anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- The Antichrist of the Swamp anthropomorphic creature hairy creature long limbs the distortion of time water creature
- The barn old man-the house-keeper helps
- Tong-qi anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body the little creature
- Tsorpok-kur anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body the little creature
- The Brownie anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- The house is alive anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- The Guardian Spirit anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- The abuser is at home anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- The baking dish anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- The Underground anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- The oppressor anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Tikbalang anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being makes you wander sounds without visible sources
- Tovaryacha death hooves the bare bones of the skeleton the harbinger of death turns into an animal
- Tamarou hooves
- Tamarro hooves
- Todomeki anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body restless spirit
- The Serpent flying creature generating a fire creature scales the glowing areas of the body wings
- Three -legged horse anthropomorphic creature the bare bones of the skeleton translucent turns into a human turns into an animal
- Troublemakers anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood fastest thing living dead superpowered creature
- The Hermit of Glen Eiti disproportionate body high being the unusual shape of the eyes
- The wig anthropomorphic creature flying creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- The grove anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature large creature makes you wander
- The Grave Pig glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- The bug-eyed pig glowing eyes hooves large creature superpowered creature thermal effects on the body
- Tsverg anthropomorphic creature hurting people pass the device or knowledge the little creature
- The hum of the evoni anthropomorphic creature changes form hairy creature high being large creature unusual sounds
- Tiny-o-hakaturi changes form
- Tunari hannya anthropomorphic creature
- The Troublemaker changes form fastest thing
- The Devil animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- The Crafty One animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Tamagai a small light at the earth's surface makes you wander restless spirit
- Tian Liu flying creature scales
- Tursas water body
- Thurso water body
- Turisas water body
- The woman from the coast anthropomorphic creature hurting people translucent water creature
- Ten changes form hairy creature hurting people the glowing areas of the body the harbinger of death the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Tue-tue a separate part of the body disproportionate body flying creature
- The Proud Worm anthropomorphic creature
- The Stinging Worm anthropomorphic creature
- The Water Bride anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature
- The Sorcerers' Ship restless spirit water body
- The Sea Maiden anthropomorphic creature fish tail turns into a human water creature
- The thing anthropomorphic creature breaks technique choking victim fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source flying objects hurting people restless spirit sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- The Witch of the Black Mound anthropomorphic creature
- The Demon from Adatigahara anthropomorphic creature
- They are a woman anthropomorphic creature
- The Flyer fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- The Fire Serpent fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- The snake-lover fireball out of the landed object sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- The Underground Panther animal body parts scales water creature
- The Fresno Aliens fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Tomte anthropomorphic creature helps the little creature
- Tobikura drinking the blood flying creature unusual sounds
- The devil of drunkenness anthropomorphic creature hooves
- Tor-kizhiler helps
- Tarandrus changes form hairy creature
- Tarand changes form hairy creature
- Tarandos changes form hairy creature
- The Big Green Ghost water creature
- The Pharaoh anthropomorphic creature fish tail
- The Royal Bird flying creature spontaneous combustion wings
- The Bird of the Evil Spirit flying creature wings
- The man-eating bird flying creature wings
- The Aspen Man anthropomorphic creature helps hurting people
- The Tsar of the Cemetery anthropomorphic creature helps to find the lost thing restless spirit sounds without visible sources tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- The King of Death anthropomorphic creature helps to find the lost thing restless spirit sounds without visible sources tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- The owner of the Churchyard anthropomorphic creature helps to find the lost thing restless spirit sounds without visible sources tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- The Monster-Polkanishche animal body parts anthropomorphic creature
- Toribism breaks technique fluid with no apparent source flying objects sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- The Rake Man anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- The Rope Man animal body parts fastest thing
- The Rock Bird flying creature superpowered creature wings
- The Roc Bird flying creature superpowered creature wings
- The Elephant Bird flying creature superpowered creature wings
- Tityr animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves
- The Faun animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves
- Tyknomanushi anthropomorphic creature helps specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- The Sholmoses changes form hurting people
- Telnyr fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Tuft fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Trouble anthropomorphic creature hurting people
- Tenenog anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body long limbs
- The Shifter anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people sounds without visible sources superpowered creature turns into an animal
- Thin man anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness high being long limbs stretches limbs superpowered creature
- Tall man anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness high being long limbs stretches limbs superpowered creature
- The crowd of the dead anthropomorphic creature restless spirit translucent unusual sounds
- The Unforgiven anthropomorphic creature restless spirit translucent unusual sounds
- Tickler a small light at the earth's surface glowing eyes specifies the location of the treasure turns into an animal
- Tomminokker anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure the little creature
- The Swamp Monster of Honey Island anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being unusual eye color
- The Swan Maidens turns into an animal
- Talasym anthropomorphic creature choking victim hurting people restless spirit turns into an animal
- Talason anthropomorphic creature choking victim hurting people restless spirit turns into an animal
- Talasm anthropomorphic creature choking victim hurting people restless spirit turns into an animal
- Tarask fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Taraska fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Taru Ushti induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim water creature
- Tarru-ushti induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim water creature
- Te no me anthropomorphic creature
- Tenome anthropomorphic creature
- Tame-bodzu anthropomorphic creature
- Tenjo-kudari anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Tenjo-sagari anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Tenzurushi anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Tenjo-kudari anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Tenzo-kudari anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Tendzo-kudari anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Tenzename fluid with no apparent source
- Tenjoname fluid with no apparent source
- Tenzename fluid with no apparent source
- Tendzename fluid with no apparent source
- Terloith teig anthropomorphic creature the little creature translucent
- Tilvit Tag anthropomorphic creature the little creature translucent
- The Alien anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body high being induces pregnancy out of the landed object pass the device or knowledge the distortion of time the little creature the surgical precision of the wound the transition to another world the unusual shape of the eyes
- The Ayia Napa Monster water creature
- The Felico Teras water creature
- The Devil from Jersey animal body parts fastest thing hooves jumps high unusual sounds wings
- The Jersey Devil animal body parts fastest thing hooves jumps high unusual sounds wings
- The Gloucester Monster water creature
- The Goat Man from Maryland animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people unusual eye color
- The Maryland Monster animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people unusual eye color
- The Harpy animal body parts flying creature wings
- The hum of the Earth sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- The creaking of the earth sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- The groan of the earth sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- The noise of the earth sounds without visible sources unusual sounds
- The Loch Ness Monster water creature
- The Miller hurting people
- The mill owner hurting people
- The Minotaur animal body parts anthropomorphic creature superpowered creature
- The Moth Man flying creature glowing eyes missing head wings
- The Owl Man anthropomorphic creature flying creature glowing eyes large creature wings
- The Cornish man anthropomorphic creature flying creature glowing eyes large creature wings
- The Cornish Owl Man anthropomorphic creature flying creature glowing eyes large creature wings
- The Owl Man from Mavnan anthropomorphic creature flying creature glowing eyes large creature wings
- The pawned dead man anthropomorphic creature hurting people living dead restless spirit
- The Roaring Beast animal body parts unusual sounds
- The Sea Maiden fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- The Sea Muse fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- The Pharaoh fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- The sea husband fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- The Sphinx animal body parts anthropomorphic creature pass the device or knowledge specifies the location of the treasure
- The Storshen Monster animal body parts large creature scales water creature
- The Wawel Dragon generating a fire creature large creature scales wings
- Thin coat sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Thunderbird flying creature unusual sounds wings
- Thunderbird flying creature unusual sounds wings
- Thunderbirds flying creature unusual sounds wings
- Tsoona flying creature unusual sounds wings
- Tikbalang animal body parts anthropomorphic creature flying creature turns into a human
- Tikbalan animal body parts anthropomorphic creature flying creature turns into a human
- Tigbolan animal body parts anthropomorphic creature flying creature turns into a human
- Tigbalan animal body parts anthropomorphic creature flying creature turns into a human
- Tikoloshe anthropomorphic creature breaks technique flying objects hairy creature hurting people spontaneously moving objects tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- Tokoloshe anthropomorphic creature breaks technique flying objects hairy creature hurting people spontaneously moving objects tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- Tikolosh anthropomorphic creature breaks technique flying objects hairy creature hurting people spontaneously moving objects tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- Tokolosh anthropomorphic creature breaks technique flying objects hairy creature hurting people spontaneously moving objects tanypodinae creature turns into an animal turns into fog
- Tilbury hurting people it feeds on life energy stretches limbs
- Tlamhigen-i-durr animal body parts hurting people sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Tonttu anthropomorphic creature breaks technique helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people no shadow the little creature
- Torgeyrov bull hooves living dead the bare bones of the skeleton translucent
- The Bull from the Valley hooves living dead the bare bones of the skeleton translucent
- The Bull of Fnjouskadal hooves living dead the bare bones of the skeleton translucent
- Tornarsuk anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Torngasoak anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Tungrangayak anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Torngarsuk anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Tornak anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Tornatic anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Torngarsok anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Torngasok anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Tungrangauak anthropomorphic creature hurting people restless spirit turns into a human
- Troll afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim
- Torogi afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim
- Trold afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim
- Trollval hurting people water creature
- Troll hurting people water creature
- Trow anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Trau anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Trummy Cap anthropomorphic creature the little creature
- Tsuchigumo large creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim turns into a human
- Tsuchi-gumo large creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim turns into a human
- Tsuchigumo large creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim turns into a human
- Tsurube-bi a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source
- Tsurube-otoshi a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source
- Tsurube-bi a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source
- Tsurube-oroshi a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source
- Tualangtsengce animal body parts
- Tunituayeyuk disproportionate body the little creature
- Tzu-Gu predicts the future
- The Purple Maiden predicts the future
- The Sea Wolf water creature
- Tabunnik animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps
- The barn animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps
- The sting animal body parts anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure turns into a human turns into an animal
- The Yearning Bone restless spirit sounds without visible sources
- The wak-wak tree a separate part of the body unusual sounds
- Tsurara-onna anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- The Pig Dragon animal body parts generating a fire creature
- Umihiko animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Umihiko animal body parts anthropomorphic creature fish tail scales the glowing areas of the body water creature
- Urayuli anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body glowing eyes hairy creature high being hurting people large creature unusual eye color
- Ulu-arjan water creature
- Unclean animal body parts anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hooves hurting people sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal
- Uldra animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps sexual relations with the victim
- Uyara anthropomorphic creature fish tail sexual relations with the victim water creature
- Umihime anthropomorphic creature hurting people translucent water creature
- Uminebo anthropomorphic creature hurting people translucent water creature
- Ulu scales water creature
- Underground anthropomorphic creature hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the little creature the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Underwater Panther animal body parts scales water creature
- Underwater Lynx animal body parts scales water creature
- Urman iyase anthropomorphic creature sexual relations with the victim turns into an animal
- Utpadaka animal body parts large creature
- Utpadaha animal body parts large creature
- Unclean dead anthropomorphic creature hurting people living dead restless spirit
- Ubaga-bi a separate part of the body a small light at the earth's surface fireball flying object
- Ubagabi a separate part of the body a small light at the earth's surface fireball flying object
- Uer flying creature unusual sounds wings
- UFO changes form fireball flying object memory lapses quick object technical device the distortion of time
- Unidentified flying object changes form fireball flying object memory lapses quick object technical device the distortion of time
- Umi-zato anthropomorphic creature water creature
- Umizato anthropomorphic creature water creature
- Urhins the little creature turns into an animal
- Urmas anthropomorphic creature predicts the future the transition to another world
- Ursitori anthropomorphic creature predicts the future the transition to another world
- Ushi-oni animal body parts water creature
- Usioni animal body parts water creature
- Utburd anthropomorphic creature restless spirit sounds without visible sources
- Uba Pit anthropomorphic creature
- voishӧrsya hurting people
- Vivene anthropomorphic creature water creature
- Virgin Mary's Hair an unknown substance destroyed by touching flying object white gelatinous mass
- Varman of the tour a small light at the earth's surface unusual sounds water creature
- Varman amashe a small light at the earth's surface unusual sounds water creature
- Vodenbika animal body parts water creature
- Vodeni bik animal body parts water creature
- Velbudorys animal body parts superpowered creature
- Vainatea animal body parts
- Vishnurata animal body parts
- Vurkolak bloodless victim drinking the blood hurting people living dead turns into an animal
- Valasen anthropomorphic creature choking victim hairy creature hurting people
- Virgin of the Waves anthropomorphic creature fish tail turns into a human water creature
- Vel drinking the blood scales water creature
- Vyal drinking the blood scales water creature
- Voh afraid of sunlight animal body parts anthropomorphic creature induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim turns into a human turns into an animal water creature
- Vora-mort anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Vorkul anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Vorys anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being hurting people makes you wander the distortion of time the transition to another world turns into an animal
- Vunishorika fastest thing flying creature hurting people sounds without visible sources the transition to another world turns into a human
- Vagabonds the little creature turns into an animal
- Vacuole hurting people turns into an animal water creature
- Va hurting people turns into an animal water creature
- Vadatais anthropomorphic creature makes you wander tanypodinae creature
- Vampires anthropomorphic creature high being large creature
- Vampals anthropomorphic creature high being large creature
- Vanya sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Vasgo water creature
- Vasila animal body parts anthropomorphic creature helps
- Ved-Ava anthropomorphic creature fish tail restless spirit sexual relations with the victim the harbinger of death water creature
- Vete-Ema anthropomorphic creature fish tail restless spirit sexual relations with the victim the harbinger of death water creature
- Vienna-Emo anthropomorphic creature fish tail restless spirit sexual relations with the victim the harbinger of death water creature
- Vergiena turns into an animal
- Vetala drinking the blood it feeds on life energy living dead restless spirit
- Vetalas drinking the blood it feeds on life energy living dead restless spirit
- Vila afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flying creature hooves predicts the future restless spirit the harbinger of death treats wings
- Vilia afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flying creature hooves predicts the future restless spirit the harbinger of death treats wings
- Vishap water creature
- Veshap water creature
- Viy anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body unusual sounds
- Voishorvoysya hurting people
- Voishӧrkadsa hurting people
- Voishӧrkadya hurting people
- Volkolak turns into an animal
- Volkulak turns into an animal
- Vovkulaka turns into an animal
- Vovkun turns into an animal
- Vrykolakas anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim choking victim drinking the blood hairy creature hurting people it feeds on life energy living dead spontaneously moving objects the harbinger of death the manipulation of objects at a distance
- Vrkolak anthropomorphic creature bloodless victim choking victim drinking the blood hairy creature hurting people it feeds on life energy living dead spontaneously moving objects the harbinger of death the manipulation of objects at a distance
- Vuzhalka animal body parts anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure turns into a human turns into an animal
- Vytyanka restless spirit sounds without visible sources
- Widowmaker anthropomorphic creature hairy creature superpowered creature
- Weirdos anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body high being
- Wyvern flying creature generating a fire creature scales the glowing areas of the body wings
- Well Peg water creature
- Wang Tian Hou flying creature scales
- Weasel with sickle fastest thing flying creature hurting people treats
- Watermelon heads anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body hurting people
- Water Panther animal body parts scales water creature
- Water Lynx animal body parts scales water creature
- Whistling people anthropomorphic creature flying creature helps to find the lost thing induces pregnancy sexual relations with the victim sounds without visible sources specifies the location of the treasure the transition to another world
- Wet woman animal body parts anthropomorphic creature changes form drinking the blood large creature scales water creature
- Wisp anthropomorphic creature helps makes you wander
- Wandered animal body parts hooves scales the manipulation of the actions of the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Wawel CMOC generating a fire creature large creature scales wings
- Water Jumper animal body parts hurting people sounds without visible sources unusual sounds water creature
- Winners anthropomorphic creature predicts the future the transition to another world
- Wolfman turns into an animal
- Wak-wak a separate part of the body unusual sounds
- Wandering Fire a small light at the earth's surface fire with no apparent source flying object helps you find your way restless spirit specifies the location of the treasure
- Wendigo anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness hairy creature hurting people living dead sounds without visible sources superpowered creature the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Windigo anthropomorphic creature excessive thinness hairy creature hurting people living dead sounds without visible sources superpowered creature the manipulation of the actions of the victim
- Werewolf turns into an animal
- Xuan Kabritu anthropomorphic creature burn marks disproportionate body hurting people out of the landed object the little creature
- Xiaoyang anthropomorphic creature fastest thing hairy creature high being large creature
- Xiaoyangming anthropomorphic creature fastest thing hairy creature high being large creature
- Xianfu animal body parts water creature
- Xianfu animal body parts water creature
- Yagaya anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body excessive thinness helps you find your way hurting people pass the device or knowledge the bare bones of the skeleton the transition to another world
- Yagishna anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body excessive thinness helps you find your way hurting people pass the device or knowledge the bare bones of the skeleton the transition to another world
- Yagabova anthropomorphic creature disproportionate body excessive thinness helps you find your way hurting people pass the device or knowledge the bare bones of the skeleton the transition to another world
- Yumekui animal body parts
- Yeah hooves
- Yale animal body parts
- Yal animal body parts
- Yara anthropomorphic creature fish tail sexual relations with the victim water creature
- Yorogumo anthropomorphic creature hurting people sexual relations with the victim turns into a human
- Yotai animated object choking victim
- Yatai animated object choking victim
- Yemaya anthropomorphic creature fish tail induces pregnancy scales sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Yemanja anthropomorphic creature fish tail induces pregnancy scales sexual relations with the victim turns into a human water creature
- Yamako anthropomorphic creature circumstance perception sexual relations with the victim the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim
- Yii Naaldlushii anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people sounds without visible sources superpowered creature turns into an animal
- Yenaldushi anthropomorphic creature hairy creature hurting people sounds without visible sources superpowered creature turns into an animal
- Yatsukahagi large creature the manipulation of the thoughts of the victim turns into a human
- Yuda afraid of sunlight anthropomorphic creature flying creature hooves predicts the future restless spirit the harbinger of death treats wings
- Yakul fastest thing scales wings
- Yakulus fastest thing scales wings
- Yama-jiji anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Yamajiji anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Yamanji anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Yamatiti anthropomorphic creature hairy creature
- Yamatiti anthropomorphic creature hairy creature it feeds on life energy the harbinger of death
- Yamajiji anthropomorphic creature hairy creature it feeds on life energy the harbinger of death
- Yamachichi anthropomorphic creature hairy creature it feeds on life energy the harbinger of death
- Yamauba anthropomorphic creature
- Yamavaro anthropomorphic creature hairy creature helps
- Yamavarava anthropomorphic creature hairy creature helps
- Yeti anthropomorphic creature hairy creature high being superpowered creature
- Youkai anthropomorphic creature
- Yuda anthropomorphic creature fastest thing flying creature the harbinger of death
- Yuda-samovila anthropomorphic creature fastest thing flying creature the harbinger of death
- Yuki-onna anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yuki-ane anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yuki-bamba anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yuki-dzero anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yuki-sky anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yuki-onago anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yuki-hime anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yukibadze anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yukimba anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yukifuri-baba anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature it feeds on life energy sexual relations with the victim turns into fog unusual eye color
- Yuvha changes form scales sexual relations with the victim
- Zhaltvikshas choking victim fireball flying creature sexual relations with the victim specifies the location of the treasure
- Zu animal body parts
- Zharakaka anthropomorphic creature drinking the blood flying creature restless spirit translucent turns into an animal
- Zhirovik anthropomorphic creature changes form choking victim hairy creature helps helps to find the lost thing hurting people predicts the future turns into an animal
- Zashiki-bokko anthropomorphic creature fire with no apparent source fluid with no apparent source helps sounds without visible sources spontaneously moving objects
- Zorigami animated object
- Zagrybast water creature
- Zhalezny chalavek anthropomorphic creature high being
- Zelezny cholovek anthropomorphic creature high being
- Zmeevna animal body parts anthropomorphic creature specifies the location of the treasure turns into a human turns into an animal
- Zhizh anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature the glowing areas of the body
- Zhyzhal anthropomorphic creature generating a fire creature the glowing areas of the body
- Zhulong animal body parts generating a fire creature
- Zhuyin animal body parts generating a fire creature
- Zhulong animal body parts generating a fire creature
- Zhupolong animal body parts generating a fire creature
- Zhuyin animal body parts generating a fire creature
- Ziriddar anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature
- Zeeritter anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature
- Zitiron anthropomorphic creature fish tail water creature