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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. United Kingdom

ID #1513676418
Added Tue, 19/12/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
паб «Owd Betts»
United Kingdom

Do read come from the world of the Bible? Maybe far but all but some for sure. At least, so says 34-year-old British Ghost hunter Sean Reynolds from Liverpool. The researcher paranormalen even managed to take this fantastic process on video. Specialist reported that he had recently visited in the night the old pub "Owd Betts" in Rochdale, and encountered the Ghost of the first owner of pub Betty, who was sitting at the table and reading the Scriptures (esoreiter.ru).

Include the following entry, you will be able to see Sean, who at first encourages the spirit of women:

Welcome. You could do one thing for me? Show me that you are here!

Then the Brit looks over your right shoulder and says:

I feel like someone came in here now. Know how a whiff of the draught...

Then at the opposite end of the room suddenly starts beeping alarm that responds to movement in the dark. Reynolds is heading there with its operator, wanting to see a Ghost with my own eyes. However, nothing suspicious there like there is only a table with a Bible and some other items.

Fortunately, one of the stationary cameras were aimed all the time at this place. Subsequently, after reviewing the footage, the researcher noticed something amazing. It turned out that at the very moment when the alarm went off, on the sofa beside the table spontaneously changed their position one of the pillows. After that, lightly bent cover of the Bible, as if someone had touched her with his finger.

Our hero says:

Is it Betty sat down on the sofa to join our society? I can't find the incident other rational explanation. I was very excited when I realized that we managed to capture on video, as Betty, presumably, interacts with physical objects. It was a paranormal investigation, which I will never forget. I guess Betty felt the Christmas spirit and materialized in his pub to drink a glass of spirits and read a favorite spiritual book, the Bible.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A dad believes he has filmed a landlady's ghost having a Christmas drink after capturing footage of a Bible and cushion moving on their own in a 'haunted' Greater Manchester pub.

In the video Sean Reynolds, 34, can be seen urging the ghost to make herself known before alarms on the dad's paranormal detection equipment start to go off in the Owd Betts pub in Rochdale.

The TV producer captured the startling video while investigating the Owd Betts pub in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, for his Amazon series Ghost Dimension.

Ghost hunter Mr Reynolds felt a blast of ice cold air whisk past him, before a camera set up in an adjoining room picked up spine-tingling footage of a cushion and Bible being moved.

The dad-of-two believes the seemingly inexplicable encounter was the ghost of the pub's old landlady Betty settling down for a festive tipple.

Mr Reynolds, of Liverpool, said: 'I could hear strange noises coming from all around the pub and I couldn't explain what they were.

'I had set up a paranormal experiment and a locked off camera in a corner of the pub which was Betty's favourite place to sit.

In the video Sean Reynolds, 34, can be seen urging the ghost to make herself known at the Owd Betts pub in Rochdale

'I also placed a Bible, which was owned and signed by Betty, with the other items.

'To my surprise during my investigation I felt an icy cold blast of air rush past me and moments later the alarm on the equipment started to go off.

'I rushed over to see what it was and couldn't see anything - but that was only until I reviewed the footage caught on the other camera.

'What I had caught sent chills down my spine with excitement. On the locked off camera, as the equipment alarms can be heard, a cushion appears to move all on its own. 

The dad-of-two believes the seemingly inexplicable encounter was the ghost of the pub's old landlady Betty settling down for a festive tipple

'Perhaps Betty was getting in the Christmas spirit and had sat in the corner ready to drink our drink and read her favourite book.

'It certainly got the whole crew excited to have witnessed a happy Christmas spirit.'

Regulars at the 1796 pub have reported sightings of a ghostly woman walking around the building after house and moving glasses behind the bar.

The sound of a woman tutting as if she disapproves and footsteps have also been heard by people in the pub, according to Mr Reynolds.

The pub's website states: 'It is believed that Betty may still keep an eye on her pub today as many staff members have reported strange happenings and regularly hearing footsteps.'

The TV producer and ghost hunter saw a cushion falling over and a Bible appearing to move on its own when he looked at the footage

Mr Reynolds had his s first encounter with the spirit world was when he was 15, and woke in the middle of the night to the ghost of a 'big fella' sat on the end of his bed wearing a lumberjack jacket.

But he didn't explore the spirit world again until he moved into a house in a cemetery with his partner Rebecca Palmer, 34.

The paranormal-obsessed parents now live in a house in a working cemetery with their daughters Isabella, Darcy and Ella. 

The sound of a woman tutting as if she disapproves and footsteps have also been heard by people in the pub, according to Mr Reynolds

Mr Reynolds said: 'It all started when I was 15. I remember waking up and my dog Sam was asleep on the end of my bed and when I moved the cover I could see this guy sat stroking him.

'A big ghostly fella and he was wearing a lumberjack jacket. Being a teenager I just pulled the cover over my head and went back to sleep.

'But when I told my mum the next day, she told me it sounded exactly like someone she knew who had died.

'I never stopped believing but I didn't get back into exploring the paranormal properly until I met Rebecca.'  


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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