ID | #1717242484 |
Added | Sat, 01/06/2024 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
In the September 9, 1987 issue, the Atlanta Journal Constitution published a bizarre story that became known as "The House That Dripped Blood."
Atlanta police received a call just after midnight from a woman who claimed that something similar to blood was flowing from the floor of her house at 1114 Fountain Drive.
In the late 1980s, an elderly couple William and Minnie Winston lived in a small private house in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Everything in their lives was calm and normal, except that William had kidney problems and was hooked up to a dialysis machine every day, which he really didn't like and why he was often out of sorts.
Late in the evening on September 8, 1987, 77-year-old Minnie Winston took a bath, dried herself with a towel and, about to leave the bathroom, noticed a red spot on the floor.
It looked like blood, but Minnie was sure that there were no wounds on her body from which it could flow. And when she looked all over the bathroom, she found another red spot, this time on the wall. The red liquid slowly dripped from him to the floor.
Minnie jumped out of the bathroom and saw bloody streaks on the floor in the hallway, smeared on the tiles. She immediately thought that something had happened to her husband and that the blood might have leaked during dialysis. However, when she woke 79-year-old William, there were no sources of bleeding on his body.
There was no blood on or near the dialysis machine. The terrified couple went through all six rooms of the house and found bloodstains on the floor in almost every room. Their house was old, brick and very sturdy. They have lived in it for 22 years and so far nothing unusual has happened in the house. They had no pets; they had never seen rats, mice, or other possible pests. They didn't know what to do, and eventually decided to just go to bed.
The next morning, the blood on the floor and walls did not disappear, but it seems that there was even more of it. That's why the Winstons decided to call the police. The police searched the house and indeed found "a large amount of blood" in the bathroom, kitchen, living room, bedroom, corridors and even in the basement.
They did not find any evidence of an attack on a person, but the Winston house was declared a crime scene and covered with yellow tape. The couple was allowed to stay in the house.
Blood samples were collected and sent to the laboratory for analysis. First of all, in order to determine whether it is human blood at all. Soon the answer came that yes, it was human. Moreover, it was group zero, and both Winstons had blood type A. According to Detective Steve Cartwright, who led the case, he had worked in the police for more than 10 years up to this point, but had never encountered such a strangeness.
The police searched the house again, but eventually found nothing else. A few days later, the story got into the press and a crowd of onlookers and journalists poured into the house. And also psychics who offered their services, believing that something supernatural was involved.
From the September 11, 1987 issue of the Lawrence Journal-World. Photo:
Then a group of five enthusiastic skeptics was formed, who decided at all costs to get to the bottom of this phenomenon. They were Joe Nickell, Larry Johnson, Rick Moen and Rebecca Long, who were later joined by Lieutenant J. Walker, who was part of the original team of investigators in this case.
At some point, they managed to obtain a police inspection report of the house, which contained color photographs of bloodstains (alas, these photos are not available on the Internet), but no further breakthroughs occurred.
Lieutenant Walker believed that there was no poltergeist intervention (as psychics believed), and suggested that something criminal had happened in the house. He also did not rule out that the couple could be persuaded to draw by promising them money or something else.
Walker then discovered that the Winston's daughter worked at the hospital as a nurse and had access to blood donations. According to his theory, the daughter could deliberately arrange a "bloody show" to make her parents look crazy and to be recognized as incompetent. Then the daughter will get their house for herself.
Walker considered this version very plausible, as he learned that there had been long-standing serious conflicts between the Winstons and their daughter.
However, he was removed from the case long ago, and the official investigation quickly reached a dead end and the case was simply closed. A police spokesman later admitted that they still did not understand where the blood came from.
Original news
In its September 9th, 1987 edition, The Atlanta Journal Constitution carried a bizarre story that became known as The House That Dripped Blood.
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Atlanta Police had been called just after midnight by a woman claiming that what looked like blood, was coming out of the floor of her home at 1114 Fountain Drive.
In the late 1980s, elderly couple William and Minnie Winston lived in a small private house in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Everything in their life was calm and normal, except that William had diseased kidneys and was connected to a dialysis machine every day, which he really did not like and why he was often out of sorts.
Late in the evening of September 8, 1987, 77-year-old Minnie Winston took a bath, dried herself with a towel, and as she was getting ready to leave the bathroom, she noticed a red spot on the floor.
It looked like blood, but Minnie was sure there were no wounds on her body where it could leak. And when she looked around the entire bathroom, she found another red spot, this time on the wall. Red liquid slowly flowed from it down to the floor.
Minnie jumped out of the bathroom and saw bloody streaks on the floor in the hallway, smeared on the tiles. She immediately thought that something had happened to her husband and that the blood might have leaked during dialysis. However, when she woke up William, 79, there were no sources of bleeding on his body.
Minnie and William Winston
There was no blood on or near the dialysis machine. The frightened couple walked around all six rooms of the house and found bloody stains on the floor in almost every room. Their house was old, brick and very strong. They have lived in it for 22 years and until now nothing unusual has happened in the house. They had no pets; they had never seen rats, mice or other possible pests. They didn’t know what to do and finally decided to just go to bed.
The next morning, the blood on the floor and walls had not gone away and there even seemed to be more of it. So the Winstons decided to call the police. Police searched the house and indeed found “copious amounts of blood” in the bathroom, kitchen, living room, bedroom, hallways and even the basement.
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They found no evidence that a person had been attacked, but they declared the Winston house a crime scene and surrounded it with yellow tape. The couple was allowed to stay inside the house.
Blood samples were collected and sent to the laboratory for analysis. First of all, in order to determine whether it is human blood at all. Soon the answer came that yes, human. Moreover, it was type zero, and both Winstons had type A blood. According to detective Steve Cartwright, who led the case, he had worked in the police force for more than 10 years up to that point, but had never encountered such an oddity.
The police examined the house again, but in the end they still found nothing more. A few days later, this story hit the press and a crowd of onlookers and journalists flocked to the house. And also psychics who offered their services, believing that something supernatural was involved.
From the Sept. 11, 1987 edition of the Lawrence Journal-World. Credit:
Then a group of five enthusiastic skeptics was formed who decided to get to the bottom of this phenomenon at all costs. They were Joe Nickell, Larry Johnson, Rick Moen and Rebecca Long, who were later joined by Lt. G. Walker, who was on the original team of investigators on the case.
At some point, they managed to get a police report from the inspection of the house, which contained color photos of bloody stains (alas, these photos are not available on the Internet), but no further breakthroughs happened.
Lieutenant Walker believed that there was no poltergeist intervention (as psychics believed), and assumed that something criminal had happened in the house. He also did not rule out that the spouses could have been persuaded to commit a hoax by promising them money or something else.
Walker then discovered that the Winstons’ daughter worked at the hospital as a nurse and had access to blood donations. According to his theory, the daughter could deliberately stage a “bloody show” in order to make her parents look like crazy and so that they would be recognized as incompetent. Then the daughter would get their house for herself.
Walker considered this version very plausible, as he found out that there had been long-standing serious conflicts between the Winstons and their daughter.
However, he was removed from the case long ago, and the official investigation quickly reached a dead end and the case was simply closed. A police spokesman later admitted that they still did not understand where the blood came from.
Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.
There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.
Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.
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