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Added Sat, 10/11/2018
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Angiac literally translates to "living dead child".

In the beliefs of the Eskimos of Alaska, the vengeful spirit of a newborn child abandoned to die, returning to drink the blood of his living relatives.

He took revenge first of all on the elders, because during the hungry years it often happens that the elders of the tribe are forced to get rid of extra mouths. They get rid of babies, because it is believed that a small child does not yet belong completely to our world. The elders take the child and leave him to starve to death in the snow.

And until the tribe changes camp, they will be haunted by the ghost of this child. The only way to prevent the appearance of an angiac is not to give the child a name: after all, only a name gives a person a soul.

Every night he will suck his mother's breast, gaining strength to take revenge on the elders. Having gained enough strength, he gets the ability to transform into various wild animals, in the guise of which he will kill members of his family.

He can also attack random passers-by. When a traveler walks or rides, usually on dogs, through a snowy desert, he can hear sounds foreshadowing the appearance of a monster. This is the crying of a child, quickly fading away in a blizzard, and the hooting of a polar white owl. At this time, you can still escape from the angiac if you turn back in time and have time to leave its territory. If a person continues on his way due to inexperience, very soon he sees a white owl flying over him, and almost instantly he is attacked by an angiac. He can appear either in the form of a small man overgrown with shaggy brown fur, with long curved claws and sharp teeth, or a giant owl. Sometimes - in the form of a child turned white from the cold. The older the angiac, the stronger.

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