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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. United States

ID #1624527488
Added Thu, 24/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United States

The 39-year-old witness had just laid down on the bed and was looking out of the bedroom windows; lying on her right side (there is a street lamp outside that gives some light into the bedroom), she also has a two-foot (0.6 m) black light in the bedroom that is constantly on. Suddenly, she noticed what she thought was her favorite dog, Papillon, putting his front paws on the mattress, seeming to stare at her.

She looked at "him" for a while and noticed that this figure did not move, which was very uncharacteristic for her pet. Then she began to examine the shadow a little deeper and noted that the shadow was very dark, darker than the usual shadow of an animal should have been. The "creature" also did not have butterfly ears, like her pet. It turned out to be larger in size and shape of a large domestic cat. 

She wanted to reach out to touch him, to see if it was true, but something told her:

"I don't dare to do this."

 Suddenly, she was very scared (this thing was about six inches from her face, since she tends to sleep on the very edge of the mattress). She closed her eyes for about a minute, and then opened them again and saw that the thing was still there. She continued to look at him, angry and scared, and he began to make strange movements with his head. 

Imagine a cat moving its head in the form of the "infinity" symbol; like a side eight. At that moment, she was very scared; it was almost as if he wanted to hypnotize her. She closed her eyes again for a minute, and when she looked again, the thing was gone. Whatever it was, she felt that it was very ancient, but spiritually lower level. 

As strange as it may sound, she felt that it was trying to take her out of her physical body to go on a journey that she did not want to go on.

Original news

Location. Virginia, exact location not given
Date: September 2007
Time: lat night
The 39-year old witness had just lay down on bed, and was facing the bedroom windows; lying on her right side (there is a streetlight outside which affords a bit of light into the bedroom), she also has a 2 ft black light in the bedroom, which burns constantly. Suddenly she noticed what she thought was her pet dog, Papillon, with its forepaws up on the mattress, appearing to look at her intently. She stared at “him” for awhile and noticed that this figure wasn’t moving which was very uncharacteristic for her pet. She then began examining the shadow a bit more in depth and noted that the shadow was very dark, darker than a normal shadow of animal should have been. The “thing” also did not have her pet’s butterfly ears; it appeared to be more the size and shape of a large house cat. She wanted to reach out to touch it, to see if it was real, but something told her “I dare not do that”. She suddenly became very afraid (the thing was about 6 inches from her face, since she tends to sleep toward the very edge of the mattress). She squeezed her eyes shut for about a minute, and then reopened them to see the thing still there. She kept staring at it, angry and scared, and it began doing a weird motion with its head. Picture a cat moving its head in an “infinity” symbol shape; like a sideways ‘8’. She became very scared at this point; it was almost as if it wanted to hypnotize her. She closed her eyes again for a minute and when she looked again the thing was gone. Whatever it was, she felt it was very ancient, but lower-level spiritually. As strange as this is going to sound, she felt that it was trying to get her out of her physical body to go on a journey that she did not want to take.
Source: http://www.yourghoststories.com


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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