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Spirits. United States

ID #1623776480
Added Tue, 15/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
15.07.2006 21:30
Восточное шоссе 59, возле Игл
United States

In July 2006, on the 15th or 16th, my husband and I were moving from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to a small area between Whitewater and Eagle, Wisconsin. It was about 21:30, and there was a bright full moon in a clear sky. We drove east on Highway 59, past the Needles, and turned onto Road X... a somewhat deserted stretch. 

On either side of the road is a narrow strip of trees, and beyond them are open fields. The area is about 18 miles east of Whitewater, between Eagle and North Prairie, Wisconsin. My husband was driving, and his two young children in the back seat seemed to be asleep. Suddenly flying over the trees to our left, dropping in front of the windshield of the car, then back up over the treetops to our right, slowly rising over the field, I would call a person with bat-like features flying like a bat. This creature was as real as you and I are. We looked at it very carefully. 

It was long, 6-7 feet (1.8-2.1 m) long. I'm talking about the length, because he was flying sideways, looking into the car, like in a side impact. It was a dark gray, very leathery skin, with one wing tucked into its side (one facing the ground) and the other flapping as it flew. The wing was huge, just like a bat's. 

Most of all, I was struck by the eyes. They were very round. Where the whites should have been, it looked unnatural, as it could not be better described. The irises were a very pale blue. I wasn't afraid. I was amazed, amazed, and even excited. My husband was shocked and didn't stop when I asked him to. The kids were in the car.

I hope it will also attract more people who have seen this mysterious creature or other creatures. I recently read on the internet about a woman from Minot, Wisconsin, who also saw a creature with this description around 1960. 

I've noticed that some who have witnessed it compare it to the creature from the movie Jeepers Creepers. There are definitely similarities. I had never seen this movie before.

Original news

Date:  July 15 | 16 2006
Location:  Highway 59 East, past Eagle, Wisconsin
Time:  9:30 PM
Summary:  In July, 2006, on the 15th or 16th, my husband and I were in the process of moving from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to a small area between Whitewater and Eagle WI. It was about 9:30 PM, and there was a bright full moon in a clear sky. We were travelling down Highway 59 East, past Eagle, turning onto Road X…a somewhat desolate stretch. A thin band of trees are on each side of the road, with open fields behind them. This area is about 18 miles approximately east of Whitewater, located between Eagle and North Prairie, WI. My husband was driving, his two young children in the back seat, I believe asleep. Suddenly swooping over the trees on our left, lowering down in front of the car windshield, then upwards again over the treetops to our right, gliding at a slow ascent over the field, was what I would describe as man with bat-like features, flying like a bat. This creature was as real as you and I are. We had a very close up look at it. It was long, 6-7 feet in length. I say length, because it was flying sideways, looking into the car, much like doing the side-stroke. It was a dark grey, very leathery skin, one wing kind of tucked into its side (the one facing the ground) and the other flapping while it flew. The wing was huge, and exactly like a bats. What got me the most were the eyes. They were very round. Where the whites would be, looked rhuemy, the best way to describe it. The irises were of a very pale blue. I was not afraid. I was astounded, amazed, and even excited. My husband was shook up, and would not stop when I asked him to. The kids were in the car. I hope this will also bring more people forward who have seen this mystery creature, or other creatures as well. I was reading recently online of a woman in Minot, WI, who in about 1960, also had seen a creature of this description. I notice that some who have witnessed this, compare it to the creature from the movie, “Jeepers Creepers.” There are definitely similarities. I had never seen the movie yet, prior to my sighting.
Source:  Lon at Phantoms and Monsters


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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