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Poltergeist. United States

ID #1623429468
Added Fri, 11/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
28.01.2006 07:30
Озеро Висконсин
United States

The witness was sleeping alone in a first-floor bedroom when her husband was returning home from New Orleans, and her teenage daughter was in her room upstairs with the door closed, and her teenage son was sleeping across the hall from her daughter with the door closed. Their cat was the only member of the family who was wandering around the house as usual. 

She hadn't intended to get up early, but she was woken by the sound of the bedroom door opening. She opened her eyes and immediately saw the door, which was about two-thirds open, and also saw a cat walking towards it. It was then that she looked up from the floor and asked the cat:

"Who let you in here?»

Then she saw the creature in the hallway. He was short, wearing a sort of suit, and the eye holes were very large and dark. It wasn't quite right in her line of sight, and as she watched, he took two steps so that they were now looking directly at each other. 

Although she knew that what she was seeing was something otherworldly, she somehow wanted to believe that one of her children had opened the bedroom door. So, even though she was very afraid, she tried to get out of bed. When she did, she said again in a rather loud voice:

"Ribi, who let you in?»

As she started to walk toward the door, the creature turned to the right and took a few steps that hid it from her view. By the time she reached the corridor, the creature was gone. She ran upstairs to her daughter's room and found out that she also heard the bedroom door open and heard the witness talking to the cat. 

Later that day, she noticed something she hadn't noticed before, when the oven was turned on, she heard a very quiet humming vibration, and she heard this vibration while the oven was turned on. When the furnace was started, the vibration slowly stopped. She didn't tell anyone about the vibration, because it made her very uncomfortable. 

Her family left the house for a week and they returned, she was happy to notice that the vibration associated with the stove had stopped.

Original news

Location. Lake Wisconsin, Columbia County, Wisconsin
Date: January 28 2006
Time: 0730am
The witness was alone sleeping in the downstairs bedroom as her husband was on his way home from New Orleans and her teenaged daughter was in her room upstairs with the door closed and her teenaged son was asleep across the hall from her daughter with his door closed. Their cat was the only family member wandering around the house as usual. She had no plans to get up early, however she was awakened by the sound of her bedroom door being opened. She opened her eyes and immediately saw the door which was about two thirds ajar and also saw their cat walking toward her. It was then that she looked from the floor and said to the cat “who let you in here?” She then saw a being in the hallway. It was short, had a kind of suit on, its eye holes were very large and dark. It wasn’t quite directly in her line of sight and as she watched it took two steps so that they were now looking directly at each other. Even though she knew that what she was seeing was something otherworldly, she somehow wanted to believe that one of her children had opened the bedroom door. So despite the fact that she was deeply afraid she stared to get out of bed. As she did, she said again in a rather loud voice, “Reebee who let you in.” As she began to walk toward the door the being turned toward the right and took some steps that took it out of her line of sight. By the time she made it to the hallway the being was gone. She ran upstairs to her daughter’s room and learned that she too had heard the bedroom door opening and had heard the witness talking to the cat. Later that day she noticed something she hadn’t notice before, when the furnace kicked on, she would hear a very low humming vibration and she would hear the vibration as long as the furnace was on. When the furnace kicked off the vibration would slowly come to a halt. She told no one about the vibration because she was very disconcerted by it. Her family left the house for a week and they returned she happily noticed that the vibration tied to the furnace had stopped.

Source: http://www.ufowisconsin.com


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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