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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. United States

ID #1623322706
Added Thu, 10/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Окдейл, NE
United States

The witness was hunting deer in the Neelig Park area and had just climbed over a fence from a cornfield to an old pasture and onto an old riverbank near his stand of trees. Daylight was just beginning to appear when he realized that he wasn't alone. 

On the right, he could see another figure heading in the same direction at a distance of 8 to 10 feet (2.4-3 m). He said "as if to see" because at first it seemed that this figure or creature was not solid, and he could partially see through it and see the trees in the background. 

Then the creature seemed to recognize the witness, stopped, and turned to face him. At this point, it became more solid, and the witness could no longer see through it. 

The figure had no covering on its head, except for dark curly hair about two inches (5.08 cm) long. He had dark, piercing eyes, no facial hair, and features that would have been unique to any person the witness had ever seen. Perhaps the closest resemblance was to an Indian, but still quite different. It seemed to be covered with something close-fitting made of a solid fabric of dark gray or dark green color, without fabric. His legs were covered with what looked like his clothes. He had nothing in his hands. 

He seemed quite muscular and a few inches taller than the witness, maybe 6ft 6in (198.1 cm) or 7ft (210 cm). They both stared at each other for about 30 seconds. He showed no fear, only some curiosity, as he broke eye contact with the witness to examine him. The witness also felt curiosity combined with a lack of fear. 

After about 30 seconds, it partially turned away from the witness, and after another 5-10 seconds, it became transparent and disappeared. During subsequent visits to the area, the witness did not meet with anyone.

Original news

Location. Near Oakdale, Nebraska
Date: mid October 2005
Time: early morning
The witness was hunting deer in Neligh park area and had just crossed a fence from a cornfield into the old pasture to an old river bank near his tree stand. Daylight was just beginning when he became aware that he was not alone. To his right he could sort of see another figure heading in the same direction about 8 to 10ft away. He said “sort of see” because initially it seemed that this figure or being was not solid, and he could see partially through it and see the trees in the background. The being then seemed to become aware of the witness and stopped and turned to stare at him. At this point it became more solid, and the witness could no longer see through him. The figure appeared to have no covering on his head, except dark curly hair about two inches long. He had dark piercing eyes, no facial hair and features that were unique from any person the witness had ever seen. The closest resemblance was perhaps to a native American Indian, but still quite different. He appeared to be covered in something tight-fitting of solid texture in dark gray or dark green color, no cloth. His feet were covered with what seemed to be a continuance of his clothing. He had nothing in his hands, which appeared to be very similar to the witness’. He seemed to be quite muscular and several inches taller than the witness, perhaps 6’6” or 7’. They both looked at each other for about 30seconds. He showed no fear, only some curiosity, as he broke eye contact with the witness to look him over. Curiosity with the absence of fear was what the witness also felt. At the end of the 30 or so seconds, he partially turned away from the witness and within another 5 or 10 seconds, became transparent and disappeared. In subsequent visits to the area the witness has not experienced any other encounters.

Source: Your True Tales—June 2006


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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