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Spirits. United States

ID #1621972500
Added Tue, 25/05/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
2000 03:00
Санта-Моника, CA
United States

Elaine spoke about a strange experience she had during her stay at the Georgian Hotel in Santa Monica. 

I worked as an information technology contractor at MGM Studios for 2000. Working there was a lot of fun, and the opportunity to see such props from movies like "Stargate" was an added bonus. I stayed at the Georgian Hotel in Santa Monica during a major renovation. 

After a month at MGM, my contract was coming to an end. During my last night at the hotel, I suddenly woke up at about 3am. In the light from the window and the night light in the room, I could see something floating in the center of the room. 

It was the head of something I had never seen and never wanted to see again. It was grotesque - the head of a man with snakes for hair. Its skin, which looked dark green, seemed to move along with the smaller snakes. When I watched him, he moved his lips as if he was trying to say something to me, but I couldn't hear anything. I could see the back of his head in the mirror on the wall in front of me. 

I really don't know how I knew it needed to be said, but I told him it wasn't welcome and I had to leave. After saying this a few more times, it gradually disappeared. 

I got up and turned on the light in the room. While working at MGM, I thought maybe one of the guys I worked with was playing a joke on me. I checked the entire room for anything that could create this head image, but I didn't find anything. Needless to say, I didn't fall asleep again. 

When it was time to leave that morning, I was too embarrassed to say anything. When I went to work for the last time, I actually asked the guys if they knew anything about it. They all said no and promised me that they would never do anything more cruel. One of them told me that the hotel was indeed haunted. 

This incident made me wonder what exactly I saw that night. I think it could be a demon looking for someone to possess. Dave Schroeder noticed that the creature she described was similar in description to a jellyfish.

Original news

Date: 2000
Location: Santa Monica, California
Time: 3 AM
Summary: Elaine told of a strange experience she had while staying at the Georgian Hotel in Santa Monica. “I was working as an information technology contractor for MGM Studios during the year 2000. It was a lot of fun working there, getting to see movie props such as the Stargate was an extra bonus. I was staying at the Georgian Hotel in Santa Monica during a major renovation. Having worked at MGM for a month, my contract was coming to an end. During my last night at the hotel, I woke up suddenly at approximately 3 AM. Via the light from the window and the night-light in the room, I could see something floating in the middle of the room. It was the head of something I’ve never seen and never want to see again. It was grotesque – a man’s head with snakes as hair. It’s skin, which looked be dark green, seemed to be moving with smaller snakes. As I watched it, it moved its lips as if it was trying to talk to me, but I couldn’t hear anything. I could see the back of its head in the mirror on the wall in front of me. I really don’t know how I knew to say this but I told him, it wasn’t welcome and it had to leave. After saying this a few more times, it just slowly faded away. I got up and turned on the lights in the room. Working for MGM, I thought maybe one of the guys I was working with was playing a joke on me. I checked the whole room for anything that could produce this head image but I found nothing, Needless to say, I didn’t go back to sleep. When the time came to check out later that morning, I was too embarrassed to say anything. Heading in to work one last time, I did ask the guys if they knew anything about it. They all said no and promised me they would never do anything so cruel. One of them did tell me that the hotel was in fact haunted. This incident has left me wondering just what it was I saw that night. I think it might have been a demon-looking for someone to possess.” Dave Schrader noted that the being she described sounded like Medusa, except male.
Source: Source: Darkness Radio – August 20th 2015    Transcribed by Jamie Brian


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Parasomnias (Hypnagogic hallucinations)

The presence of different entity next to the bed in the room or outside the window. The entity appeared after a sudden awakening. After a while it disappeared/melted/disappeared.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Pareidolic illusion

A variety of visual illusions (the so-called "sensory illusions additions"); is the formation of illusory images, as a basis which are the details of the real object. Thus, the vague and obscure the visual image is perceived as something distinct and defined — for example, figures of people and animals in the clouds, the image of a man on the moon, "a hidden message", audible when you reverse the audio recordings, the shadows formed by leaves or complexes of objects in certain lighting (sometimes at a certain angle).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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