ID | #1565265842 |
Added | Thu, 08/08/2019 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
Bigfoot was photographed by a surveillance camera installed in the North-West of Pennsylvania.
This event took place in 2019. The exact location is not disclosed. The alleged Bigfoot, it seemed, was in front of the camera by accident. It's almost like a selfie. These incredible images are surprisingly clear and it is hard to believe.
The man said he noticed that someone or something is following him in the woods. It seemed that the creature followed him for some time. He acknowledged that in the hills there was a dark silhouette. This thing was hidden behind trees and rocks. This, of course, surprised and scared him.
He wanted to know who it was, so the man has installed several surveillance cameras in the forest. These types of cameras record images when around them moves.
It is noteworthy that one of these cameras took this picture. Many wonder whether this is a photo of a real Bigfoot. Curiously, the creature Bigfoot, it seems, noticed the camera and probably walked away after that.
Unfortunately, the video was not taken as a photo from another viewing angle of the camera. Only in order to make final conclusions, the witness must provide more information. This will allow experts to visit the scene, conduct an investigation and make the necessary conclusions.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
Original news
Un Bigfoot aurait été photographié par une caméra de surveillance installée quelque-part dans le nord-ouest de l’État de Pennsylvanie.
Cet événement a eu lieu cette année en 2019. L’emplacement exact n’a pas été révélé. Le Bigfoot présumé semblait être arrivé devant cette caméra par hasard. Cela ressemble presque à un selfie. Ces images incroyables sont d’une clarté étonnante et sont donc difficiles à croire.
L'homme a raconté avoir remarqué que quelqu'un ou quelque chose le poursuivait dans la forêt. Il semblait que cette chose le suivait depuis un moment.
Il a admis qu'une silhouette sombre est alors apparue sur les collines. Cette chose se cachait derrière les arbres et les rochers. Cela l'a certainement surpris et effrayé.
Il voulait savoir de qui il s'agissait, alors l'homme a installé plusieurs caméras de surveillance dans les bois. Ces types de caméras enregistrent des images lorsque des mouvements se produisent autour d’elles.
Remarquablement, une de ces caméras a pris cette image. Beaucoup se demandent si cette photo est celle d'un vrai Bigfoot. Curieusement, la créature Bigfoot semble avoir remarqué l’appareil photo et s’en est probablement éloignée par la suite.
Il est dommage qu'aucune vidéo n'ait été prise ou qu'aucun autre angle de caméra n'ait été capturé non plus. La photo nous montre une sombre créature en colère. Elle semble avoir des caractéristiques semblables à celles d’un singe. À moins qu'il ne s'agisse d'un animal de zoo échappé ou de quelqu’un portant un costume quelconque, l’hypothèse Bigfoot demeure la seule explication possible.
La personne, à qui appartient cette photo, devrait publier plus d'informations à ce sujet. La seule chose connue est que le témoin porte le pseudonyme u/zenona_motyl sur Reddit. De nombreux chasseurs de Bigfoot et cryptozoologues ont évoqué la possibilité qu’il puisse s’agir d’un singe. Toutefois, certains pensent qu’il s’agit véritablement du fameux Bigfoot.
En Amérique du Nord seulement, il y a de nombreuses observations du Bigfoot chaque année. Bien qu'il y ait beaucoup d’histoires qui s’avèrent fausses, certaines d'entre elles sont discutables. Cette photo semble également douteuse.
Seulement, pour en tirer des conclusions définitives, il est nécessaire que le témoin fournisse davantage d’informations. Cela permettra à des spécialistes de se rendre sur place afin d’y mener une enquête et d’en tirer les conclusions qui s’imposent.
There isn’t much information about this, yet what is known about the photo is Bigfoot was allegedly recorded by a trail camera setup in the northwestern part of Pennsylvania. What resembles a tall dark hairy beast, can be seen in the single photograph.
The occurrence happened this year in 2019. The exact location wasn’t disclosed. The alleged Bigfoot seemed to happen by this camera randomly. It almost looks like a selfie shot taken. Something like this is difficult to believe but shouldn’t be dismissed immediately yet either.
From what the man said, he noticed someone or something was chasing him in the forest. It seemed as if this thing had been following him around for a while.
He admitted that a dark silhouette appeared on the hills. This thing was hiding behind the trees and rocks there. He was certainly surprised by this and was frightened by it.
He wanted to find out who this was, so the man setup several trail cameras around in the woods. These type of cameras, record pictures when movement occurs around them.
Remarkably, one of these cameras picked up this image. Many are wondering if this photo is that of a real Bigfoot. Curiously, the Bigfoot creature seems to notice the camera and likely wandered away afterward.
It is ashamed that no video was taken or any other camera angles were not captured either. The photo does show a dark fury creature of some kind. It does seem to have ape-like features. Unless this was an escaped zoo animal, then speculations of Bigfoot are the only explanation other than someone dressed up in some kind of costume.
Whoever this photograph belongs to, should post more information about it. The only thing known is someone with the username u/zenona_motyl from Reddit posted this. Many Bigfoot hunters and cryptozoologists have since gone ape over this photo. Some think this really is the infamous Bigfoot creature.
In North America alone, there have been numerous sightings each and every year. While there are many fake things presented some of them are questionable. This photograph appears to be questionable as well. Maybe someone out there knows more as many want to know about this photograph.
Stills from the film

Shot from a film may be granted a real shot in the form of pictures and videos. This is one of the easiest to confirm options fraud, but one of the most difficult to identify because it often happens that the object is unremarkable and the film should be well remembered for his identification. On special effects for films usually work the whole team of professionals such as computer graphics and other fields, so if you don't know the movie, then fraud is often indistinguishable from the original.
Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.
There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.
Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.
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