Мы тестируем новую версию сайта. Эта версия обновляться не будет. Приносим извинения за временные неудобства.
We are testing a new version of the site. This version will not be updated. We apologise for any temporary inconvenience.
Estamos probando una nueva versión del sitio. Esta versión no se actualizará. Rogamos disculpen las molestias.

Новости сайта

Development of the telegram channel

The informative content of messages in the live channel of the site has been increased:

  • added the ability to view content directly in the app;
  • added hashtags for quick sorting of materials;
  • comments on publications are open.

Please write to the feedback about the detected errors, as well as suggestions for the development of channels .

Updating the map

The fact map has been updated on the site. Now you can use it to see the location of all the facts recorded in our Archive.

Updating the "About Project" page"

The information on the page has been updated "About the project". There was a description of the mission of our group, the goals of the project were reformulated, and photos and screenshots were added to the "History" section.

Site restored

The site was fully restored after the fire in the data center on March 10, 2021.

The server on which our site was located was completely destroyed. Because of this, the site was unavailable for more than a week. After receiving information about the recovery time of the data center, it was decided to deploy a backup copy of the site on a temporary site and for several weeks the site functioned in conditions of limited performance.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. The site is now fully operational again. In addition, the time of forced downtime was spent on optimizing the server infrastructure in order to increase performance. Now the site pages should load much faster.

We apologize to our visitors for the temporary inconvenience.

Happy New year 2021!

I congratulate all participants of the project and readers of the site on the New Year! Let it bring many new achievements, joyful events and happy moments! Let this year be a lot of discoveries and exciting adventures!

Happy Project Day!

Today, August 26, exactly 22 years ago, the first entry appeared in the Archive, as well as the idea of the FernFlower project. From the bottom of my heart I thank all those who contributed to its development! I would like to wish the regular emergence of new ideas and their successful implementation, as well as the emergence of new colleagues and friends of the project in our friendly team.

Subscription to materials

The site has the opportunity to receive notifications about new materials. To do this, you need to subscribe to telegram. channel Digest with information about new materials for the whole day (comes at 18: 00 UTC) or "New materials" (notifications will be sent at the time of publication of the material on the website).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

With the New 2020!

I wish you happiness, health and love in the new year to all our readers and participants of the project!

A huge thank you to everyone who was with us all the time: helped in the search, participated in the investigations suggested topics for work and in other ways contributed to the project.

Let come true your most cherished dreams, and the road to the goal will be interesting and easy!

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Project 21!

Congratulations to all the participants of the project FernFlower, consultants and visitors to the site with the Foundation day of the project! Thanks to all who participated in its formation and development. Wish to continue their joint fruitful work, new colleagues and friends of the project, which will also be interesting to plunge into this fascinating world of the study of unexplained facts.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

New website design

The design of the website was updated.

Completed the first phase of work on the new display: the site has a mobile version, I changed the display of the main materials.

While that only works the light subject. The "Statistics" section works in test mode. Left untranslated titles and labels. We never stop working and try to fix all the bugs soon.

If you find any problem, error or malfunction, please email us at feedback. This will help to make the site better and more user-friendly.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Site friends

  • Мир тайн — сайт о таинственном
  • Activite-Paranormale
  • UFOlats
  • Новый Бестиарий
  • The Field Reports
  • UFO Meldpunt Nederland
  • Паранормальная наука, наука об аномалиях
  • Новости уфологии
  • UFO Insights
  • Mundo Ovnis



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