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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy


Added Wed, 26/10/2022
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Характерные признаки

Tunda ( Spanish La Tunda ) is a mythical creature from the Pacific coastal region Colombia and Ecuador, and, in particular, in the Afro-Colombian community of the Choco Department.

It resembles an ordinary woman, but it can change shape. She often appears in the image of a loved one (to men-loggers or hunters working deep in the jungle, she seems to be a beautiful woman), but sometimes she takes the image of a mother and even a child. However, its shape-shifting abilities are imperfect, as this twin will always have a wooden leg in the shape of a molinillo or wooden kitchen utensils used to stir hot drinks.  The monster is very cunning, trying to hide this flaw from its potential victims.

She usually lures her victims into the forest and feeds them shrimp (camarones peneídos) so that they remain obedient and serve her until death. This is called entundamiento, and a person in this state is called entundado(a).

In another version, she tries to lure a man into the thicket of the forest to reveal her disgusting nature and suck his blood or devour him like a wild animal like a bear.

Phenomenon in mass culture

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