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A video with three hovering over the Birobidzhan, a UFO appeared in the social network 1 APR

Added Mon, 22/01/2018
Дата публикации
Mon, 03/04/2017

April 3, 2017, EAOMedia. A very original way decided to amuse the residents of Birobidzhan April 1, one user of the popular social network. In the "Classmates", he posted the video with three "visiting" the city of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) cylindrical and spherical forms. Funny video with obvious signs of terrestrial origin are clearly liked by the online audience. "Space" creation, created, apparently, in one of the computer graphics programs, scored at the time of release notes, more than 10 thousand views and many likes, reports Corr. IA ЕАOMedia.

"At approximately 13.30 (23.03.2017) I witnessed three UFOs that I have seen near an electrical substation in Birobidzhan. A large cylindrical UFO, it seemed to me, was much beyond the two spherical objects. Within a minute they in turn disappeared from sight at very high speed," commented on a video posted on the social network.

Users clearly appreciated the joke. Video – more than 10 thousand views, over 70 likes, and the growing number of reposts in social networks.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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