Added | Sun, 09/07/2023 |
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Дата публикации | Sun, 09/07/2023
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The white rainbow, a mysterious and beautiful phenomenon, was recorded by participants of the Arctic Floating University-2023 at Cape Desire in the north of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. This rare meteorological phenomenon aroused the interest and surprise of scientists who carefully studied its nature and causes.
In order for a white rainbow to appear, special conditions are necessary. Maxim Chervyakov, Head of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology at Saratov State University, explained that this phenomenon occurs when the sun illuminates microscopic water droplets. When these drops get bigger, the rainbow takes on colors. In this case, all the necessary conditions were formed over the Cape of Desire: a cloud and the sun, which led to the formation of a white rainbow.
A group of participants of the Arctic Floating University-2023 observed this phenomenal phenomenon for several hours. The white rainbow then changed its colors, becoming multicolored, then returned to its original white hue. This gave the impression of unreality and mystery, forcing scientists to think about the nature of this phenomenon.
However, the white rainbow is not the only amazing meteorological phenomenon that has interested scientists recently. Recently, on March 24, residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg had the opportunity to observe the aurora caused by the largest magnetic storm in the last few years. The Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted research and explained that the aurora is formed when charged particles of the solar wind collide with air molecules in the Earth's atmosphere. However, for the formation of radiance, it is necessary that the wind has sufficient strength.
Thus, the white rainbow and the aurora borealis are two unique meteorological phenomena that attract the attention of scientists and arouse the interest of the general public. Studying the nature of these phenomena allows us to expand our knowledge of the world and understand its complexity and beauty.
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