Added | Wed, 23/05/2018 |
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Дата публикации | Wed, 23/05/2018
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21 may Paul Tengesdal got on a plane at the airport Gardermoen in Oslo (Norway). After a few minutes he saw in the window, something unusual. As he spoke, the clouds seemed to be hovering bright glowing letter "X," which he shot with the camera of the iPhone 7. According to him, it was possible to observe less than two minutes, and as soon as the plane came down from the clouds, she disappeared.
Tengesdal have witnessed a rare type of halo — arcs around the antisolar point. To observe the phenomenon, you need to look directly from the sun, looking down on the icy clouds where the subhorizontal reflection from the faces of the ice crystals create these strange arc.
The place was Tengesdal on the plane was perfect for such observations within two short minutes. He just sat on the side diametrically opposite the Sun. The shadow of the plane was a diamond in the center of the "X" (in the anti-solar point — the point directly opposite the Sun), and clouds floated in a thin layer under the plane.
Antianemia arc bright but elusive — their observation requires that the passenger sitting in the right place, looking in the right direction at the very moment when the plane lifted above the ice clouds. All this makes the observation of such a phenomenon are rare.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
© Pål Tengesdal | Spaceweather.com
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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