Added | Sun, 23/09/2018 |
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Дата публикации | Sun, 23/09/2018
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Many researchers of anomalous phenomena have long noticed a kind of "waves of observation".
For example, in 2017, it was really a lot of messages from witnesses seeing flying monsters, especially large wave was from Chicago. In the ' 90s was a very massive wave of sightings of Chupacabra, and the beginning of a wave about "children with black eyes". And in the last decade it seems is gaining momentum wave "ghouls" or "Raikov". So in the English-speaking network called humanoid creature with no hair and no clothes, lean, with long limbs and move on all fours.
In the United States, a similar monster called the term "Crawler Pale" ("pale" slider). Unknown who it really is, an alien, a Ghost, a creature from another dimension or maybe it's just mentally sick people or normal people under drugs, whose face "draws" a rich imagination of the witnesses.
In early September, had three messages about seeing such a creature in a small American town of mount Vernon, a few days ago about this establishment wrote a girl from Scotland.
The following is an eyewitness account with the nickname "nymphlotus" about surveillance rampaging creatures dated between 2007 and 2010. The author found it difficult to specify precisely, writing that while he was in high school in Rossville, Illinois, and once walking with a friend, and then went to accompany her home. The girl's house was in the suburbs and on the shortest road to get there was by crossing the Park and cemetery. It was already late evening and the sky stood round the moon.
"We normally went to the Park and when I got to the cemetery, went along the main road. We could walk a bit and we went straight to her house. But suddenly, quite close to us we both heard a loud crash and rustle and froze. The girl asked me what it was and I said that I see it.
I actually saw something that moved among the tombstones. It moved on all fours like an animal, but otherwise were very human. His skin was so pale that in the moonlight seemed very white, the hair nowhere on the body was not, including the head. Moving this creature is so fast and quick, how could probably in this position of the body no one. His face I could not see, it was moving side to me and could see only the profile of his body.
His movement was perfectly in the style of the animal running and the foot of the foot during motion moved symmetrically with the hands. If you saw a running cat or dog, you will understand what I mean. And me and my friend was horrified when he considered the creation. From fear we couldn't move, his feet seemed rooted to the ground. We helplessly stood by and watched as it whipped between the graves right next to us. Then we stopped to see him but still hear the sound and think it was wound around us in circles.
Probably saved us that we went to meet our class. We agreed with him that he will meet us halfway. When we told him about the creature, he suddenly became interested in them and even wanted to stay at the cemetery and follow him, but in the end all three of us still left there. Later I tried to learn from different sources as much as possible about the monster, which we saw.
I contacted a group of researchers of anomalous phenomena from Champaign (Il), and then I and the classmate that met us at the cemetery, met with them and told them my story. But for some reason, was not formed to investigate the scene. But that's not the end of the story.
Several years passed and I moved to Aurora, Colorado. In 2012, I met my old friend and during our conversation, I told him there's a monster in the graveyard. The eyes of my friend widened immediately.
He looked surprised and that was the reason, he also saw this creature! After high school, my buddy lived in Thornton and one day I heard something under the porch of another house. When he bent over and looked, I saw there in appearance very similar to the creature that sat hunched over and something chewed.
At first he thought that he had met the creature that the local Navajo call skinwalkers (skinwalker), but now after my story he is not sure that it was something from native American myths. Then it turned out that we both have after meeting with this creature for a long time was a series of nightmares. My friend and much longer than I have lasted for six months. Also at this time he was constantly haunted by a different sort of failure, possibly associated with the creature.
At the moment I'm sure this creature is not of this world, and most likely due to something interdimensional, it probably comes from nightmares. And it can somehow influence physically with our world, but I never read stories that it attacked the person injured or killed him. It's definitely not cryptid like Bigfoot."
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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