Added | Mon, 10/12/2018 |
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Дата публикации | Mon, 10/12/2018
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In may 2007, on a Mexican ranch in Metepec (Metepec) was caught by a strange creature. The rumor that was "child-alien," spread through the TV channels of Mexico like wildfire. They were filled with reports about the incredible events associated with the appearance of this creature. After a "thorough investigation", it was stated that "the body of the alien is entirely different from all known terrestrial beings". The special mystery and even shocking poignancy of this story highlighted the fact that as soon as the details of the amazing findings became public, the owner of the ranch were killed in a burned-out car.
This unusual story took place on a ranch, where a, Ruiz Urso (Urso Ruíz) is frequently used traps for rodents, which in the future passed as feed the owners birds and snakes. One day in a trap for rats caught an unusual creature. It seemed that the creature was the size of a mouse, but it looked like a small human with a long tail. A strange creature emitted a blood-curdling sounds, which attracted the attention of the person who set the trap, and several other people, including the owner of the ranch, at that time being near. The creature was so unusual and scary that men regretted that it fell into the trap. No one dared to approach him. At night, the creature howled and screamed in pain, but no one dared to approach, to release him or to shut him up.
After a few days of irritating howling men decided to stop, entered the room and doused the creature with acid. Such a cruel step led to the rapid destruction of creation, and his body was eventually mummified and frozen in a horrific pose.
Apparently, thanks to the television hype to the study of the remains of the creatures were attracted researchers who have come to the conclusion of such an animal in the fauna of the Earth does not exist, since the body has characteristics of lizards and humans at the same time. However, they are unable to determine where it appeared the creature.
Researchers, in particular, stated that the creature teeth were not covered by enamel, the spine was seriously different from the structure of the spine of primates, and the brain creatures was well developed, unlike monkeys. In addition to these allegations in early 2009 published the results of DNA analysis, which have become "absolutely unique" because it does not fit to any known DNA sequences of terrestrial organisms.
In August and September 2009 by the famous German magazine BILD published a sensational article related to "child alien". Did the story already known at the global level. The mystery of the "baby alien" has become a hot topic of discussion for the different sites and forums. Because the event happened in Mexico, where Spanish is the mother tongue of the locals appearing in the future, the materials were published on the Internet is in Spanish. It was a big challenge for English-speaking researchers who had to use a special transfer system to gain access to new parts.
Many biologists still believe that the "mystery alien" was a mere fiction, and the "alien child" is the remains of the squirrel monkey (Squirrel monkey), the anatomy of which is very similar to the body of the "alien baby".
Squirrel monkeys or squirrel monkeys (Saimiri) is a genus of new world monkeys from the family cacocholia. Habitat — tropical forests from Costa Rica in the North to Paraguay in the South of the South American continent. Monkeys are characterized by a long but not prehensile tail (up to 50 cm and more), short hairline. Gather in groups of up to 100 or more individuals. Among primates, squirrel monkeys have the highest proportion of brain mass to total body mass (1/17), which is approximately two times higher than in humans. The brain, however they are arranged, is incomparably easier than that of other primates: it is completely devoid of convolutions.
A retry of the DNA analysis showed that the results of the previous analysis has been misinterpreted, and the test was called "Mexican". In particular, it was found that the DNA sample of the creature in General, not detected, probably as a consequence of the effects of acid. Therefore, the conclusion of the researchers that the DNA sequence does not coincide with the DNA of other known creatures, cannot have a cause.
Later the British channel "Channel 4" has conducted its own investigation, and found that the whole story is a big hoax. Left open the question of why the first DNA test did not allow to identify the creature. This is the explanation, if the DNA did not produce the results simply falsified. Also been speculation that the mummified remains, maybe, the DNA in the tissues is degraded to such an extent that eventually it became impossible to identify.
In the course of further investigation, Urso Ruiz, the same man who claimed that first saw the creature, was subjected to verification on a polygraph. In the end, he admitted that he made a creature from dead monkey, which was sent to the zoo where he worked.
Ruiz placed the creature on the rat trap and told the farmer that he saw him still alive. There are people that go to fraud only in order to attract attention and enjoy the fact that people crave stories in the style of "baby-alien". Although the truth in this mysterious story was published, the video with the "amazing creature" continues to circulate, and sensational articles continue to be fruitful.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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