Added | Fri, 28/07/2023 |
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Дата публикации | Fri, 28/07/2023
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During thunderstorms in Europe, a giant hail fell in Italy, breaking a continental record, reports The Weather Channel.
In Adzano Decimo, about 56 km northeast of Venice, Italy, the size of one of the hailstones reached 19 cm in length. This is the record diameter of hail in Europe in history, according to the European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL).
As a result of the destructive wind and giant hail, vehicles were damaged, crops were destroyed and trees were felled.
Last Wednesday, hail of up to 10 cm in diameter fell in Italy and Croatia. In Carmignano di Brenta, about 40 km northwest of Venice, the size of one of the hailstones reached 16 cm.
As a result of the hail on July 19 in the north-east of Italy, more than 100 people were injured, and trees, houses and crops were damaged.
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