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Fresh collection of stories about unusual creatures from Reddit users

Added Fri, 22/03/2019
Дата публикации
Fri, 22/03/2019

Your scary stories told by Reddit users.


"A few weeks ago I witnessed something strange. Early in the morning at 7 o'clock I and my fiance drove the car to the coffee shop for coffee and doughnuts. We parked on the side of the building in the Parking lot and immediately noticed people standing near the car. Sitting behind the wheel, the woman looked as usual, it was a white girl of about twenty, but her friend, who was sitting near her, was somehow unusual.

It was also a white male and he had sunglasses on my face, but on the head were... horns. It was a short horn similar to the horns of a goat. At the base they were thicker and pointed, their color was grayish. Me and my friend immediately looked at each other, asking the silent question "did You see this?". But when after a moment we looked again at the man, then he was gone, and in its place near the female driver sat a big dog, like a cross with a collie.

For all those few seconds, the woman driver never looked up from her work, she looked at the front mirror and lipstick. We never got out of the car, and then went immediately to work. The whole day we were in troubled condition, all thinking about what we saw."

Animal shadows

"It started when I was 3 and continued for several years. I saw in his house a strange "shadow" of animals. For the first time this happened when one night I got up and went towards the bathroom as wanted to use the toilet. And suddenly right in front of me was a creature, like a skunk, he was smelling the floor of the nose like a common animal. But it was not a normal beast, it was only a gray shadow from him.

I was scared and ran into the bathroom, closing the door behind him, and sat inside for ten minutes. Then I cautiously opened the door to see if there is this "skunk". It was not. Then I quickly ran to her bedroom.

The second time it happened when I went to first grade and we just moved from that house to the new one. I remember my father and brother were sitting on Packed boxes, and on the wall next to the stairs, I suddenly saw a shadow similar to the shadow of the dinosaur Triceratops. I told my dad "Look at this!" and he saw it too. Strange shadow on the wall for a minute, slowly turning her head from side to side, and then disappeared.

The next case was already in a new home immediately after moving. It was an old house that was a hundred years old. I slept on a mattress in the living room with the whole family and in the corner was a large oven. On the wall of the furnace of a sudden there was the shadow of a little rabbit and I immediately wanted to go over and stroke him.

The shadow was moving, like a rabbit wiggling his nose, and when I reached for her hand, my fingers just went through this dark spot. Then I looked toward the corridor and saw the rat's shadow. One big and three little mouse moved into the next room. I looked back at the rabbit and he was still there but bothered me to look at him and I fell asleep.

Last time it was when I woke up again in the middle of the night and it was a most strange case, since I this time was able to touch shadow. I decided to go into the living room and lie down next to grandma and when I walked into the living room,I saw next to the couch creature like a weasel or a mongoose. It was like Timon from "the Lion King", stood on the floor and was the size of 6 inches tall. For some reason I was very pissed at him, grabbed shadow by the arms and threw into a dark corner behind the TV. This creature was desperately pulling legs, but I threw it and then went to sleep with grandma".


"I never told anyone before about this, it happened when I was younger and I thought I was crazy. Eight years ago, at about 3 a.m. I let the dogs out into the backyard and then he saw something sitting on a small rod in two houses from me. It sat on top and was very similar to the gargoyle. I was shocked and immediately drove the dogs home and locked the door. And I already forgot about this case 2 years ago happened something else unusual.

In the middle of the night I suddenly woke up to the sound of the strong impact coming from the window. And my window is at a height of nearly 4 meters above the ground. I decided to put the camera in that place and soon again woke to the sound of a strong blow in the window. But when I looked at the footage, then not see anything at all".

A strange creature

"This being my goddaughter saw in Pennsylvania. She drove past the car and saw him sitting behind the barn. When it noticed that it looks people, it has increased in size twice and ran to her car.

Goddaughter and her friend screamed and slowed, afraid to make a move on him. But this being a little ran beside the car, and then disappeared to almost nothing. It was completely black, with bare skin and the size of a large dog, and his legs were very thin. My goddaughter from fear at the sight of his stomach. No mouth or ears for his face she didn't notice. At first she was sure it was just an unusual dog."

Monster from the swamp

Mountain and bog land , formerly known as Mountain swamp is located in Central Ontario (Canada), near lake Simcoe.

"In our area about this monster legends. Say that many years ago one Indian woman was raped and got pregnant from it. When she gave birth to a child, he was horribly disfigured and then she decided to throw it into the swamp. For a long time she rowed the boat through the swamp and finally found a tree with a big hole and left the child there. However, the child miraculously survived and turned into a terrible howling monster that you can attack humans and even eat it.

The legend of this monster go here for over 200 years.

During the war of 1812 on one side of the swamp was placed the Fort and the only path was the river. And traveling on the river, people began to disappear and many tens or even not found or were found dead and mutilated. Sometimes missing and soldiers from the Fort. In 1950-e years a resident of Angus Charles Duckworth went to the swamp and saw a mysterious creature, pirouetting through the undergrowth. He had a camera and he was able to film it.

In 1979 this photo was recognized as genuine, though on the web you can find a version of very bad quality.

In the winter of 1990, a resident of Ottawa Katherine hope went Hiking on a snow-covered swamps, and in the evening saw a big creature coming through the drifts to the forest thickets. In the morning she saw in this place large traces.

In 1996, the poacher climbed the tree to steal the eggs of rare birds, when something hard hit him on the head with a big cudgel. Later this man was found in a swamp in shallow water and his whole body was covered with wounds. In addition to the head, something had beaten him in the ribs".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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