Added | Mon, 22/07/2019 |
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Дата публикации | Sun, 21/07/2019
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Over the last few years flying drones has evolved from "expensive toys" into a truly mass product. But despite improvements in these aircraft, most of the drones (especially small ones) still have a significant drawback: they are very little time can be in the air. Primarily this is due to the low efficiency of the screws and the small capacity of the battery.
However, a team of engineers from Switzerland have figured out how to increase flight time of the drones more than in 2 times. And for this they had to "reinvent" the drone again. For the development of responsible experts from the company Flybotix.
The uniqueness of the invention lies in the fact that the new drone has two screws, one above the other, instead of four. The changes touched the design of the drone. It has the shape of a ring, which "covers" the aircraft in a circle.
A ring-shaped UAV has a width in a diameter of about 30 cm, and since each propeller is longer than any such which would apply in the quadcopter the same size, it provides greater lifting force. In addition, since the battery powers the only two engines instead of four, she works much longer.
Drone in the form of a ring can fly to 2 times longer than quadcopters (4 photos + video) How to control the drone To control and stabilize the aircraft in the air used specially developed algorithms, which are responsible for the control and adjustment of speed and inclination of the screws relative to the earth's surface. This approach is similar to that used when creating coaxial helicopters (helicopters with two screws).
Thus, according to the creators, the design of the drone, which allows you to regulate the operation of the screws, replace them and service that makes a new type of drones as easy to operate as conventional quadcopters. Drone in the form of a ring can fly to 2 times longer than quadcopters (4 photos + video)
According to representatives of Flybotix, the main scope of Drona will be the use of it in intelligence operations, including in emergency situations.
"If an ordinary quadcopter will fly into a tree or wall, then with high probability it will be damaged by the screws. A new type of drone has a protective plastic case, which protects it from bumps and drops," — said the founder Flybotix Samir Bouabdallah.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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