Added | Tue, 28/08/2018 |
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Дата публикации | Tue, 28/08/2018
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On the British website Mumsnet for mom a week ago, mom told about the most frightening things that were associated with their children.
It was not about the terrible disease, and about mysticism, and mom had shared stories in which their children have probably seen ghosts, or recalled past lives and so on. The discussion was started with the story of a young teacher about a girl who predicted her colleague the birth of twins, and the teacher did not know that she was pregnant.
"I worked in a group for toddlers and there was one girl, recently arrived from Africa. She barely spoke English, but one day she approached my colleague and put his hands on her belly. And then he said "There's kids!".
Her father was a chief in any tribe and this girl was considered something of a Princess. When she said these words, she then went to play as usual. A little later my colleague found out that she was pregnant and moreover, it will be twins! But that's not the end of the story.
After about 5 months this girl came at this time to me and put his hands on my belly. And then also said "There's kids!". And then I found out she was pregnant. Though not twins, and one child".
The post became very popular and under it quickly began to appear like mystical stories from other parents.
"One day a colleague brought to work his 4-year-old son named Cham and the boy suddenly came to my other colleague and asked him "are You sad because a tree fell on that man?". Several years ago a colleague lost his wife because of a fallen tree. No one knew where Cham learned about it, as about this at work almost no one knew such things was never discussed, especially in the presence of the Cham".
Another lady told a story about how a little girl suddenly came to sitting in the chair his grandfather, hugged his neck and said she will always remember him. A few hours later, grandpa had fairly good health, suddenly died.
Another story from my mom:
"When my son Connor was 3 years old (he is now 20), he woke up one morning and began to tell his dream about a big boat that had a lot of people and that sank hundreds of years ago in the river Thames. He talked a lot and incredibly detailed references to many details and names. Then we started looking for information about this incident and found! After that, we asked him who told him about it and he said at night someone came and told him.
And such strange stories with our Connor was still a lot, but it continued further only for 18 months, and when he went to the fifth year, everything cut off and have nothing unusual we didn't tell".
Then a few scary stories:
"When we moved into a new house, my 2-year-old child pointed his finger at the stands near the historical monument and said that in "the tower" is a very unpleasant man, and that he was very cruel to his wife.
And then my child said more strange words, "I tried to help the Lady, but the man chased me with an axe". The monument is really similar to the tower, but we've never been to this area before and my child never seen him until that moment..."
"My eldest son when he was little, used to tell me about his wife and two sons that he had. And also about his work at the plant for the production of trucks, about how he is after work to play Darts and much more."
"When I was 2 years old, I just said Hello to the creature that lives in the closet. When mom asked if there was someone, I said Yes, that is "Oh, he is no longer in the wardrobe and on the bed, mother." Needless to say, my mother was scared".
"When my son was 3 years old, we passed by a house on the other side of our city and he suddenly started to say that he lived there "with his mother before he went to live with his new mommy". He said that old mom was angry a lot and yelled at him because she wanted a girl. And then he wanted to get a new mother to replace the old and this happened. My son also had a lot of described as this house looks from the inside and then everything was exactly as he said. I'm sure previously we've never passed this house."
"My child was born premature and with a whole bunch of diseases. In the first week the doctors fought for his life. Later he was diagnosed with autism, and in 4 years he spoke for the first time and began to tell absolutely frightening things. He started to ask why when he was 2 weeks old, his back stuck those things? It turned out that when he was 2 weeks old, the doctors gave him 4 painful injections in the lumbar region. We long ago forgot about it and especially never with anybody did not speak. A few weeks later he asked "Why I was fed this horrible green food, I hate it." I remembered that at the age of 4 months I fed him pureed spinach and broccoli and he resisted and did not want to eat. Food of a different color he ate much more readily".
"My three year old daughter as it is considered an old magazine with pictures. There was something about village life. Suddenly something caught her attention and then she pointed to a picture of a woman, turned to me and said, "Look, mommy, it's you before he died".
"My daughter from the very first months were strangely fascinated by the one empty corner of her bedroom in our old house. It was the usual angle, it was not any one thing, but my daughter very often watched him with wide eyes. When she was 2 or 3 years it took us one day to this corner, and said, "Look, the man in the wall". We were scary, but at first we did not attach any importance to this. And then when she was almost four years, it has become even more to tell about this man. She talked about "the man that lives in the wall," "the man from the wall in the blue shirt", "the man who walks from there to there" (pointing from the corner to the ceiling). When she began to say, "it's got teeth", we decided that we better move out of there quickly and so I did."
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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