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Дата публикации | Tue, 27/09/2016
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Some things are supposed to fall from the sky (rain, snow, hail), and some don't, but they still fall. One of the early chroniclers of the strange precipitation was sir Charles Fort, catalogservice unexplained phenomena in his books. It turns out that even invented a special word to denote lyagushka - fish and other "pads": I trotskys — a term to describe the strange and mysterious cases of falling from the sky with a variety of objects. Want-believe, want - is not present!
Of course, when we think about precipitation, we present pouring from the sky water flows. But the rain can be not only from the water. History knows many cases when the sky was falling did not understand that. History of psychic incidents of the twentieth century knows such examples trotskys: nails, metal fraction, coins, pieces of coal, limestone blocks, glowed red-hot chains, marble balls, soot, clods, fragments of crockery, molten glass, roasted and fresh tomatoes, peas, refried beans, apples, onions, dry cereals and corn, raw and cooked chicken eggs, crayfish, crabs, clams, crocodiles, snakes, small rodents, monkeys, cats, dogs, frogs, fish, and even human fingers. On the background of this list, the cow falling from the sky, do not look so wildly.
From time to time, however, cows do suddenly fall down from the top, and nothing paranormal in these stories there. In 2007, a cow fell from a cliff in Chelan, Washington, on the roof of the minivan, who was driving at the base of the cliff. The couple in the car were not injured. In 2015, the cow was walking in the area of the French Alps, slipped and fell on the bonnet of a car has smashed itself, and the car, but did not kill the driver and passenger. Unfortunately, sometimes the fall cows are still killed people. In 2013, people in Brazil died when a cow fell on the roof of his house in the middle of the night and landed right in his bed. In this case, the cow seems to be grazing on the roof.
There is such a beautiful old bike: in 1997 in the sea of Japan, a Japanese fishing trawler was rescued by a Russian patrol boat. When shipwrecked asked, exactly how their boat was in distress, they replied that the sky fell and the cow sank their plavsredstv. The fishermen did not believe, and was sent to jail to ascertain, so to say, the circumstances. But a few weeks later, a servant of the military-air forces of Russia allegedly admitted that one of its crew members stole a cow to put it on the meat, and brought it on the plane. Why the pilots dropped the poor cow out of a plane, with a height of almost 10 thousand meters, flying over the sea of Japan, we do not know. But the Japanese fishermen believed and immediately released.
Fish rain is shed in Yoro (Honduras) annually in the spring. This phenomenon is no longer shocking to local residents, rather, it moved into the category of traditional. Does this feast of the spirit near the town of Yoro in the period from may to July. Looks something like this: 5-6 PM above the earth hangs a black cloud, then thunder, lightning and the sky starts to fall fish. Of course, this inexplicable phenomenon is widely observed in Honduran folklore.
But this is not the only place on Earth where the fishermen do not need gear. Rabapaty so familiar in some countries, such as India and Australia that local media have ceased to report them.
One Australian naturalist, Gilbert Whitley even released a list of fifty fish rains on the sixth continent, which took place in the course of one year (1972). There came the fall of the stream minnows in cressey, Victoria; shrimp near singleton, New South Wales; pygmy perch in Hafilda, Victoria, and unidentified freshwater species of fish that struck the suburbs of Brisbane. Why is there always fish pad only members of the same family? The answer is no.
Balls of green jelly
After a rainstorm in January 2012, Steve Hornsby in Dorset, England, found it on my lawn 3-inch flat balls of greenish-blue jelly. He collected some and took them to a nearby University (Bournemouth University) for analysis. Josie Pegg, an expert on fisheries, reviewed some of the balls using the spectroscope and determined that Jell-o was a sodium polyacrylate. It is an inorganic substance used for the production of absorbent granules. These are balls, they are used in diapers, for example, and the florists put them in floral arrangements moist. The more moisture, the more granules. Fine, but how the balls hit the courtyard of Hornsby? Could they fell from the sky during a storm? Possible! If the wind can transport the fish, why not put these soaked pellets. Sure never found out.
A local guy
The probability of such accidents is small, but from time to time it happens. In June 2015, the body of a dead man landed on the roof of a building in the suburbs of London and was stuck in the air conditioning unit. The man was without a parachute. Carlito Vale "hare", who hid inside the landing gear of British Airways who flew from South Africa and was preparing for landing at Heathrow airport. Stowaways before this falling out, flying over London in 2012.
There are other scenarios even less likely. So, in San Diego, California, September 25, 1978, Mary fuller was sitting in a parked car with her 8-month-old son when the human body suddenly fell on the windshield of her car. Shock and horror! Fuller, of course, could not know that the flight number 182 of the airline Pacific Southwest Airline for a few moments before that collided with a private plane, "Cessna", in which killed 144 people. The body that fell on the windshield of fuller, belonged to one of the victims. Fortunately, the woman and her son suffered only minor injuries. And that crash is still considered one of the worst in the history of aviation in California.
Bloody rain
Red (bloody) rain fell on Kerala (India) in 2001. This continued rain for two months. Because of the awesome blood-red hue that people can see in the rain an ominous sign. But scientists reassured the frightened inhabitants: the rain has stained due to the dispute of the local lichen. By the way, in addition to red precipitation humanity have also seen orange and even pink rain.
The ancient Greek historian and writer Plutarch told about the bloody rains fall after great battles with the Germanic tribes. He was sure that the bloody evaporation from the field of battle permeated the air and stained the ordinary drops of water in the blood-red color. From the Chronicles we can learn that in the year 582 bloody rain fell in Paris. And so on... until the last 30 that have fallen in the last century, when nobody was afraid. The so-called "colored" rains owe their origin to the winds, which lift into the air tons of Surikov red dust, for example in the Sahara, and shed her red rain somewhere in Europe, or tornadoes, Vysokovsk water from the lake, rich in microscopic plankton.
Scientists found the explanation for the red rain, which frightened the people of the state of Kerala in India. It has been suggested that the cause of this phenomenon was volcanic ash, and Sahara sand, brought by the West monsoon.
A rain of frogs took place in the village of Kaji Janovic, in Serbia, in 2005. "Thousands of frogs fell upon us with the rain," said local resident Alexander Sirik. All the villagers were at a loss — where they came from and how they got to heaven? As suggested by one of the experts, the reason could be a strong whirlwind, which brought the frogs from a nearby lake or other body of water.
If you believe the Bible, frogs, fluttering from the sky, a harbinger of a terrible curse. However, according to scientists, this phenomenon has a simple explanation. The culprit of this phenomenon is the waterspout, which is a type of tornado that formed over the pond where frogs live. When the waterspout reaches the pond, the frogs are sucked into the vortex and become "passengers" of a tornado that takes them into the distance. When the tornado stops, the frogs fall down, which creates the impression that from the sky falls a rain of frogs. Why frogs often other living creatures fall from the sky, it is impossible to understand. On the second place after them — fish.
The earliest mention of the "ribadu" dates from the year 1859. Then "fish" it rained in Wales, in the town of Glamorgan, where the "catch" occupies the area of three tennis courts.
White mucus
For many centuries people have reported the discovery of a white or greenish-white mucus, lying on the ground or hanging from tree branches. The substance is often called "star jelly", because the folklore connects this mucus with meteor showers. These clots filled the Internet and there are all new images. Unfortunately, this substance is rapidly degraded, making it difficult to identify. At different times this substance has been recognized as a fungus or mold, the insides of frogs and sperm extraterrestrial beings, etc. there is no Exact answer, but it is better do not touch, if you can find.
On 4 March 2001 at the Academy Galashiels in the UK football class of David Crichton was on the field and suddenly, in the middle of the game, students hit dozens of earthworms which all seemed rained from the sky. Crichton asked his scientific colleagues, to help determine the cause of the incident, but none of them was able to find an explanation. One teacher suggested that it was a bizarre weather phenomenon, but as it turned out, that day the weather was Sunny and clear. Crichton also noted that the students were far from any buildings, so it was impossible to assume that it was a joke.
Although in this case it was not found a clear explanation of the weather still was to blame for the rain of hearts, which hit the woman in Jennings, Louisiana in 2007. Then a waterspout was spotted a few kilometers from the scene. This water tornado brought worms in Jennings.
Golf balls
On 1 September 1969, the Golf lovers from the town of Punta Gorda, Florida, found that fall from the sky hundreds of Golf balls. According to meteorologists, the city of Punta Gorda, which is located on the Western Gulf coast of Florida, which is replete with a huge number of Golf courses probably took a passing tornado. This tornado picked up the Golf balls and a huge part of the rest of the content the nearest pond, and hurled its contents into the streets of Point-proud.
Ribadu was observed almost everywhere on the globe. So, clear warm may day of 1956 to a farm in Calacci (Alabama) fell from the sky live fish. Witnesses of this mysterious incident claimed that they came "out of nowhere". At first dripped on a small piece of land just two hundred square feet area, and then an unusual dark cloud was almost white, and from it poured three species of fish — catfish, perch and bream. That fish were alive and fluttering, it is clear that in the sky they stayed not very long, what can be said about ribadu, which, according to eyewitnesses, lasted a good 15 minutes. Although all fish belonged to the local species and infested them the stream was only two miles from the farm, but no tornadoes or hurricanes was not for many weeks, so it remains unclear how they rose into the sky and was moved by this distance.
In 2012, a small leopard shark landed on a Golf course in San Juan in southern California. The staff of the Golf club acted quickly: they put the shark in a Golf cart in a bucket of salty water and drove to the ocean. In the water the shark had recovered from the shock and swam away. Where it came from, and unknown. No more storms, no tornadoes. Maybe it was caught by a bird of prey and not kept? Maybe.
A rain of spiders was held in Goulburn, Australia, in 2015. The phenomenon, of course, is not pleasant! Or here was a case in another province: imagine that you are driving peacefully and suddenly, for no reason at all on top of you, begin to pour thousands of spiders. By Eric Reis of Santo Antonio da Platina got into such a nightmare in the spirit of Hitchcock's films, was able to take this phenomenon, and his video quickly became a hit. In fact, this phenomenon is not rare.
According to biologist Marta Fischer of the University of Parana, the spiders Anelosimus Eximius, which are about the size of the eraser on the end of pencils usually hang in trees to catch flies weave a web up to 20 meters in diameter. Their web is very similar to the parachute, and the wind often tears them from the trees and carries long distances. If this happens, then picked up by the wind spiders can really make an impression the next plagues — insects falling from the sky.
Frozen sewage
Often report mysterious fall from the sky large chunks of ice that is usually attributed to thawed the wing of the aircraft. At high altitudes on the fuselage do the moisture freezes and then falls off when the plane enters warmer atmospheric layers. There were even cases when disinfection liquid and waste flowed from toilets and froze that way.
Aware of two similar cases. In the United States in 2012 in one case, the young Taylor was walking down the street in Los Banos, California, when he saw flying a wounded puppy. He clearly fell out of the claws of a bird of prey. A few months in Arizona, the tourists saw the owl snatched one of the puppies in the dog and tries to carry him away, but drops on the neighbouring property. In the photo, Taylor is holding a puppy, which he named T. J. heavenly.
Probably, it was unpleasant to experience the rain of blood and meat: tons of black dried pieces of meat fell on a ranch in California on 9 Aug 1869. Those who study such phenomena, also well-known message about a wagon of meat (without the car), scattered over the hills of Wat County, Kentucky, March 3, 1876.
These and numerous other similar cases are described in the "Book of the damned", published by the American scientist Charles Fort, who was a passionate and tireless collector of paranormal incidents. During his short life, he collected hundreds of reports of such phenomena which occurred in the second half of XIX — early XX century.
Is it possible to explain such accidents something other than supernatural causes? Some believe that it is possible. Among meteorologists is widely believed that if we found the explanation for ribadu, the explanation of the rain of meat should not be from the field of the paranormal.
Cream, but not milk
In 1969, in Chester, South Carolina, all inhabitants became enough creamer for the coffee, as they fell from the sky. The company Borden, which produced a product called "Cremora" - powdered non-dairy creamer, there have been problems with ventilation. Every time the vents get clogged, clubs elderly chemical cream erupted into the air. When the clubs of cream mixed with rain and dew, the result was a disgusting, sticky mess.
Fortunately for the city, the Borden company has solved this problem, but in the end still was fined $4,000 for "spread product "Cremora" beyond the borders of the plant."
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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