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The Walk


Added Wed, 26/08/2020
Release date
Original title
The X-Files (season 3, episode 7)

The X-Files

TV Show|1993
The exploits of FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully who investigate X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. Mulder believes in the existence of aliens and the paranormal while Scully, a skeptic, is assigned to make scientific analyses of Mulder's discoveries that debunk Mulder's work and thus return him to mainstream cases.

Secret materials (season 3)

TV Show Season|1995

In the third season of the series there is a "Syndicate" – the powerful secret organization that hides the existence of extraterrestrial life, which will be the main antagonist until the sixth season.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

"The Walk"is the seventh episode of the third season of the X-files. The episode is of the "monster of the week" type and has nothing to do with the main "mythology" of the series set in the first series.

At the VA hospital in Fort Evanston, Maryland, Lieutenant Colonel Victor Stans makes his third suicide attempt. He tries to drown in a tub of boiling water, but is rescued by hospital staff. Stans claims that some mysterious figure keeps him from dying.

When Fox Mulder and Dana Scully interview Stans, they learn that His wife and children died in a house fire that he says was started by a mysterious soldier. This same soldier, according to him, does not allow him to die himself. Captain Janet Draper stops the interrogation, as Mulder and Scully have not received permission to meet with Stans from the hospital's chief, General Thomas Callahan.

After meeting with the agents, Callahan notices the Ghost soldier described by Stans. He also finds that his answering machine is playing an illegible message. Later, while using the base's pool, captain Draper drowns under the influence of an invisible force.

Callahan tells the agents about the soldier and a strange voice message that was received twice before at his home. When they visit the General's house together, his young son Trevor notices a stranger entering the house. Scully notices someone in the backyard. The General's property is found to contain fingerprints belonging to hospital postman Quinton "Roach" Frehley.

When Mulder and Scully take roach into custody, Trevor is attacked by an invisible force and is buried in his own sandbox. Under questioning, roach admits his role in the murders and claims to be "Rappo's postman."

"Rappo" turns out to be Leonard Trimble, a Gulf war veteran and quadriplegic. Scully doesn't believe roach, although he insists that Rappo will kill Him next. Later, Scully finds roach dead in a cell with a sheet stuffed down his throat. Scully assumes that he committed suicide, but Mulder shows her the x-rays that he brought to Stans ' rehab room, pool, office, and Callahan's house – each of them showing flashes as if from radiation. Mulder thinks that Rappo is leaving his body, in the form of an astral projection, moving to places that are connected with the help of roach's letters. He also plays Callahan's voice mail in reverse, and discovers that the tape contains a threat from the Ghost soldier.

During the interrogation, an angry Rappo States that he believes that the Gulf war took his life. Meanwhile, Callahan finds the body of his wife. He goes to the hospital to talk to Stans, who reveals that Rappo is responsible for the death of the General's wife and son. Callahan goes to Rappo, and he confesses to the crimes. Rappo tries to get Callahan to kill him, but Callahan decides to back off and shoots Rappo over his head. Callahan tells Rappo that he will suffer like the others, and leaves Rappo furious.

The agents arrive and find Rappo in a trance. Scully thinks he's having a seizure, but Mulder realizes what's going on and tries to find Callahan. Rappo's Ghost attacks Callahan with steam from pipes in the basement of the hospital. Stans enters Rappo's room, locks the door, and smothers Rappo with a pillow. After Rappo's death, his Ghost disappears. Callahan remains unharmed.

Since there is no physical evidence that Rappo killed Callahan's wife and son, the case remains unsolved. Stans is released and becomes Callahan's postman. Mulder's report says that Rappo's family wanted to bury him at Arlington national cemetery, but the army declined their request. Instead, he was cremated and buried in a civil cemetery in Pennsylvania.

Phenomena in artwork: Poltergeist

The source of the poltergeist is a war veteran nicknamed Rappo, who lost all limbs. He has the ability to leave his body and in the form of astral projection to move in space, while interacting with the material world. Rappo's astral body has psychokinetic abilities, allowing him to move various objects (door bolts, gun shutters, etc.). In this case, he leaves traces of shoes on the floor, strange sounds on tape (reverse voice recording), lights on X-rays, etc. Rappo's victims see him as a phantom in army uniform for a short period of time, as he was before his injuries.

Rappo's astral body is indistinguishable by the human eye, but has a density, so it becomes apparently surrounded by any substance (water, sand, steam). To move to an unfamiliar place, he needs a material connection with him, such as an object that has been in it (often as such an object is a letter).

During the release of astral projection Rappo his body falls into a trance, which looks like a phase of rapid sleep or some kind of seizure: his eyes are closed and rotated, the muscles of the face are reduced, he does not respond to external stimuli.

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