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The Mole People


Added Tue, 15/03/2022
Release date
Original title
The Mole People

"Underground population" (orig. The Mole People is an American science fiction adventure film released in 1956 by Universal International.

The film is based on theories about a hollow earth. It depicts an underground civilization created by the descendants of the ancient Sumerians worshipping the goddess Ishtar.

The film contains a lot of factual inaccuracies related to the myths of the ancient world. So, Dr. Bentley claims without any reason that the biblical flood is an established archaeological fact, and the landing of the Sumerians on the top of the mountain is a reference to the legend of Noah's Ark. Also, the authors of the film mistakenly connect Ishtar and the Sumerians: Ishtar was the Babylonian analogue of the Sumerian goddess Inanna. The images associated with Ishtar in the film are completely fictional: the symbol of Ishtar was an eight-pointed star symbolizing Venus, not an uneven chevron. In addition, all the gods depicted on the walls of the temple are Egyptian, not Sumerian.

According to legend, the goddess Ishtar descends into the underworld, as do the heroes of the film. There is a pan-Babylonian connection between the origin of Ishtar and the Old Testament story of Joseph. Descent into the underworld is a plot often found in the mythologies of various peoples, as well as the myth of the flood.

It's interesting 

The film "Underground population" (orig. "The Mole People", 1956) based on hollow earth theories

In the film "Underground Population" (orig. "The Mole People", 1956) a lot of factual inaccuracies related to the myths of the ancient world. For example, all the gods depicted on the walls of the temple are Egyptian, not Sumerian

The film begins with a story by Dr. Frank Baxter, professor of English at the University of Southern California, who explains the scientific background of the film and its foundations in reality. He briefly describes the essence of the hollow earth theories of John Simms and Cyrus Theed and says that the film is a fictionalized representation of these unorthodox theories.

Archaeologists Dr. Roger Bentley and Dr. Judd Bellamin find a race of Sumerian albinos living deep underground. Their ancestors moved to the dungeons after the catastrophic floods in ancient Mesopotamia. Albinos keep humanoid mutants ("mole people") as slaves and use them to collect mushrooms, which serve as the main source of food in caves. The amount of food is limited, so whenever the population of the cave increases, local priests sacrifice young women to the goddess. They are sent to the Eye of Ishtar– the only place in the cave where sunlight penetrates. The pale skin of albinos cannot withstand the bright light of the Sun and they die in terrible agony, burning alive. These people have been living underground for so long that the structure of their eyes has changed, and they are blinded by the light from the archaeologists' flashlight. Among the albinos there is a girl named Adad with a normal skin color, whom the others despise, considering "marked by darkness".

Albinos take scientists for messengers of the goddess Ishtar. When one of the archaeologists is killed by a mole man, Elina, the high priest, realizes that they are not gods. He orders them to be captured and steals a flashlight, planning to use its light as a weapon to control the underground inhabitants. However, he does not know that the battery in the lantern has already run out. Archaeologists are sent to the Eye of Ishtar, and at this moment the mole people organize an uprising. With their help, Adad breaks through to the Eye and realizes that the natural light coming from the surface does not harm either the scientists or her. Together they rise to the surface. When they are about to leave the top of the mountain, an earthquake occurs. Frightened, Adad decides to return home, but a column falls on her and she dies.

Phenomena in artwork: Parallel world

In the volcanic cavity in the thickness of the mountain live people who hid there from the Great Flood, as well as monsters, which the locals call "mole people". People have built themselves a whole city underground with huge vaulted halls and plantations for breeding mushrooms for food. The walls of the buildings of the city and the cave glow thanks to the luminescent organisms covering them.

Phenomena in artwork: The Alien

Descendants of people who hid there from the Great Flood live in a volcanic cavity in the thickness of the mountain. They have preserved the Sumerian culture and language to this day. The inhabitants of the underground city look like completely ordinary people, but due to the life of many generations in the absence of sunlight, they are completely devoid of pigmentation of the skin and hair. The skin of the underground inhabitants is so white and sensitive that in the light of the sun their bodies are quickly charred. Their eyes are accustomed to the semi-darkness, and the ocular nerves are hypertrophied, which is why even the light of an electric lantern is painfully bright for them. Periodically, people of ordinary appearance, resistant to sunlight, are born among them, but they are considered "marked by darkness" outcasts.

The inhabitants of the underground city feed on mushrooms, which are grown on special plantations. The amount of food available is limited, so people who cannot be impregnated are sacrificed to the goddess Ishtar.

There are also monsters living in the caves, which the underground inhabitants call "mole people". They are scaled humanoid creatures with huge bulging eyes, long claws and hunchbacked backs. They show only the rudiments of reason, wear clothes, but do not speak. The inhabitants of the underground city use them as slaves and force them to work on mushroom plantations.

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