ID | #1717316986 |
Added | Sun, 02/06/2024 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
The mysterious light coming from the bottom of the sea intrigued the workers of the oil platform in the Campos basin, located between Rio de Janeiro and Espiritu Santo. The phenomenon recorded on video has gone viral on social media, giving rise to a lot of speculation and theories.
A video shot by one of the workers shows the intense glow of the water as they discuss its possible origin, reports .
"The sun went down on the other side," one worker comments, stressing that there should be no light in this area. This scene caused a heated debate on the Internet, many tried to explain what happened.
Several theories have emerged on social media. Some people have suggested that the light could have come from a submarine, and this is a plausible hypothesis, given the operations of submarines in the region. Other Internet users joked about the situation, leaving comments such as "meeting electric fish" and "Bikini Bottom party."
The Campos basin is one of Brazil's main oil producing regions, accounting for about 30% of the country's oil production and 14% of natural gas.
Located on the north coast of Rio de Janeiro, extending south of Espiritu Santo, the basin has more than 40 open oil fields, including giant fields such as Marlim and Roncador.
Mysterious light can have various origins: from marine bioluminescent phenomena to human activity. In oil exploration areas, the presence of submarines and other underwater operations that can generate bright lighting are commonplace.
However, without detailed analysis and official investigation, the true cause of the glow remains unknown.
Original news
A mysterious light emerging from the sea floor has intrigued workers on an oil platform in the Campos Basin, located between Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo. The phenomenon, recorded on video, went viral on social media, generating numerous speculations and theories.
The video, filmed by one of the workers, shows an intense glow in the water as they discuss its possible origin, reports
“The sun has set on the other side,” comments one worker, emphasizing that there should be no light in that region. The scene has sparked heated debates online, with many trying to explain the occurrence.
Several theories have emerged on social media. Some people suggested the light could be from a submarine, a plausible hypothesis given the submarine operations in the region. Other internet users joked about the situation, with comments such as “electric fish meeting” and “Bikini Bottom party.”
The Campos Basin is one of Brazil’s main oil exploration regions, responsible for about 30% of the country’s oil production and 14% of its natural gas.
Located on the north coast of Rio de Janeiro, extending to the south of Espírito Santo, the basin has more than 40 discovered oil fields, including giant fields like Marlim and Roncador.
The mysterious light could have various origins, from marine bioluminescent phenomena to human activities. In oil exploration areas, the presence of submarines and other underwater operations that can generate intense lights is common.
However, without detailed analysis and official investigations, the true cause of the light remains unknown.
Uma luz misteriosa emergindo do fundo do mar intrigou trabalhadores em uma plataforma de petróleo na Bacia de Campos, localizada entre os estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo. O fenômeno foi registrado em vídeo e viralizou nas redes sociais, gerando diversas especulações e teorias.
O vídeo, filmado por um dos trabalhadores, mostra um brilho intenso na água enquanto eles discutem sobre a possível origem da luz. “O sol se pôs do outro lado”, comenta um dos trabalhadores, destacando que não deveria haver luz naquela região. A cena gerou debates calorosos na internet, com muitos tentando explicar o ocorrido.
Diversas teorias surgiram nas redes sociais. Algumas pessoas sugeriram que a luz poderia ser de um submarino, uma hipótese considerada plausível devido à presença de operações submarinas na região. Outros internautas preferiram brincar com a situação, com comentários como “reunião de peixes elétricos” e “festa na fenda do biquíni”.
A Bacia de Campos é uma das principais regiões de exploração de petróleo do Brasil, responsável por aproximadamente 30% da produção nacional de petróleo e 14% de gás natural. Localizada na costa norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro, estendendo-se até o sul do Espírito Santo, a bacia possui mais de 40 campos de petróleo já descobertos, incluindo campos gigantes como Marlim e Roncador.
A luz misteriosa pode ter várias origens, desde fenômenos bioluminescentes marinhos até atividades humanas. Em áreas de exploração de petróleo, é comum a presença de submarinos e outras operações subaquáticas que podem gerar luzes intensas. No entanto, sem uma análise detalhada e investigações oficiais, a verdadeira causa da luz permanece desconhecida.
O mistério da luz na Bacia de Campos continua sem solução definitiva, mas o incidente destaca a curiosidade e a imaginação humana frente a fenômenos inexplicáveis. Enquanto isso, a discussão nas redes sociais mantém o fenômeno em evidência, alimentando teorias e suposições sobre o que realmente aconteceu naquele dia.

Submarine (submarine, submarine) class of ships able to take and long time to act in a submerged position.
Unlike a surface vessel, the submarine has the ability to deliberately change their draft up to the full immersion in water and leaving depth by filling seawater main ballast tanks. Until 1944, all of the submarine most of the time spent on the surface and was essentially sinking boats (ships that can dive under water to attack in the daytime, or to hide from enemy ships).
Devices and structures

This version includes all things, structures, devices used in everyday life. Such things can often be mistaken for something paranormal because of their rarity, strangeness or deformation during operation.
Also, this version can include devices and workwear of people used for certain needs (diving suit, fire suit, etc.)
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