ID | #1712218809 |
Added | Thu, 04/04/2024 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Research
Initial data
Near Norman, Oklahoma, December 10, 2008
My wife and I now live in Oklahoma, about 2 hours from Oklahoma City, but we are in the process of moving to the west coast to open a business there. After spending the last two weeks in Virginia, we were on the last leg of the journey home, exiting the I40 highway onto the I35 highway south.
When we passed Norman, I realized that I had taken the wrong road because we live further west than I could take us. We found a small highway, Highway 9, that can help us get to Highway 44, which we wanted to get to in the beginning.
The highway is always packed with people speeding. I was trying to keep up with the speed limit when my wife suddenly looked out the window and asked: "What is it?"
I also looked in the direction she was pointing and saw something very strange. The fact that my wife couldn't recognize some of the lights was quite disturbing, as she spent her entire childhood near various military bases. After a while, the road began to turn left, and at that moment the limit of strangeness was reached...
At first it looked like a line of white and orange lights in one row, but when I started to look at it more closely, the car seemed to turn around and showed us its "chassis". It was a triangular-shaped car with orange lights at the corners and blue-white lights in the middle.
Since we were in this particular place, we could see it all quite clearly. I remember the central light pulsing once, getting brighter and brighter. He was moving very slowly, about 300 feet off the ground. I also remember the appearance of a military helicopter that came between us and this strange object.
Several other vehicles also appeared in the sky. When I turned to look out the back window, I saw five or six round-shaped balls on the horizon, but they only appeared for a few seconds. You are asking us to describe how I could lose sight of these objects, but I must say that all these details are quite blurred.
I asked my wife about it, and she told me the same thing. One second we were looking at this strange object, the next we were looking at these bullets, and in a few moments it was all over... At least that's what we thought.
This is definitely the strangest part of this whole story. We've been on the road since 7 a.m. after spending the night at a friend's house in Knoxville, Tennessee. All the time on the road, I was trying to calculate what time we would get to our destination. I always check the time by the car clock, which can be seen at a glance.
The last time before it all started was at 9:40. Then I calculated that we would definitely be home by 11. When we saw this object, I remember seeing the time on my watch at 10:28. My wife has chronic back pain, and she also checked the time, but for a completely different reason: to know what time she should take her medicine.
She figured we'd be home before she had to pick them up. The last time she looked at her watch, it was also 9:40.
Somewhere along the way, we both lost 48 minutes!
We traveled with our dog, who sat with his back to us all the time and looked at the sky. Strangely enough, he never looks at the stars and does not even look at the sky for a long time. During this whole event, we noticed that we were the only car on the road, where a few seconds earlier the traffic situation was completely the opposite. For the rest of the trip, we continued to reflect on what we had experienced and decided to share our experiences.
Original news
Niedaleko Norman, Oklahoma 12-10-08
Moja żona i ja mieszkamy teraz w Oklahomie, jakieś 2 godziny jazdy od Oklahoma City, ale jesteśmy w trakcie przeprowadzki na zachodnie wybrzeże, aby otworzyć tam biznes. Spędziliśmy ostatnie 2 tygodnie w Virginii, byliśmy na ostatniej części naszej drogi z powrotem do domu, wyjeżdżając z drogi I40 na drogę I35 południe.
Kiedy przejechaliśmy przez Norman, zorientowałem się iż jadę złą drogą , ponieważ żyjemy bardziej na zachód niż I 35 może nas zaprowadzić. Znaleźliśmy małą autostradę, autostradę Numer 9, która jest w stanie pomóc nam się dostać na autostradę 44, na którą chcieliśmy trafić na samym początku.
Autostrada jest zawsze zapchana, ludzie przekraczają prędkość. Próbowałem zachować dozwoloną prędkość, kiedy moja żona nagle wyjrzała za okno i zapytała, ''Co to takiego?''
Również i ja wyjrzałem, patrząc w pokazywanym przez nią palcem kierunku i zobaczyłem coś bardzo dziwnego. To, że moja żona nie była w stanie rozpoznać kilku światełek było raczej niepokojącą rzeczą, gdyż całe swoje dzieciństwo spędziła blisko różnych baz militarnych. Droga zaczęła się po chwili jakby wyginać w lewo i w tym momencie szczyt dziwności został osiągnięty...
Na początku wyglądało to jak linia białych i pomarańczowych światełek w jednym rzędzie, ale kiedy zacząłem się temu bardziej przyglądać, pojazd jakby skręcił i pokazał nam swoje ''podwozie''. Był to trójkątny pojazd, z pomarańczowymi światłami na rogach i biało- niebieskich światłach na środku.
Przez to, że byliśmy w takim a nie innym miejscu mogliśmy zobaczyć to wszystko dosyć dokładnie. Pamiętam jak środkowe światło zapulsowało raz, stając się coraz bardziej jasne. Poruszało się bardzo powoli, jakieś 300 stóp od ziemi. Pamiętam też pojawienie się helikoptera wojskowego, który znalazł się pomiędzy nami a tym dziwnym obiektem.
Pojawiło się również na niebie kilka innych pojazdów. Kiedy obróciłem się aby spojrzeć przez tylnią szybę, zobaczyłem na horyzoncie pięć albo sześć okrągło kształtnych kul, ale pojawiły się one tylko na parę sekund. Pytacie się nas, aby opisać jak mogłem stracić z oczu te obiekty, ale muszę powiedzieć, iż wszystkie te detale są dosyć niewyraźne.
Zapytałem moją żonę o to i mówi mi to samo. W jednej sekundzie parzyliśmy się na ten dziwny obiekt, w następnej na te kule i chwile potem był to już koniec... przynajmniej tak sądziliśmy.
To jest zdecydowanie najdziwniejsza część z całej tej historii. Byliśmy na drodze od 7 rano, po tym jak zostaliśmy na noc u przyjaciela w Knoxville, TN. Cały czas na drodze starałem się obliczyć, o której dotrzemy do celu. Zawsze sprawdzam czas na zegarze samochodowym, który można zobaczyć rzutem oka.
Ostatni raz zanim się to wszystko zaczęło była godzina 9:40. Wtedy obliczyłem, że na pewno będziemy w domu o 11. Kiedy zobaczyliśmy ten obiekt, pamiętam iż na zegarku zobaczyłem godzinę 10:28. Moja żona ma chroniczne bóle pleców, i również sprawdzała czas ale zupełnie z innego powodu: aby wiedzieć o której ma wziąć lekarstwo.
Obliczyła ona, iż będziemy w domu zanim będzie musiała je wziąć. Ostatni raz, kiedy popatrzyła na zegarek była również 9:40.
Gdzieś po drodze oboje straciliśmy 48 minut!
Podróżowaliśmy razem z naszym psem, który cały czas siedział tyłem do nas wpatrując się w niebo. Co dziwne on nigdy nie przygląda się gwiazdkom, ani nawet długo patrzy na niebo. Podczas tego całego wydarzenia zauważyliśmy, że jesteśmy jedynym samochodem na drodze, gdzie kilka sekund wcześniej sytuacja na drodze była totalnie odwrotna. Podczas reszty podróży cały czas zastanawialiśmy się nad tym, co przeżyliśmy i postanowiliśmy podzielić się naszym doświadczeniem.
Near Norman, Oklahoma-12-10-08-My wife and I are living in Oklahoma right now, about two hours south of Oklahoma City, but we are in the process of moving to the east coast to open a business. Having spent the last two weeks in Virginia, we were on the last leg of our trip back home, having just exited I 40 onto I 35 south.
Once we passed through Norman, I realized I had taken the wrong road home, as we live further west than I 35 would take us. We found a small highway, Highway 9, that would take us further west to the highway we actually wanted to be on (Hwy 44) without backtracking.
The highway was busy, and people were speeding. I was just trying to maintain the posted speed limit, and avoid being run over, when my wife said 'What is that?'
I looked where she was pointing, outside her window, and I saw an extremely odd sight. For my wife not to be able to identify a series of lights is no small thing, since she is an Army brat and has lived near military bases her entire life. The road sort of bent to the left and that's when all the high strangeness began...
At first, it looked like a line of whitish lights with orange lights sort of book ending them in a row, but as I kept looking, the craft sort of turned, and showed its bottom to us. It was a triangular craft, with orange lights on the corners, and a bluish white light in the center.
Because of the location and the ambient light in the area, we could see it pretty clearly. I remember seeing the center light pulse once, getting slightly brighter. It moved very slowly, around 300 ft off the ground. I remember seeing a military style helicopter between us and the craft, and there was plenty of other air traffic.
In fact, as I turned around to look again at the windshield, there appeared on the horizon five or six roundish orange orbs, but they were only there for a second. In your instructions, you ask us to describe how you lost sight of the object, but I have to say, those details are a little fuzzy.
I've asked my wife and she says the same. One second, we were looking at this object, the next we were looking at these orbs out the windshield and then it was over. Or so we thought...
Now here is the weirdest part of all. We had been on the road since 7 am, having stayed with a friend overnight in Knoxville, TN. All the time we spend on the road, I spend those miles contemplating our arrival time. I am always checking the clock, which is easily seen with a glance.
The last time I looked at the clock, it was 9:40 exactly. I had a pretty firm estimation that we would be pulling into our driveway at 11. As we turned the corner, saw this craft and realized what it was we saw, the clock read 10:28. My wife has chronic back pain, and she watches the clock for a completely different reason; to make sure she is spacing her pain meds out properly.
She had estimated that she would be home before she needed to take them again. The last time she looked at the clock was also 9:40, because she was doing her own clock watching. Somewhere we both lost exactly 48 minutes.
We were traveling with our dog, who, as we came around the corner, was sitting with his back to us, calmly staring up into the sky. He never stargazes, or even looks up. As we turned that corner, we noticed that for a couple minutes, we were the only car on the road, when just seconds earlier, there was pretty heavy traffic. We were all questions all the way home, and we thought we should share our experience.
Rocket launches (from
- Site: Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Proton-M Briz-M (Ph.2) Payload: Ciel 2
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