ID | #1711009659 |
Added | Thu, 21/03/2024 |
Author | July N. |
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Phenomena | |
Status | Result
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Initial data
A luminous bright orange stripe is visible in the Hardwake.
The most likely explanation according to - Light column
The pillars of light belong to the halo family and arise as a result of the reflection of light from ice crystals that float horizontally in the air and act as mirrors.
Original news
Lichtgevende streep zoals Zaltbommel…te zien in Harderwijk
HARDERWIJK, GD — Streep fel oranje licht
Meest waarschijnlijke verklaring
Lichtpilaren behoren tot de familie van halo's en worden veroorzaakt door de reflectie van licht tegen ijskristallen die horizontaal door de lucht zweven en als spiegeltjes fungeren.
Light (solar) pole

One of the most frequent types of halo, a visual phenomenon, an optical effect which is a vertical band of light stretching from the sun during sunset or sunrise.
Based on the appearance in the photo, this is really a light pole.
Light (solar) pole

One of the most frequent types of halo, a visual phenomenon, an optical effect which is a vertical band of light stretching from the sun during sunset or sunrise.
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