ID | #1707825922 |
Added | Tue, 13/02/2024 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
The head of the BREEZE at the Onega Tractor Plant, V. Bukovich, from Petrozavodsk, writes to the director of the Space Research Institute:
Description of the celestial phenomenon that occurred over Petrozavodsk on August 23, 1978 from 3 to 4 a.m.
At 3 a.m. on August 23rd, I suddenly woke up with the idea of going to the window and watching the sky. The windows of our apartment face northeast. looking out the window in the northeast-east direction, I saw a brightly lit dot that was moving directly towards me, increasing in size. During the time I looked at the clock in the room and in the kitchen, the dot turned into a brightly glowing ellipse, the apparent size of 0.75 - 1 of the moon's disk (if you measure the axes of the ellipse).
To observe the phenomenon, I woke my wife up, telling her that a cosmic phenomenon had begun again (the fact is that we observed the same ellipse in August 1976 and on September 19, 1977 - the famous Petrozavodsk phenomenon, time - 3-15). The wife began to observe, saying, "I wonder if it will move like the previous objects or stop in place?"
The ellipse began to move along the horizon towards the "star" glowing on the left (as I later learned from astronomers, it was Jupiter).
There were no other stars in the sky because of the opacity of the air, some kind of haze.
The object has moved so much that it is possible to observe it from the room.
We lay down on the bed and continued to observe. When the ellipse approached Jupiter, but did not "touch" it with glowing plasma, something lit up on the left. When the ellipse glowing with a crown blocked the "star", it disappeared in its glow and reappeared with further movement of the object in the upper part of the crown, while the image of the "star" doubled, tripled, as objects on the horizon are distorted in a stream of warm rising air.
When the UFO moved so that Jupiter was on its small semi-axis, the movement stopped for 1.5-2 minutes, and Jupiter began to shine in a golden color very brightly, like Venus (you could even see the tiny disk of Jupiter).
Then the ellipse resumed moving again, but after about 1 minute its brightness decreased sharply, as it was shielded by a dark cloud moving from left to right. When moving across the sky, the UFO left a glowing trail that continued to glow on its own.
It was dark for about 1 minute, then the second UFO appeared as well as the first, turned into an ellipse, like the first, but brighter about the glow of plasma. He repeated the movement of the first object.
For some reason, I moved into a small room to watch the movement of the second UFO. when following the trail of the first UFO, there was an increase in the glow of the trail. Since during this time the trail rose in relation to Jupiter, the second UFO crossed it (Jupiter) with a large semi-axis. In the crown of the ellipse, the "star" went out, and inside the ellipse it began to shine again (apparently the UFO was made of transparent material or had the ability to be invisible).
Having reached point B (the point at which the glow of the first UFO went out and it became dark), the UFO abruptly changed the direction of movement to point C, while the trace of AB continued to rise in relation to Jupiter and Jupiter became visible on the bisector of the angle ABC. From point C, the object instantly moved to point D, while the AB line divided the SD line in half. From point D, a trace was illuminated to point B. from point D, the glow along the DS and DB lines was constantly maintained and even intensified, and the glow of AB weakened.
In the ABC triangle, Jupiter was always on the bisector of the ABC angle, i.e. there was a rigid binding of Jupiter and the triangle.
While the second UFO was drawing a triangle, the first one rose along a complex curve and formed a spiral swirl next to the triangle, resembling a side view of the galaxy.The brightness of the glow in the vortex increased and by the end of the observation significantly exceeded the brightness of the object at point D. When the first UFO rose and formed a spiral, it glowed all over. A few minutes before the end of the observation (at about 3-45), two luminous open ellipses appeared along the DB line, the outlines of which were very thin. The upper ellipse was smaller than the lower one. When the formation of the triangle and spiral ended (at about 3-45), I came up with the idea to photograph all this. our device of the FED-Micron brand
it was purchased in July of this year, charged with 65 units of Svema film.. The Helios-89 lens. There were 7 frames left to be shot.
After setting the manual setting, I took the first picture with a shutter speed, counting to 60 (about 30 seconds), then checked how the range was on the lens. It was 10 m. Setting it to infinity, I took a second picture with a shutter speed of 75 seconds. After that, I took 5 more pictures with shutter speeds of up to 30 seconds. each one. The shooting was done through double frames. After finishing photographing, I made a contour sketch of the images.
On the morning of August 24, I told G.V. Sorokin about everything. He arranged with the photographer of the factory to develop the film. In the evening, it was developed, and photos were taken on August 25.
only the first picture was released, the rest of the image was not visible, the frames were black, almost did not let in light. It was impossible to take photos.
In the photos, an object resembling a bucket with a handle is clearly visible at the top right. I remember perfectly well that the images on 2,3,4,5 and 6 pictures began to be clearly visible.On August 21st, I had a dream. My wife and I are walking in the woods on a little snow. Suddenly I felt that someone was watching me. I look at a spherical object the size of 1.5 Moons, orange in color, floating on the horizon, and two white rays radiate from it to the sides (I see all dreams only in a color image). I tell my wife: "They're watching us from the balloon, let's hide in the bushes and watch for ourselves." That's what we did. The balloon performed several maneuvers and disappeared into the sky.
A little bit from the field of mysticism:
Although I watched for about 1 hour, it seemed to me that the observation was conducted for only 10-15 minutes.
On August 21, I had a dream my wife and I were walking in the woods on a little snow. suddenly I felt that someone was watching me. I look at a spherical object with the size of 1.5 ]] moons floating on the horizon, orange in color, and 1 white ray radiates from it to the sides (I see all dreams exactly in the color image). I say to my wife, "they're watching us from the balloon, let's hide in the bushes and watch ourselves."That's what we did. The balloon performed several maneuvers and disappeared into the sky.
In late August and early September, I woke up twice at night to a sound resembling the sound of a loaded car walking on a slippery road, and with it was a sound like "bim-bim". Since the sound prevented me from sleeping, I covered my ears with my hands, but the sound came from somewhere above right through the back of my head. I told the head of the Hydrometeorological Observatory about these phenomena. To Gromov Y.L., when I showed him the pictures.
On November 7, at night, I was in a state of semi-sleep. It seemed to me that I was flying in space, someone invisible was accompanying me and saying: "Now we will tell you where we get energy for our devices." Somehow they direct a beam of high energy waves at the Sun. A powerful prominence bursts out of it with energy of hundreds of thousands of hydrogen bombs. Somehow, this energy is compressed by the force field and charged into the station.
When I asked what was happening to the Sun, the answer was that it was even imperceptible to it and that it didn't matter how much energy it spent, it renewed so much.
Then I heard: "Now we will show you our laboratory," and I began to approach it. I was informed that the maximum size of the station is 1500 meters. I saw this station from afar. She had some facets. All research ships are stored inside the station. Further vision was interrupted by a cat (8 months old), who jumped on my bed, and then he started vomiting, repeated twice. A few days later, the cat died.
On November 20th, at 1:30 a.m., I was woken up by a bright flash. The room was dark. When I woke up, for some reason, the idea slipped through to draw a triangle in the photos. With that thought in mind, I fell asleep.
An hour later, I was woken up by a new flash, it seemed that a bright lightning bolt flew in. The idea was born again to draw a triangle and take the ratio of the lower side to the left side. In the morning, I drew a triangle, measured them at work and asked an employee to calculate them on a computer. It turned out the following:
First picture: 41 : 13 = 3.1538
Second snapshot: 50 : 159, = 3.1447
Third picture: 53.4 : 17 = 3.1412
The fourth picture: 54 : 17.2 = 3.1395
Fifth picture: 64 : 20.4 = 3.1429
The sixth picture: 6 : 21 = 3.1429The arithmetic mean is 3.1432, i.e. the number pi with an accuracy of one hundredth sign.
If we put aside mysticism, then the very fact that a geometric triangle and a complex figure were drawn in the sky before my eyes suggests that this was a signal from another mind.
Booster, the rocket and tracks

For UFOs often take stages of rockets, parts of space ships burning in the atmosphere, the launches of various missile technology for military purposes, etc., and traces from them. They attract attention mostly in the dark, but in the day time have a greater aura of mystery.
Formation of the track of the launch vehicle occurs in the tropopause (the layer between the troposphere and stratosphere), which sharply reduced the vertical temperature gradient. The emergence of the so-called "jellyfish" influenced by water vapor, which are subject to enhanced condensation.
The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.
It seems that some of the information is missing. What kind of photos are we talking about and when was the triangle drawn in the sky?
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