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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1695810543
Added Wed, 27/09/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Murmanskaya oblast

From a letter to the Commission on AYA from 1997:


I didn't see any more UFOs. but we managed to see the aliens themselves. These were only physical contacts, but there were also telepathic ones.


March 30 , 1997 I saw their spaceship again. I was there (only the astral body), but this time there was no contact.

The most regular contacts I had were contacts with the Taians (pop. Orion).

Recently I have moved away from contacts. In my fields, I can go anywhere, even to the same "White Star".

The White Star is a major facility of the armed forces of the Orion Black League. A lot of UFOs come from the "White Star". If UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin, then it is logical to assume that they cannot just take and overcome interstellar space just like that. Consequently, there must be "mother ships" in our Solar System - huge orbital stations. One of these stations is the "white star".

I've been there a lot of times.

Here is one of the episodes of contact. I entered their control center. This is a very large room. Floor, walls of aluminum color. I sat down on one of the chairs near the porthole. I first looked at the rings of Saturn. Up close, they are simply amazing.

Two people entered the hall. A man and a woman. He was wearing a black military uniform, and she was wearing a long dress and a headdress on her head. He (his name was Vernenon) gave me a device in my hands, he put it on my head.

- Isn't it dangerous? "What is it ?" she asked

- no. But we have to find out everything. This is very, very important to us sveh...

I don't remember anything else.

And I can give a lot of similar examples. I do not presume to say that this is the VC. But if not. Then who are they?

When I learned how to go to the menti, of course, I immediately realized that I no longer needed a contactologist. Now I can talk to anyone.

On April 7, I got to the White Star through my information fields. I don't remember the details, but I remember what one woman told me (her name was Delly in my opinion).

"Yes, we are all conservatives. our world is divided into spheres of influence of the Confederation. Our world is in the hands of the Confederation (in particular Sirius). The situation is critical. Our base "White Star" is located here in your solar system. We don't want to harm your world. we wanted only one thing: to free our world from this confederation, to end it. We need the Land.

There are a lot of our people on Earth. Each of them has its own mission. But they are all connected by unity of thought. Our goal is to unite all Orions..."

That's what happened on April 7. Again, I will not claim that this is the only way, and not otherwise. All this needs to be sorted out.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.

The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

To check if this is a retelling of some book or movie, we decided to search by keywords. All that has been learned so far:

Black League Orion is a well—known term used to describe the resistance during the Orion Intergalactic Wars. At the moment, we have found the book "Orion and the Black League": Transcription of Monday Session, 3/25/85 Bashar transcripts (Authors: Bashar (Spirit), Darryl Anka, Association, Publisher of Interplanetary Connections, 1985). A further search about the authors showed.

Bashar is a representative of the Essassani extraterrestrial civilization, who communicates through a "channel" - Darryl Anka, through channeling:

The story of Darryl Anka: In 1973, twice during one week I was an eyewitness to the appearance of UFOs in the presence of other people. In both cases, we saw a dark metal triangular ship about 10 meters in size on each side. It had blue-white headlights at the corners and one orange-red one in the center. In the first case, the aircraft appeared at a distance of about 45 meters from us, and the second time only about 20 meters.

After these events, I began to search and study all possible information about UFOs, because I was sure that it could not be a derivative of Earth technology... 10 years after the UFO encounter, I got to know channeling in practice... 

Instantly, an understanding of 3 things came to me: the message was from an off-Earth consciousness, which I can call "Bashar" (and the UFO that I saw was his ship), the memory came to me that I had agreed at some point before coming into this life to his channeling, and that now was the time to do it an agreement if I still want to do it... 

I always explain to people that they don't have to believe that "Bashar" is a real alien who speaks through me through telepathy during channeling. If they believe that the words come from some part of my own consciousness - I have no problem with that. I still don't have any evidence of Bashar's real existence.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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