Initial data
Arizona, Sedona. The object photographed in July 2005 was not discovered until a witness saw the photo on a computer. He noticed a small object in the photo and, despite the magnification of the photo, could not understand what it was.
Original news
Arizona, Sedona
Objektet, fotograferet i juli 2005, blev ikke opdaget før vidnet så fotoet på computeren. Han lagde mærke til et lille objekt på billedet og trods forstørrelse af fotoet, kunne han ikke regne ud, hvad det var.
Beetles and other insects

Flying insects in photos and videos can be mistaken for UFOs.
Shooting can take place in the daytime or in the evening. When moving, the outlines of the insect can be both blurred and clear. Depending on this, dark spots or spots of bizarre shapes can be taken for UFOs. The video shows UFOs hovering in the sky, flying in a straight line or moving along a complex trajectory (for example, shooting May bugs near a tree against the background of the evening sky). Insects can be mistaken for UFOs by accident, or given out intentionally. At night, they can be highlighted by a flash.
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