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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Crawfordsville Monster. United States

ID #1685388839
Added Mon, 29/05/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Кроуфордсвилл, IN
United States

September 5, 1891 The Crawfordsville Journal reported that two ice deliverymen noticed a "strange phenomenon" that hovered in the air above their place, describing it as a "terrible vision" that "filled them with fear." A Methodist pastor and his wife told about a similar observation. 

Journal Crawfordsville described it as "about eighteen feet [5.5 m] long and eight feet [2.5m] wide, and it moved rapidly through the air with the help of several pairs of lateral fins. It was pure white and had no definite shape or form, somewhat resembling a large white shroud with fins. Neither tail nor head was visible, but there was one big glowing eye, and some hoarse plaintive sound came from an invisible mouth. he came and often squirmed, as if suffering from unspeakable agony." 

According to an interview conducted a few years later by a reporter from Crawfordsville and the Fortean Society.Member Vincent Gaddis, hundreds of residents observed the phenomenon the following evening, with some claiming to have felt the monster's "hot breath" as it flew over them.

The Indianapolis Journal repeated the observations on September 5, as did other newspapers across the country, including Brooklyn Eagle, whose article later attracted the attention of early paranormal researcher Charles Fort. The Crawfordsville postmaster was inundated with mail, and reports of sightings caused both ridicule and a number of believers. Two local residents, John Hornbeck and Abe Hernley, "chased the ghost around the city and finally discovered that it was a flock of many hundreds of birds called the Screaming Plover." 

Numerous bird wings, white supports and plaintive cries contributed to the conviction of many eyewitnesses that the creature (creatures) came from the other world. Poor visibility due to humid air probably aggravated the mistaken identification. Journal Crawfordsville suggested that the newly installed electric lighting in Crawfordsville disoriented the birds, which caused them to hover over the city. The birds' wings and white lower feathers probably led to a misidentification.

The newspapers spread another story from Crawfordsville. It was about the "parachute balloon craze" that gripped city boys. While this might explain the billowing, sheet-like vision, it does not explain the "wheezing plaintive sound" made by the aerial monster. Well, the same report on the parachute craze also mentioned that the boys also liked to launch cats on their balloons.

Original news

On September 5, 1891, the Crawfordsville Journal reported that two ice delivery men sighted "a strange phenomenon" that hovered in the air above their location, describing it as a "horrible apparition" that "filled them with dread." A similar sighting was reported by a Methodist pastor and his wife. The Crawfordsville Journal described it as "about eighteen feet [5.5 m] long and eight feet [2.5 m] wide and moved rapidly through the air by means of several pairs of side fins. It was pure white and had no definite shape or form, resembling somewhat a great white shroud fitted with propelling fins. There was no tail or head visible but there was one great flaming eye, and a sort of a wheezing plaintive sound was emitted from a mouth which was invisible. It flapped like a flag in the winds as it came on and frequently gave a great squirm as though suffering unutterable agony."[2] According to interviews conducted years later by Crawfordsville reporter and Fortean Society member Vincent Gaddis, hundreds of residents observed the phenomenon on the following evening, with some claiming they could feel the monster's "hot breath" as it swooped over them.[1]

The Indianapolis Journal repeated the September 5th sightings, as did other newspapers across the country,[3] including the Brooklyn Eagle,[4] whose article later attracted the attention of early paranormal investigator Charles Fort.[1] The Crawfordsville Postmaster was deluged with mail, and reports of the sightings generated both ridicule and a number of believers. Two local men, John Hornbeck and Abe Hernley, "followed the wraith about town and finally discovered it to be a flock of many hundred killdeer." The Crawfordsville Journal suggested that Crawfordsville's newly installed electric lights disoriented the birds, which caused them to hover above the city. The birds' wings and white under-feathers likely resulted in misidentification.[2]


Around two o’clock on the morning of Saturday, September 5, 1891, Crawfordsville ice delivery men Marshall McIntyre and Bill Gray prepared their wagon for morning rounds when suddenly a feeling of “awe and dread” overcame them.  Peering heavenward, the men saw a “horrible apparition.”  The Crawfordsville Journal described what they witnessed:

[It was] about eighteen feet long and eight feet wide and moved rapidly through the air by means of several pairs of side fins. . . . It was pure white and had no definite shape or form, resembling somewhat a great white shroud fitted with propelling fins.  There was no tail or head visible but there was one great flaming eye, and a sort of a wheezing plaintive sound was emitted from a mouth which was invisible.  It flapped like a flag in the winds as it came on and frequently gave a great squirm as though suffering unutterable agony.

McIntyre and Gray observed the phenomenon hover three or four hundred feet in the air for nearly an hour before they retreated to the safety of the barn.  They then quickly finished harnessing their horses and left the vicinity.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Balloons and balls

Balloon — aircraft (balloon), which is used for the flight gas, which is lighter than air.

Balloons - different sizes and shapes size toy, often made of latex. Is inflated with air or other gas. If the gas is lighter than air, the ball gains the ability to fly. The photo looks like a small dot. The colors and the opacity depends on the texture and color of the ball.


Due to the peculiarities of the bird's flight, it is possible to capture a moment in the photo when an ordinary bird will resemble a "classic" UFO in shape.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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