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UFO. United States

ID #1683622515
Added Tue, 09/05/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Стивенвилл, TX
United States

About 300 local residents reported that 15 years ago they witnessed an amazing chase for 12 mysterious ships flying in unison in the sky over the American state Texas .

But the top military leadership did not admit that the incident had taken place, and did not offer any explanation of what the F-16 was being pursued for. At first, the US Air Force denied that any of their aircraft were in the area at that time.

They then admitted there had been an intercom error and the plane was near the remote town of Stevenville when hundreds of locals reported being harassed.

But the warlords still refused to notice the giant line of glowing spheres flying away from the jets, making movements that surpass the capabilities of any artificial aircraft.

UFO researchers used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain radar footage on the night of the observation — January 8, 2008.

They found that UFOs appeared on the radar, being chased by planes.

This recording is among 510 close encounters between military personnel and an unidentified ship that are currently being investigated by the Office for the Resolution of Anomalies in All Areas on behalf of the US Department of Defense.

Original news

Radar footage of a chase between two fighter jets and a mile-wide fleet of 1,900mph UFOs is being studied by defence chiefs.

Up to 300 locals reported witnessing the astonishing hot pursuit’ of up to 12 mystery craft flying in unison in the skies over the US state of Texas 15 years ago.

But military top brass failed to acknowledge the incident took place or offer any explanation of what the F-16s were chasing. At first the US Air Force denied any of its jets were in the area at the time.

Then it conceded there had been an internal communications mistake and aircraft had been near the remote town of Stephenville when hundreds of locals reported the pursuit.

But military chiefs still refused to acknowledge the giant line of florescent orbs shooting away from the jets making movements beyond any manmade aircraft.

UFO investigators used Freedom Of Information laws to obtain radar footage from the night of the sighting - January 8 2008.

They found the UFOs appeared on radar pursued by the jets.

That footage is among 510 close encounters between military personnel and unidentified craft currently being probed by the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office on behalf of the the US Defence Department.

Its existence was revealed in National Geographic’s bombshell new series UFOs: Investigating The Unknown screened on Monday (April 8) night.

Former US deputy assistant secretary of defence for intelligence Christopher Mellon told the show the sighting was "very intriguing".

Eyewitness Lee Roy Gaten, a police officer, said he looked out of his car and saw10 to 12 florescent orbs.
“They were moving really quickly and then they stopped and then all of a sudden they shot off,’’ he said.
Seconds later he saw the F-16s race past.

Private airline pilot Steve Allen, who was camping out with pals nearby, said he "noticed some lights coming at us at a very high rate of speed".


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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