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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1682031727
Added Fri, 21/04/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Флоренция, SC
United States

A cloud that looks like a UFO or vice versa?

An eyewitness claims: 

If I'm right, we had a pretty rare sight in Florence, South Carolina. It looks like lenticular clouds, which are rarely found on the coastal plain away from the mountains, where they are more common. If I'm wrong, they still look cool! It's interesting to find out if this is the case.

Original news

Date of sighting: April 15, 2023

Location of sighting: Florence, South Carolina, USA

Source: Twitter 

On many occasions UFOs are reported to become gradually engulfed in a vapor cloud. The fully developed cloud looks like any other cloud in the sky and affords the UFO with a very convenient hiding place. Sure people are skeptical today, but UFO reports have stated in the past that the UFO was seen creating a cloud, either around it or behind it. A fact is a fact. These UFOs can create the cloud within their energy shields to keep most of the smoke from blowing away, however some are so big, some smoke escapes causing a long thing trail behind them as seen in one of the below Twitter photos. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 

If I’m right, we had a pretty rare sight here in Florence, SC. Looks like lenticular clouds, which are rare on the coastal plain away from any mountains where these are more common. If I’m wrong, well, they still look cool! Interested to know if so.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Cloud (natural and man-made)

Clouds are the products of condensation of water vapor suspended in the atmosphere, visible in the sky from the surface of the earth. They consist of tiny drops of water and/or ice crystals (called cloud elements).


Rocket launches (from space.skyrocket.de)

  • Site: Vandenberg AFB, California (USA) Vehicle: Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) Payload: İmece Umbra-SAR 06 ÑuSat 36 (NewSat 36, Aleph-1 36, Annie Jump Cannon) ÑuSat 37 (NewSat 37, Aleph-1 37, Joan Clarke) ÑuSat 38 (NewSat 38, Aleph-1 38, Maria Gaetana Agnesi) ÑuSat 39 (NewSat 39, Aleph-1 39, Tikvah Alper) ÑuSat 36, ..., 39 GHOSt 1 GHOSt 2 Tomorrow R1 GHGSat C6 (Mey-Lin) GHGSat C7 (Gaspard) GHGSat C8 (Océane) Hawk 7A Hawk 7B Hawk 7C NORSAT TD ION-SCV 010 (ION-SCV 010 Masterful Matthaeus) Kepler 20 Kepler 21 ELO 3 EPICHyper 1 (Dragonette 001, ACC-HSI-SAT 1) VCUB1 Vigoride 6 LLITED 1 LLITED 2 REVELA DISCO 1 VIREO IRIS C BRO 9 Brokkr 1 (OrbAstro AF-1) CIRBE DEWA-Sat 2 It's About Time KILIÇSAT SSS 2B Sapling 2 (Sapling Giganteum) PROVES-Yearling 2 Platform 3 (Sateliot 0) (ex SharedSat 4) FACSAT 2 (Chibiriquete) Connecta T2.1 LacunaSat 2f (LS2f) ADLER 2 (Lemur-2 163, Lemur-2 SpaceGus) Lemur-2 164 (Lemur-2 OnReflection) Lemur-2 165 (Lemur-2 Romeo-n-Leo) INSPIREsat 7 Taifa 1 RoseyCubesat 1 Celestis 23 (Excelsior Flight)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Externally, the object really looks like a lenticular cloud without showing anything outstanding in itself.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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