ID | #1677589760 |
Added | Tue, 28/02/2023 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Result
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Initial data
A hang glider pilot was filming the takeoff of another glider near Sutter Butts, California, when he accidentally shot footage of a lifetime.
A hang glider pilot was filming the takeoff of another glider near Sutter Butts, California, when he accidentally got into the frame for life.
A small round dark object passes so close to him that it almost touches him.
It's just a real-time blur, but slowed down and suspended, it has a strange ball shape, but with four corners clamped, almost like a wonton resting on something like a round disk.
Some suggest it could have been a balloon, but that awful old explanation is clearly inaccurate. The object is simply too heavy and too fast to be a balloon.
Original news
Un piloto de ala delta que volaba alto sobre el cielo de Sutter Buttes, California se sorprendió cuando un misterioso objeto de alta velocidad apareció repentinamente en su camino.
Un deltaplane filmait le décollage d’un autre planeur près de Sutter Buttes, en Californie, lorsqu’il a accidentellement pris la séquence de toute une vie.
Un petit objet rond et sombre passe si près de lui qu’il le heurte presque.
Ce n’est qu’un flou en temps réel, mais ralenti et mis en pause, il révèle une forme étrange comme une balle mais avec quatre coins pincés, presque comme un wonton reposant sur ce qui ressemble à un disque rond.
Certains spéculent qu’il pourrait s’agir d’un ballon, mais cette terrible vieille explication n’est clairement pas exacte. L’objet est tout simplement trop lourd et trop rapide pour être un ballon.
Ce n’est pas le seul phénomène aérien non identifié à passer devant la caméra du téléphone de quelqu’un, car un autre incident récent semble montrer des avions militaires poursuivant une sphère plus grande qui a filé devant un motocycliste.
Un autre homme a trouvé dans son jardin une étrange boule métallique qui semblait être tombée du ciel et était partiellement recouverte de glace.
Daniel Velez Wagner·1-25Подписаться
Replying to @a1tirejonathan For those who want to see the original footage. I was filming the glider and tow taking off the runway when I saw a black object heading at high speed towards me, just had enough time to pull up the camera and catch it. #gliderpilot #segelfliegen #soaring #aviation #gliding #ufo #segelflug #generalaviation #norcal
Balloons and balls

Balloon — aircraft (balloon), which is used for the flight gas, which is lighter than air.
Balloons - different sizes and shapes size toy, often made of latex. Is inflated with air or other gas. If the gas is lighter than air, the ball gains the ability to fly. The photo looks like a small dot. The colors and the opacity depends on the texture and color of the ball.
The source of this video can be considered a channel , who broadcast a video from a closed channel (Replying to @a1tirejonathan For those who want to see the original footage). The video was published on January 25, 2023. The date of the shooting is not specified, so this date is indicated as the very first one that we managed to find on the Web about this case.
During the search for the source of the video and the date of observation, an explanation was found. Here, after processing the frames, the inscription becomes visible and Mick West and 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕖𝕪 find a balloon of a similar kind:

Link to the detailed investigation of Mick West.
Balloons and balls

Balloon — aircraft (balloon), which is used for the flight gas, which is lighter than air.
Balloons - different sizes and shapes size toy, often made of latex. Is inflated with air or other gas. If the gas is lighter than air, the ball gains the ability to fly. The photo looks like a small dot. The colors and the opacity depends on the texture and color of the ball.
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