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Yeti. United States

ID #1674214387
Added Fri, 20/01/2023
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
кемпинг Кукс-Вэлли в сообществе Пирси (округ Мендосино)
United States

The Bigfoot Research organization has collected more than a dozen sightings of this cryptid in Mendocino County, where a group of children allegedly came face to face with it. This is reported by the Daily Star.

A group of children followed a "terrible smell" that resembled a mixture of "rotting deer carcass and skunk" and found themselves "face to face with a bigfoot" while camping in California.

The group stayed overnight at Cooks Valley Campground in the community of Piercy (Mendocino County, California) surrounded by huge redwoods and dense forest.

Presumably, the children were playing in the playground on the spot when they smelled an intoxicating fragrance that led to an eight-foot-tall beast.

Observation of the mythical beast in 1963 was assigned to class "A" by the Organization of field researchers of Bigfoot, which conducts observations in the United States.

The observations of the class "A" bigfoot meant that they were clearly visible and confirmed. This incident was reported to the organization in 1999 by a witness with the initials "V.E".

The MendoFever website, which publishes articles about the Mendocino country, published an article describing a situation where children found themselves a few steps away from a Bigfoot.

The website reports:

"The children suddenly felt a terrible smell — a disgusting mixture of rotting deer carcass and skunk. The team followed the stink with their eyes and found themselves face to face with the legendary Bigfoot."

"The creature was eight feet tall and covered in brown fur from head to toe. The children caught a savage who was watching them play, standing at the base of a redwood tree."

The organization of Bigfoot field Researchers has collected more than a dozen bigfoot sightings in Mendocino County. One of which ended with the beast allegedly killing three people on a marijuana farm in Mendocino.

But for some reason, the mysterious cryptid decided not to touch the children?

"The children studied Bigfoot. The creature held on tightly to the trees. Most of the children in those parts were told stories about bigfoot. It was not a bedtime story," writes the website MendoFever. "And then Bigfoot just turned around and went into the dark redwood forest."

Several children confirmed this story, including a terrible smell and a man who looked like a monkey who was looking at them.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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