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Parallel world. United States

ID #1666088073
Added Tue, 18/10/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Джексон, WY
United States

On May 21, 2007, a resident of Jackson, Wyoming, disappeared without a trace. The day before she was preparing for the exam and, as usual before an important event, went to bed early. No one has seen her since.

Moreover, the parents themselves claim that in the morning all the windows and doors in the house were locked, and the keys were in place. Patricia Lyons (that was the name of the missing person) could not leave the house on her own and lock it.

The disappearance caused a stir in a small town. The police of the city, and then the entire state of Wyoming, began an urgent search for the missing girl. No evidence or evidence of escape could be found. On the fourth day, Bella, a friend of the missing woman, said that shortly before the disappearance, Patricia had told that she had started receiving telepathic messages.

At that moment, she began to have severe migraines and her nose bled. No one believed the girl, and the doctor's examination revealed no health-related problems.

At the end of a week of searching, her desperate parents received a message from their daughter. She wrote from an unknown phone number that she was in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. In less than a week, the girl traveled more than half of the country and ended up in neighboring Canada. Considering that the student did not use transport, and in general it is impossible to hitchhike during this period, the case intrigued the police.

Local doctors examined Patricia Lyons and found no signs of dehydration or any injuries. After successfully returning to Jackson, she told the police and her parents an incredible story. The girl was absolutely delighted, because she had visited an alien base.

Patricia reported that for about two months she had been receiving telepathic messages from unknown beings. It seemed that she was eavesdropping on someone's conversation. In total, three different voices spoke. The language the strangers spoke was incomprehensible to her.

On the very night that Patricia disappeared, she was woken up by a familiar voice. Only this time it wasn't coming from my head, but from somewhere above. She opened her eyes and saw that she was not in her bedroom, but in a narrow niche in the wall.

When she tried to get up on the floor, she noticed with horror that there was no floor. The dugout turned out to be in a pipe, which was an elongated hall with many holes in the walls. Some of them were occupied by sleeping beings, not only humans, but also many other entities.

The girl took a step and felt that, despite the absence of a floor, she literally walked through the air and did not fall. Then Patricia decided to walk around an unfamiliar place. At some point, she was picked up by a stream of air, like an invisible hand, and directed to a rounded hole.

The compartment doors opened and she stepped inside. There were white little cubes, millions and billions. She took one. It looked like refined sugar, but she didn't dare try it.

Later, three creatures most similar to octopuses or squids entered there. They were dressed in black overalls, and on their heads they had special devices, probably for breathing.

Noticing her, they got scared, changed color from greenish to reddish-purple and rushed away. Then the same invisible hand or a current of air pushed her out of the room and lowered her several dozen floors below. They were already waiting there. It was only at that moment that Patricia realized she wasn't breathing, as her body didn't need breathing to exist there.

About 20 aliens were located in a semicircle on the upper tier. The girl herself was down on a small platform. The light was dim. For a while the sitting creatures discussed something, it was evident from their gestures.

But since they were behind a glass structure, it was impossible to hear them. However, Patricia believed that she would not understand anything, since they clearly did not communicate in a human language.

After a short conversation, hundreds of labeled galaxies appeared in front of the girl. Patricia realized that she had been asked to indicate where she was from. Alas, the names were in unknown languages, and she was looking for the Milky Way for quite a long time. When she managed to point it out, a hologram of our galaxy appeared in front of her.

Thanks to her knowledge of astronomy, she found the Solar System, and then the Earth. Some discussion started again, and this time it was long. It seemed to her that several hours had passed. Patricia felt very tired and stood up with the last of her strength. The hologram disappeared, and then the light went out. From impotence, the girl sank to the floor.

It is not known whether the creatures tested the girl's knowledge or really asked in this way where she came from.

An invisible current brought her back to the room with the white cubes. One of them flew to Patricia's mouth, and she ate it. She felt an instant surge of strength. This time she wanted to take a few more, but did not have time - she was sent back to the room where there were about 20 aliens.


The hologram reappeared in front of the girl. Many galaxies turned out to be greenish-blue in color. Some were yellow. The Milky Way was black, as were some others. At that moment, voices sounded in her head again, and she felt a strong pain in her temples and forehead.

Noticing that she was writhing in pain, the voices fell silent. Patricia lost consciousness and woke up only in a niche in the wall. How much time had passed, she didn't know. She couldn't get the hologram out of her head, where the Milky Way was painted black.

Most likely, according to the girl, this means that representatives of our galaxy have not yet joined any space alliance or association.

Patricia believed that because of our inability to communicate telepathically and our low level of technological development, we humans only master our home planet. People will not survive in space, and because of their aggressive and cruel behavior, humanity is not a candidate for full membership in intergalactic associations.

The next day, she was placed in a glass capsule and her body was scanned with a device very similar to an MRI. They took blood from her, some hair and cut off her nails. After a while, she was back on Earth-in her pajamas in Kirkland Lake. Patricia couldn't remember any more details. She would very much like to return there, as she has repeatedly admitted.

Several years have passed since 2007, and Patricia has almost been forgotten. But in 2011, she disappeared again. No one could find her, and her parents are still waiting for news from their daughter.

In 2018, in an interview with Michael Lyons, Patricia's father said that if his daughter is happy where she is, then he is ready to accept the fact that he will never see her again. Who knows, maybe she is one of the few people on this intergalactic ship?


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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