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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Yeti. United States

ID #1652182388
Added Tue, 10/05/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United States

A herd of deer seems to have gotten scared after a snowman was spotted walking through tall grass in broad daylight.

In the footage, the mother deer remained motionless next to her foals in the middle of a small dirt road, and a black monkey-like figure walking on two legs crosses the field ahead.

Then another large deer is seen fleeing the area quickly in the footage shared on Instagram and TikTok.

The clip, which was believed to have been originally recorded in 2009, attracted social media users in the comments section @we_bigfoot_believers.

Despite the poor quality of the video, they were sure that the dark—haired creature was a snowman.

Original news

A herd of deer appeared to be startled after a 'Bigfoot' was spotted walking through long grass in broad daylight.

In the footage, the mother deer stayed stiff alongside her foals in the middle of a small dirt track as a black, ape-like figure walking on two legs appears to cross the field ahead.

Another large deer is then seen quickly fleeing the area in the footage, which has been shared on Instagram and TikTok.

The clip, which was believed to have been initially recorded in 2009 before resurfacing, sent social media users wild in the comment section of @we_bigfoot_believers.

Despite the poor quality of the video, they were convinced the dark-haired creature was a sasquatch.

One user said: "I’ve seen this before it’s actually pretty awesome to watch I find it amazing."

Another wrote: "Look at that thic squatch."

A third added: "Sweet."

However, not everyone is so convinced as one user demanded more information about the clip to decipher whether the creature is human or not.

They said: "Would love some context. Seems to walk very human-like, though is huge so…"


Un branco di cervi sembrava essere sorpreso dopo che un “Bigfoot” è stato avvistato mentre camminava nell’erba alta in pieno giorno.

Nel filmato, la madre cervo è rimasta rigida accanto ai suoi puledri nel mezzo di una piccola strada sterrata mentre una figura nera simile a una scimmia che cammina su due gambe sembra attraversare il campo davanti a sé.

Un altro grosso cervo viene poi visto fuggire rapidamente dall’area nel filmato, che è stato condiviso su Instagram e TikTok.

La clip, che si credeva fosse stata inizialmente registrata nel 2009 prima di riemergere, ha fatto impazzire gli utenti dei social media nella sezione commenti di @we_bigfoot_believers.

Nonostante la scarsa qualità del video, erano convinti che la creatura dai capelli scuri fosse un sasquatch.

Un utente ha detto: “L’ho già visto prima che sia davvero fantastico da guardare, lo trovo fantastico”.

Un altro ha scritto: “Guarda che thic squatch”.

Un terzo ha aggiunto: “Dolce”.

Tuttavia, non tutti sono così convinti poiché un utente ha richiesto più informazioni sulla clip per decifrare se la creatura è umana o meno.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

It is necessary to find out the exact location of the shooting (while presumably the USA is indicated).


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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