ID | #1643370359 |
Added | Fri, 28/01/2022 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Investigation
Initial data
In recent years, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has noted a significant increase in the number of UFO incidents. In one of the strangest messages, a pilot operating a Diamond DA40 light aircraft described an unusual object repeating the maneuvers of his plane during a flight at an altitude of more than 2,000 feet over Atlantic City, New Jersey, on September 16, 2018.
The incident report was originally filed through the FAA's Mandatory Incident Report (MOR) process. According to FAA regulations, MORS must be compiled every time a pilot reports unauthorized or unsafe activity of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS). The person who submitted the report is also a pilot of the KC-135 air tanker tanker of the Air Force and is well acquainted with this airspace.
The pilot recalls that at first he thought that the object was a set of balloons. Puzzled by this, he slowed down to get a better look at the object. He described how the object rose with him and seemed to deliberately stay in front of his plane, mirroring his turn.
Original news
Pilot lecący lekkim samolotem Diamond DA40 uwiecznił bardzo nietypowy obiekt, który przeleciał tuż obok niego, na wysokości ponad 2000 stóp nad Atlantic City w stanie New Jersey. Do obserwacji miało dojść jeszcze 16 września 2018 roku.
Raport z incydentu zawierał dźwięk z wywiadu FAA z pilotem, który miał miejsce wkrótce po zdarzeniu. Pilot tłumaczy w nim, że mimo iż pracował z dronami, trudno byłoby mu konkretnie zidentyfikować to, co widział. Wspomina on w nim, o dziwnej antenie w kształcie litery V i ładunku wiszącym u dołu obiektu. Jego opis sugeruje, że UFO nie wyglądało żaden znany rodzaj drona ani tym bardziej balon meteorologiczny. Raport z tego incydentu został ujawniony dzięki amerykańskiemu ustawodawstwu Freedom of Information Act.
Parachutist/delta glider

Parachute - a device made of fabric to slow down the movement of the object in the air. Parachutes are used for safe descent and landing of cargo and people, braking aircraft during landing.
The hang glider is a heavier aircraft than air, made under the scheme of "tailless with a arrow-shaped wing", the flight control of which is carried out by shifting the center of the mass due to the movement of the pilot relative to the suspension point (balance glider).
Parachutists often line up in different shapes during free fall.
Rocket launches (from
- Site: Satish Dhawan Space Center (Sriharikota Space Center), Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh (India) Vehicle: PSLV-CA Payload: NovaSAR-S 1 SSTL-S1 4
At the end of the video, when the object is on a contrasting background, it begins to resemble an ordinary parachutist.
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