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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1643109471
Added Tue, 25/01/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.01.2022 18:45
Дарем, CT
United States

Reddit users were stunned by the CCTV footage posted on YouTube, which shows two black planes following the glowing sphere over Durham in Connecticut, USA.

In the original video, published today (January 24) on the Alien Scientist channel, it says:

"Raw footage from surveillance cameras showing 2 Blackhawks escorting a glowing spherical UFO in the form of a tick-tock. Recorded at 18:45 on Thursday, January 20, 2022."

Original news

A UFO was caught in a chase with Black Hawk helicopters through the skies over the US.

Reddit users were left stunned at the CCTV footage posted to YouTube that shows glowing-orb being followed by two black aircraft above Durham in Connecticut, US.

The original video posted to the Alien Scientist channel today (January 24) said: "Raw Security Camera Footage of the 2 Blackhawks escorting a tic tac glowing orb UFO.

"Recorded 6:45 pm Thursday, Jan 20, 2022."

It was then shared to the subreddit r/UFOs where fascinated users said debated over whether it is proof of alien visitors or a special military operation.

The Reddit user who shared the post wrote: "2 Blackhawks chasing a UFO in Durham CT 1/20/22.”

One user responded: "More like the UFO was chasing them from the front."

Another said: "I don't know what these blurry lights are. Therefore this is an unidentified alien space vessel."

A third added: "Looks more like they’re escorting a smaller aircraft.

"Special operations do a lot of training in cities at night."

A fourth commented: "Police helicopter looking for a suspect."

The news comes after locals were left baffled after spotting a giant tractor beam in place for three hours as they claim to have 'never seen anything like it before.'

The huge golden beam was spotted shining down at the Zigana Pass in the Pontic Mountains in the province of Gumushane Province, close to the border with Trabzon Province in north-eastern Turkey.

The rare phenomenon was captured from the facilities of the Zigana Gumuskayak ski centre at an altitude of 2,100 metres from sea level.

Those who recorded it claimed that the huge golden light shone on the slopes of the Zigana Pass from a single point for around three hours.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Airplane / Helicopter

An aircraft heavier than air for flights in the atmosphere (and outer space (e.g. An orbital aircraft)), using the aerodynamic lift of a glider to keep itself in the air (when flying within the atmosphere) and the thrust of a power (propulsion) installation for maneuvering and compensating for the loss of total mechanical energy to drag. 

A rotorcraft in which the lift and thrust required for flight are created by one or more main rotors powered by an engine or several engines. They differ in maneuverability, the ability to hover and almost vertical takeoff.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Externally, two dark objects (on the periphery) resemble ordinary helicopters. From one of the objects, the searchlight beam clearly departs, which can be seen on the surface of the earth.

In the comments , user binhowlin writes:

As a Blackhawk instructor pilot, I have to say that only 3 aircraft make a group flight with a night sight, using standard SOP lighting for multi-ship flight.

Many other commentators agreed with this.

For example, Never in our history has this been attempted writes:


According to several flight tracking systems, these were two Sikorsky UH-60M Blackhawks with registration numbers 20-21105 and 20-21106. As always, we tracked them on 8kun. They took off at MacArthur Airport on Long Island at 6:16 p.m. and zigzagged to Westover Air Force Base (I don't think they landed, but I'm not 100% sure). Then he flew around the Mount Tom State Reserve and the Skinner State Park Mountains, and then flew straight back to Long Island MacArthur Airport. I have screenshots, but YouTube keeps deleting links.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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