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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Land creatures. China

ID #1638109520
Added Sun, 28/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
район Хуайжоу

According to a resident of China who went on a trip to Beijing, he and his friends were exploring the territory of the Huaizhou district, most of which consists of mountains, when he felt the urge to urinate and decided to leave his companions for a while. In search of a secluded place, the tourist wandered into dense thickets and was about to urinate, when he suddenly noticed that he was not the only one who chose a pile of boulders as a toilet — a strange creature was sitting on the rocks a few meters away from him.

The stunned Chinese forgot about the purpose of his visit and, grabbing a camera in his hands, began to take pictures of the mountain dweller frozen in a tense pose.

Before the strange creature noticed the “paparazzi" lurking in the bushes, the man managed to take several pictures, and finally captured the flight of the bald "model".

Later, the tourist, shocked by this meeting, admitted that he was amazed at his courage.

“I went far away to pee, and suddenly I saw a monster—" he recalls. —I took some photos, and now I'm just shocked by my courage, because I had the courage not to run away."

After the Chinese posted pictures of the creature on the Internet, users of social networks came to the conclusion that the “creature” depicted on them is nothing but a creation from John Tolkien's books “The Hobbit, or There and Back” and “The Lord of the Rings” — Gollum or Smeagol.

However, the participants in the discussion did not have time to develop their theories of the origin of the mysterious creature, as its appearance was explained by a new commentator who introduced himself as an actor. He stated that there is nothing mystical in the story, because the photographed monster is... him.

The actor claims that he was dressed in a strange costume and made up because he took part in the filming of a science fiction film.

“Over the weekend, my friends and I went to the mountains to shoot a mini-movie in the genre of science fiction," he explained. — During the filming, I had to go out for need, and when I sat down to pee, this man suddenly appeared and began to photograph me."

Photo: dailymail.co.uk

Anna Romantseva


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

The art of the action

Various promotions advertising and art can be priniti randomly for the paranormal or issued for them intentionally.

A mysterious and mystical theme attracts people's attention so it can be used to attract the audience.

Here are various advertising companies for products, individuals, media, and various hudojestvennye installation, objects, land art (from the English. land art — landscape-art) and the like. This category can also be considered Museum pieces.

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