ID | #1638108938 |
Added | Sun, 28/11/2021 |
Author | July N. |
Sources | |
Phenomena | |
Status | Hypothesis
Initial data
A tourist accidentally photographed a mysterious creature with a long neck on the lake. A British woman who installed a tripod with a camera in the Lake District Nature Reserve, northwest England, claims that she saw a mysterious creature with a long neck in the pictures.
Some time ago, 24-year-old Elle Williams (Elle Williams) from London, came to the reserve of the Lake District National Park or Lake District, located in the north-west of England, to capture the change of seasons.
The woman installed a tripod with a camera on the shore of Lake Windermere, whose area is 15 km2, and the maximum depth is almost 70 meters, and set up the camera so that it takes pictures automatically during the day.
After admiring the picturesque landscapes of the reserve with green valleys, high mountains and the largest lakes in England during the day, Ellie took the camera installed earlier to view the resulting pictures. According to the British woman, she was looking at another photo when she saw a mysterious image on it.
"Coming to Lake Windermere for beautiful pictures is a common thing for me, and this time I also expected to get amazing pictures of wildlife and the lake itself," says Williams. —When I was looking through the images and came across a strange figure with a long neck-like formation, I thought it might be a swan or a goose."
Despite the striking similarity of the long-necked creature with the images of the Loch Ness monster, the woman is in no hurry to declare herself the author of the picture proving the existence of Nessie.
“I'm just glad I put the camera in the right place at the right time, that's all—" she stressed. — I do not insist in any way that this is the legendary Nessie and I will gladly consider all versions as to who the creature living in the lake or the reserve may be."
It is worth noting that the animal with a long neck was not seen for the first time in the Lake District. So, the first picture of a similar creature “with humps” was taken back in 2006.
"Who knows what it was. Let the experts puzzle over this," one of the eyewitnesses, James Ebdon, said at the time.
Anna Romantseva
Original news
Monster penghuni perairan Loch Ness di Skotlandia muncul kembali. Namun kali ini, makhluk yang banyak disebut orang sebagai plesiosaurus, salah satu jenis dinosaurus itu terlihat di Danau Windermere, Inggris.
Foto terbaru monster Loch Ness atau biasa disebut Nessie tertangkap kamera seorang pria yang namanya tak disebutkan. Dari fotonya, sosok Nessie terlihat di kejauhan, di dekat pepohonan di tepi danau.
Berbeda dari beberapa penampakan lainnya, foto kali ini memperlihatkan Nessie dalam kualitas gambar yang jauh lebih baik.
"Awalnya, kami mengira (makhluk) itu adalah angsa atau itik," ucap James Ebdon dari agensi Autographer, seperti dikutip, belum lama ini.
"Kami lalu melihatnya lebih jelas dan tertawa. Belum ada yang tahu apa makhluk itu sebenarnya. Kami menyerahkannya pada para ahli saja," tambah dia.
Menurut agensi tersebut, sang fotografer memasang kamera dengan tripod untuk mengambil gambar secara otomatis sepanjang hari. Setelah makan siang, dia menemukan 'Nessie.'
Nessie adalah sesosok mahluk yang hingga kini eksistensinya masih diperdebatkan komunitas sains. Sejumlah foto Nessie yang beredar di masa lalu telah dianalisis, dan terbukti hanya kebohongan belaka alias hoax.
Is this the Loch Ness monster – spotted 150 miles from its traditional home?
Photographer Ellie Williams captured this amazing image of what she believes to be a creature from the deep while taking snaps in the Lake District.
The 24-year-old had set up her camera tripod to automatically take photos throughout the day at Windermere.
It was only when she reviewed the images, which were supposed to be of the colours of the changing seasons, that she came across the shocking snap.
Ellie, from London, said: “When I set up at Lake Windermere it was business as usual to take some lovely photos of the wildlife around the lake.
"When I reviewed all the images I thought it might have been a swan or a goose, as I was looking at the image on my smartphone.
“I’m open to suggestions as to what the creature could be – I’m just glad I put the camera in the right place at the right time.”
It is not the first time an underwater beast has been spotted in the Lake District.
There have been several sightings of a monster, dubbed Bownessie, reported in Windermere before.
The first sighting was in 2006 and since then the Lake District lizard, described as a snake-like beast with humps, has appeared several more times.
James Ebdon, of Autographer camera company, said: “On closer look we thought it could be a larger animal like a horse with a saddle pack or something.
"Then we wondered if it was an old giant eel or catfish as seen on TV documentaries.
"Initially we were excited, then sceptical, and then we started laughing.
"Who knows what it is - maybe some kids messing about - whatever it is we will leave it to the experts.”

Photo editing began to be used almost immediately after the advent of photography techniques. They were divided into methods of photomontage without manipulation of the image after receiving the photo and retouching of the photo itself or its negative (plate, film, etc.)
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