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Circles on the field and other formations. Russia

ID #1637580181
Added Mon, 22/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
22.07.2005 02:00
Samarskaya oblast

Crop circles in Togliatti, July 2005.

Who posted the video on youtube Bloody Buratillo writes:

An excerpt of the program about the FIRST (2005) appearance of crop circles in Togliatti.I want to say that the NTVshniki arrived in TWO WEEKS!!! after the appearance of the circles, of course, the whole field was already trampled by crowds of curious people. I want to add a few details that were not mentioned in more than one program about these circles.

1.) The residents of Tolyatti lost cockroaches and mosquitoes disappeared from the streets

2.) A few days before the circles appeared, a silver triangle hung in the night sky (my son-in-law tried to take it off on his phone, but nothing happened, the camera was too weak (still 2005).

3.) Our nights in summer are short and relatively bright, if someone was poking around in the field with a flashlight at night, it would immediately be noticed, since many residents drink beer on the street at night after the heat of the day and there are even more people on the street at night than during the day))).

I personally with a friend was one of the first visitors to this place and probably one of the last. The buckwheat stalks were alive before harvesting, but the stems changed color to dark brown. There are photos from our cameras, but I don't know where and how to put them.


On the night of July 21-22, 2005, circles, lines and hemispheres of unknown origin appeared on the buckwheat field near the Southern Highway. Externally, it looked like this: a multi-meter pattern made of mown grass. Togliatti residents immediately began to talk about the invasion of aliens, and especially "advanced" in "extraterrestrial" issues claimed that these circles were traces of interference in terrestrial processes by forces unknown to man.

Hypotheses began to appear one after another. One of them claimed that unknown intelligent forces had installed "sensors" in geologically dangerous places on the planet. With their help, they collect information about geological processes. And when a particular piece of Land is on the verge of disaster, someone acts on the "sore spot" with his energy.

According to another version, these symbols portend environmental disasters, and arrows diverging in three directions indicate places where cataclysms will occur. Then various sectarians began to come to this place: some called out to the sun, others turned to the dark forces, and others "gained cosmic energy." Ufologists from all over the country came to the buckwheat field, almost the whole world learned about Togliatti.

However, the data obtained with the help of measuring instruments showed neither electromagnetic radiation nor radiation, that is, no anomaly. Nevertheless, even after five years, everyone remembers about this mysterious phenomenon.


On the night of July 21-22, 2005, from about 2.00 to 5.00 am, during the period of the greatest lunar activity, circles, lines and hemispheres of unknown origin appeared on the buckwheat field near the Southern Highway. The whole of Togliatti was excitedly discussing this event: is it really an invasion of aliens? Information circles followed the buckwheat circles: city, regional, Russian and, finally, world mass media started talking about the mysterious incident at the same time. There was no desire to pay attention to extraterrestrial frivolous devilry, but the intense interest of the citizens, first of all, took our journalists out of the editorial offices into the fresh air.

As if for the convenience of the curious, the circles are located a few hundred meters from the stop "19th quarter": numerous pedestrian paths lead directly to them. The field itself is teeming with idle onlookers, in the buckwheat bushes and on the crushed stems here and there are empty bottles-half a bottle of beer - fresh traces of unbridled and regular picnics. In front of the object, rows of cars constantly stop at the curb (we counted about a dozen of them at the same time), whose passengers cut new paths in the state farm fields. Undoubtedly, the unexpected attraction caused noticeable damage to the owner of the buckwheat field of CJSC "Russia": due to the damage, up to 30 percent of the crop from this site will be lost.

We are trying to inspect the area - even if not from a bird's-eye view, but at least a little higher than human height, in order to realize the scale of the loss of people's good. The two most convenient points are a sixteen-storey building on the Southern highway, 63, and a fifteen-storey building on the same street in the 49th house. The surrounding residents do not show a violent reaction to the guests, but look after them wearily and with poorly concealed hatred: over the past week, hundreds of people have followed our route without further ado, "tactfully" disturbing the peace of the aborigines. So, the last floor of the 63rd house is not the best viewing platform, an inconvenient viewing angle. House 49 is also "not a fountain", but at least something. Traces of the stay of homegrown ufo enthusiasts are visible everywhere: windows are open on the service stairs, cigarette butts are scattered everywhere (especially on the balcony). Beer containers and used condoms bye (bye!) it was not noticed. The view of the object of interest to us was amazing, upon inspection, I even thought joyfully: the message of the brothers in mind has finally been deciphered! Part of the field was dissected by a huge inscription of three letters: X ... Y (see the cover of the newspaper "Togliatti Review", photo by Mikhail Suchkov - approx.).

The stems of the crushed plants inside the circles are arranged in counterclockwise spirals. The edges of the circles and the dead ends of the branches are very smooth, on the main part the stems are burned to the state of straw, even the inflorescences are not visible, but on some patches the buckwheat is still green. According to the "old-timers", who now come here every day as a service, on July 22, all the crushed plants were green, the stems lay intact, as if they had grown, creeping along the ground. They conducted an "investigative experiment", crushing plants with their feet, laying them with their hands — the stems broke both in the middle and at the base, not wanting to fit into the already existing outlines. In principle, if the plantings are pressed with a sheet of plywood, as a shield, some semblance of the existing effect can be obtained. But some special device is quite difficult to roll through a dense field, besides, for geometrically correct figures, marking is necessary, traces of which would be visible to the naked eye. The outlines of the three-letter inscription are still man-made, or rather, trampled underfoot: their borders are noticeably different from the previously appeared lines.

Right there, on the spot, we exchanged views with Samaritan Sergey Davydov, who is engaged in the manufacture of amulets to help and protect all those suffering in the energy-informational fields. His companions were constantly asking excitedly:

"Do you feel anything?" - "Well, yes, it was hot yesterday, it's cool today, the weather is good..."

Nevertheless, Sergey said that there are already similar clearings on Samara Luka, but of more ancient origin, traces of circles on them are barely visible. But not far from Shelekhmet there is a noticeable clearing, in which, approximately at the level of a two-story house, all the trees are either bent or broken, as if crushed from above. Sergey demonstrated a soap dish camera, stating that he had already shot six films, and the batteries in this particular area are still in working condition and after each click of the shutter, the flash is restored instantly, which he demonstrated to us without leaving the place. To be honest, I managed to make sure that, for example, the cellular connection on the field is unstable: wanting to get through to the editorial photographer, I was content with only brief remarks "Hello, it's me", after which the connection was interrupted.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

The art of the action

Various promotions advertising and art can be priniti randomly for the paranormal or issued for them intentionally.

A mysterious and mystical theme attracts people's attention so it can be used to attract the audience.

Here are various advertising companies for products, individuals, media, and various hudojestvennye installation, objects, land art (from the English. land art — landscape-art) and the like. This category can also be considered Museum pieces.

Deliberate falsification

This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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