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Circles on the field and other formations. South Africa

ID #1637578536
Added Mon, 22/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
South Africa

Mysterious crop circles grow like our skin cells. In the dry grass wastelands of South Africa – in Namibia, Angola, South Africa - they are found every now and then. As a rule, these are almost vegetation-free areas from 2 to 15 m in diameter, surrounded by normal tall grass.

Locals have known them since ancient times, according to some beliefs, such circles are traces of the gods, according to others - they point to the underground dwellings of fire-breathing dragons, whose heat does not allow the grass to grow above them, reports. Unfortunately, no exact scientific explanation has been found for these circles. Many hypotheses have been expressed linking their appearance with termites gnawing plant roots, fungi, radiation and just ostriches. However, it has not yet been possible to confirm any of them.

And a recent study of these circles, conducted by Japanese scientists from the Institute of Science and Technology in Okinawa, revealed their new amazing strangeness. Modeling has shown that the distribution of "naked" circles growing in the African wastelands is very similar to the growth of human skin cells.

The researchers collected data from satellite observations of the grass wastelands of Namibia, and then studied a network of circles. It turned out that if you mentally draw something like a border between the circles – halfway between one and the other – they form a structure strikingly reminiscent of epidermal tissue. The number of neighbors in each "cell" will be the same – as a rule, six. Moreover, the percentage of "cells" having six, four, five, seven, eight or nine neighbors will also be the same in both cases.

Perhaps this indicates the fact that the growth of "bald" circles is the result of some biological factor. The same can be said by the fact of their "roundness", and the fact that they really grow, appearing small and gradually increasing in diameter.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Hubs moisture from termites

The reasons for their occurrence are not yet fully understood, but there is a theory, which is supported by most researchers. It suggested that the cause of the mysterious stains are the termite species Psammotermes allocerus. Through such circles Psammotermes allocerus collect water. Insects gnaw plant roots, thereby clearing them from the selected area. After the rains the moisture seeps through the sand and stored at a depth of 25-40 inches, while outside the circle the water is quickly absorbed and evaporated by plants.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

Scientists now consider the main hypothesis of the formation of such circles:

These so-called circles, and their appearance has been interpreted differently by scientists. There are versions of poisonous plants, an invasion of ants, and even toxic gases that come from underground.

But Norbert Jurgens says that this is the result of the activity of termites. These creatures deliberately diligently create rings to maintain the water supply in their environment.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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