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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Yeti. United States

ID #1637166675
Added Wed, 17/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
United States

The Snowman won back his territory from the American. A resident of the state of California, who dreams of living away from the benefits of civilization, moved to a rural house. However, now he will have to forget about outdoor recreation: the man claims that his plans were hindered by a snowman.

A former Silicon Valley resident named Ken left his job at a computer company and moved to a rural house to enjoy peace and relaxation in nature. But recently a man had to reconsider his plans because of a strange creature living in these parts.

"About two weeks ago, strange things started happening near my house—" he says. - A mysterious person began to scatter logs on my site, and then block the road with them. My nearest neighbors live quite far away, so I came to the conclusion that this is not done by a person," recalls Ken, who wished to keep his surname a secret.

The American continued to reflect on the antics of an unknown hooligan, when a brother living in the area came to visit him, who suggested that the bigfoot was the culprit of all his troubles.

"My brother went to the window and made a loud exclamation, similar to a cough with whooping cough, and about five minutes later we heard a similar response. And a few days later someone took my sofa, which was standing on the veranda, and dragged it 6 meters away from the house”" the man says.

According to Ken, what was happening began to get on his nerves, so he called the experts from the team searching for the Yeti and asked them to come visit him.

They did not take long to investigate, and upon arrival they immediately hung cans of peanut butter and sardines on the bushes, using them as baits.

“With the help of an infrared camera, we managed to record the appearance of a huge creature approaching the food, and it was definitely not a bear," says team member Tom Biscardi. - Bears don't walk on their hind legs. In addition, the footprints we found do not look like animal tracks. Apparently, the snowman chose the land behind Ken's house as his haven, since this is a secluded area located next to the forest”"

According to the British edition of the Daily Mail, Ken has no plans to fight with the mysterious creature and intends to give up walking along the riverbank.

“I don't think he's aggressive. It's just that this creature is trying to win back its territory. Well, I'll leave him alone, even if I have to stop resting on the riverbank”" he concludes.

Photo: krcrtv.com

Anna Romantseva


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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