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UFO. United States

ID #1636460261
Added Tue, 09/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1977 21:30
Андерсон, IN
United States

I was staying at a motel in Anderson, Indiana, in July 1977 when my traveling companion burst through the door to call me outside. the disk glides smoothly across our field of vision, moves slowly and tilts at an angle.

I saw again a magnificent vessel from a more advanced world or something else. The last time was ten years ago. It looked just like a large frisbee-like disk, with white spherical "golden ball" lights located along the edge and touching each other, and one spherical red light of about the same size in the upper central part of the ship. 

Within five minutes, he gradually disappeared from view, moving in an arc, not in a straight line. It was so easy-I just wish I could see it longer, and with binoculars. 

There were no sounds, smells or emissions. It was 21:30, the temperature was from 70° to 80°.

Original news

Date: July 1977
Location: Anderson, Indiana, United States

"I was staying in a motel in Anderson, Indiana, in the month of July of 1977, when my travelling companion burst in through the door to summon me outside. Once in the parking lot, I gazed up above the rooftop to witness a great disc gliding gently across our field of view, moving slowly and tilted at an angle."

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 7 (September 1984)


by David Roeck

"I was staying in a motel in Anderson, Indiana, in the month of July of 1977, when my travelling companion burst in through the door to summon me outside. Once in the parking lot, I gazed up above the rooftop to witness a great disc gliding gently across our field of view, moving slowly and tilted at an angle. It was slowly rotating clockwise and at so low an altitude (my guess is less than 1000 feet) as to make identification easy (for me, being familiar with conventional aircraft design). I knew right away that this aircraft was not a conventional earthly machine, and instantly felt the rush of recognition of once again beholding a magnificent craft from a more advanced world, or whatever. The last such time was ten years before. It appeared simply as a great frisbee-like disc with "gold-ball" white spherical lights arranged around the rim and all touching each other, and one spherical red light of about the same size on the top center of the craft. Within five minutes, it had gradually moved out of view, having travelled in an arc, not in a straight line. It was as simple as that - I only wished I'd been able to see it longer, and through binoculars. There were no sound, odors, or emissions. The time was 9:30 p.m., and the temperature was between 70° and 80°."



List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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