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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1636365100
Added Mon, 08/11/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
04.1963 18:00
Стейтсвилль, NC
United States

My family of five, including me, has just left the house to get into our family car. I recall that the approximate time was between 18:30 and 19:00 on Sunday evening. I remember this time because it was the usual time when our family went to church services every Sunday evening. I remember just having an early spring shower because my dad drove the car up to the house, which made it more accessible to us due to the ongoing drizzle.

We were all moving towards the car when one of us (I don't remember which one) pointed and said:

"What is this thing anyway?" 

I remember looking up in a north-westerly direction and seeing a strange oval-shaped object rolling from side to side, passing directly overhead. I remember how this object pulsates and vibrates with different colors. I would only guess about it. the point is now, but I would estimate its height to be less than 300 feet (90 m) above the ground. I do remember my dad saying it looked like he might land nearby.

I don't remember hearing any sound coming from the object, but my brother and sister say it was like a buzzing sound that an electric transformer makes on a power line.

I don't recall any of us being scared, but the more curious and surprised would best describe our reaction. We didn't tell anyone about it, but I remember that the newspaper of our hometown was full of reports of sightings the next day.

Original news

Date: April 1963
Location: Statesville, North Carolina, United States

"I recall looking up.. to see a strange oval shaped object rolling end over end passing directly overhead. I recall the object giving off different colors in a pulsing, vibratory sort of way... I would estimate it's altitude to be less than 300 feet off the ground... I do not recall hearing any sound whatever from the object but my brother and sister say it was somewhat like a humming sound."

Source: UFOEvidence.org

Summary: Rolling end over end oval object

Date Reported: 8/15/2004

Sighting Time: aprox. 6pm-to 7pm
Day/Night: Dusk/Evening
Duration: less than one minute
No. of Witnesses: 5
Urban or Rural: urban/city
No. of Object(s): Single

Full Description & Details

"My family of five, including myself, had just stepped outside our home to enter our family car. I recall the aproximate time of being just between 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on a Sunday evening. I recall this time because it was the usual time our family left to attend Church services on each Sunday evening. I do recall an early spring shower had just fallen because my dad had pulled the car to the front of our home, making it more accessible to us because of some continuing drizzle."

"We had all started to the car when one of us (I do not recall which one) pointed and said, 'what in the world is that thing?' I do recall looking up toward a North Westerly direction to see a strange oval shaped object rolling end over end, passing directly overhead. I recall the object giving off different colors in a pulsing, vibratory sort of way. I would only be guessing at this point now, but I would estimate its altitude to be less than 300 feet off the ground. I do recall my father saying it looks like it may land nearby."

"I do not recall hearing any sound whatever from the object, but my brother and sister say it was somewhat like a humming sound that an electrical transformer on a power line would make."

"I do not recall any of us being frightened but more curious and amazed would best describe our reaction. We did not report this to anyone, but I do recall our hometown newspaper being full of accounts of the sightings, the next day."

Witness Background:

"I have a background in psychology, education and teaching. I was a drug interdiction counselor for many years. I am currently self employed as an entrepreneur responsible for several web based businesses."

Reported Sighting? No
Name: Francis Gene Parker
Location: Waxhaw, North Carolina USA
Age: 55


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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